Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

It sounds like the source for the article is the boyfriend not the police. Interesting.


Itā€™s the Post - basically a tabloid, not a real news outlet.


Neither is Dressage Hubā€¦


Donā€™t even know what to call Dressage Hub. Vile filth that should never see the light of day??? I donā€™t think anyone would ever mistake them for a legitimate source of actual news.


A friend of mine came really close to being sexually assaulted when she was at the barn alone one night out in the (relative) boondocksā€¦ I mean, her place was 1 minute off the main highway but still isolated. Thankfully her neighbors/property owners were taking the trash out at the same time and heard her screaming. So yeah, I can definitely understand why a single woman alone out alone at the barn, no one nearby, etc. would want that. (FWIW, my friend got a very big, possessive dog after that.)

BUT. Not saying that people should be packing all the time, especially after this tragedy, just that I donā€™t think we should be jumping all over Maude for that.


Can you just imagine MB, sitting in his cell, having his lawyers ask him ā€œWhoā€™s DH and SW? Sheā€™s some huge fan of yours and going all over FB about how she supports you and thinks youā€™re great for shooting this woman, and wishing that the woman would actually die.ā€ He would be horrified. Her mad fan-girling would be doing him precisely no favours right now.


Were the charges dismissed in those cases or was she found guilty or not guilty? I couldnā€™t find any link indicating the disposition, only the date.

Also assault with a deadly weapon includes such things as a vehicle, not just guns. Someone I know was charged with that during a domestic incident, when it was alleged that he tried to hit his wife with a car. Charges were dropped when it was successfully argued that he was trying to leave the scene of a bad situation and she tried to block him from leaving.

Anyway, carry on.




I really hope some of you never serve on a jury. You have found MB guilty with no actual knowledge or proof of what did or didnā€™t happen. You are going in with pre-conceived ideas based on crappy reporting, speculation by others and deranged FB postings.
There is way more than has been reported going on.

Maybe wait until some real reliable details come out before locking him up and throwing away the key.

Patience is a virtue.


And he must rightly face the consequences. No arguments or defending his actions from me. Iā€™m just saying that one of them could surely have decided to walk away from this toxic situation long before it escalated into such a tragic mess. And that if a gun hadnā€™t been close at hand perhaps she wouldnā€™t be lying in the hospital fighting for her life now.


She had 5 horses. Iā€™m just wondering where all that money came from not that itā€™s relevant to the situation.


Thank you. My ā€œand for whatā€Ā comment was about the dispute itself. Whether itā€™s unpaid bills or bullying or harassment or whatever it was, surely itā€™s not worth putting your life in danger for, or ending life as you know it by shooting someone.


The only thing in that NY post ā€œarticleā€Ā that could possibly be verified is the statement about the suspect trying to evict the victim and that there were eviction notices posted on the property that the victim was renting. Isnā€™t there at least one poster here that said they were local and could verify if they had seen eviction notices? And please note that Iā€™m in no way trying to ascertain a motive, guilt, etc.


She wrote on her FB page about how hard it was to be a ā€œwoman of unlimited means.ā€ Classy.



2017 cyberstalking

Itā€™s kind of interesting to see the reactions of people on this. I can see at least twenty different scenarios that could have possibly happened that could have been instigated by either one of them, so I find it curious that some people are so adamantly convinced that one specific thing happened.

Where I live, it isnā€™t actually unusual to see people carrying guns openly. I dated a guy that used to carry. But, that doesnā€™t necessarily mean he was carrying at the time. Maybe she or her fiance had said something threatening to him and he had it then for protection. Maybe he had a gun somewhere and she or the fiance found it and were waving it at him. Maybe it was her gun, not his. Maybe there was an argument and he had the gun in an easy to reach place and grabbed it in the heat of the moment. I mean, there are so many possible things that could have happened, no one knows except those involved.


As far as that New York Post articleā€¦I stopped reading past the sentence ā€œblasted in the chestā€. I donā€™t trust any source that uses sensational type language like that.


There was a mention in passing that MB was injured.

Why did he think a pistol was necessarily accessory?

I am not sure anything anyone writes on their Facebook page came consideredā€¦ anything.
Is it the truth, or is it their version of the truth, or is it fantasy?
All are possible. Even all at the same time.

ETA, if she is so wealthy that itā€™s hardā€¦ why weā€™re you still at a farm, living there, where you said you felt you were in danger?
I donā€™t mean that as victim blaming, honestā€¦ but Iā€™ve always had limited means, but if I felt I was in danger, I think Iā€™d leave and take my horses with me, if I had $$$ esp.


Why does anyoneā€¦

A gun kept as protection has as much or more chance at being used against the person its supposed to protect, as to defend them.