Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

It appears that all the public Facebook posts she made before the shooting regarding the apparent dispute have been removed or made private, but there was previously a comment by the eventual shooting victim under one of her posts about being bullied where she stated that she, despite being a self described “liberal,” had access to guns and would not hesitate to use them.

I have no idea what actually happened, but it seems that there was way more to the whole incident than meets the eye.


No you’re exactly right. Thanks.


Why does that logic apply to her and not to the person who shot her in the chest?



I think the only reason people are focusing on LK’s background is that no one heard of her before this, so they’re doing a little research. Just about everyone knows who MB is.


Does he have a history too? I’m coming at this from a position of knowing none of these people, beyond looking through the victim’s FB out of morbid curiosity (and it pinged a whole bunch of red flags on my radar). I tried looking him up through the NJ courts portal but nothing came up.

Ultimately I think this whole situation is likely an example of how having a gun around can escalate something from an unpleasant or crazy interaction into something that irreversibly ruins everyone’s life. It’s far too easy to escalate rather than calm a situation with guns around.

If I take anything out of this… there are a lot of crazy people in the world. If you run a horse business, or want to hire a trainer/barn, background check and social media check people before doing business with them.


Well, he did shoot someone twice in the chest.


I’ve clicked through posts and photos and hit saturation, but being fifty-something, I’m struck by the role social media has had in this situation. Not just the duck-face pix and post-incident commentary, but potentially the catalyst for the incident itself.

Years ago I saw my first reality tv show an thought “what a flash-in-the-pan.” Hah. Now it feels like real life is reflecting it back, and real people are acting out in ways as if cameras are rolling and as if there are no real consequences.


Maybe it’s her gun and he wrestled it from her and in the fumbling it was fired. Maybe it’s his and he was the aggressor.

Maybe he underestimated how volatile she is. Maybe not.

Maybe he was getting serious about evicting her and didn’t want the spectacle of calling the police. Maybe not.

The truth will out, in time.


I agree, but I’m sure that’s why jury selection is a thing. Take people not local to the crime, that haven’t heard of it, and use them. That’s how it’s usually done, right?


I mean, all of your suppositions are that Michael is the victim. Maybe he is, but maybe he’s not. I hope you can allow for that possibility as well




The post you quote literally contains the words “Maybe it’s his (gun) and he was the aggressor.”


Well, yes, but 1) we still don’t know exactly what happened and 2) I was referring to past history.

Several folks on this thread have referenced his background or past events, as folks were digging up hers, and I was curious what they were referring to.


It was an issue she mentioned on a FB thread, about moving five horses. One friend offered to do it and she thanked her, but declined at that time. One could assume then that there wasn’t another place available yet.

oh, my apologies. It was buried in the same block as an accusation toward the victim.

then more blocks of victim accusations.

Am I being too subtle??


Why would they charge him with unlawful possession of a fire arm if he wrestled it from her in a fight? Come on.


Literally every single “block” is set up as a dichotomy that maybe it was her, maybe it was him, we’ll see. So yes, you are being “too subtle” if that is what it means not to have actually read the post you are criticizing.


We don’t know what happened with her charge either.

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I suspect the movie will be out next week


If he had one that he didn’t shoot her with, maybe?

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