Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I think she was saying the same thing as you. That’s how I understood it. Not that this tangent is relevant to this thread.


I thought it was abrant pointing out the irrationality of posting the victim’s past as an excuse for Michael shooting her, specifically the no one changes after 16 years claim. Maybe I’m wrong?


Ummmm, “and for what?”

michael’s life will be ruined because he TRIED TO MURDER HER.


Some of you act like you witnessed the whole thing go down and you’re actually only going off what you heard from the internet. Settle down for a minute.


I think bigmama’s point is that the ready availability of the weapon is the so what, not excusing the action. From a Canadian perspective, I know when I hear of these (possibly) heat of the moment tragedies, there is a factor of the gun in our thought process.

Murder by way of a hand gun/shot gun is just not as common for us.

So for me, when I read her so what, it simply factors in what may or may not have happened in this situation had a gun not been at hand.


Just know that as an American I’m extremely shocked that dude is walking around the barn at 2pm carrying a gun. That’s really not a ho-hum common American thing – definitely not your every day yard.


One of them was ‘assault with a deadly weapon’…


Totally get it- we currently live in NC and I still react anytime I see someone open carrying. I find it very confusing, because if I saw certain things at home in Ontario, I would immediately call the cops. I once saw a man walking in his yard with a hand gun and an automatic rifle of some sort, and I had no idea if that was something I should call anyone about. But how on earth do you even know, unless someone is pointing it? I know some horse people here who always have one near by as well.


Unfortunately, I think most average Americans would be absolutely shocked at how many people around them in certain parts of the country have a gun within easy reach at all times. I know multiple women who carry hand guns to church. One has brought a handgun in my car without telling me. If they were riders, I don’t know what they’d do when they were on the horse-may a holster of some sort? If they owned a barn, they’d have one in the office at a minimum, maybe another within easy reach of the stall areas.


As a lawyer - that’s not necessarily true. This is the stage of laying charges - self-defense is something his lawyer could still bring up, if applicable.


I saw a report that implied she was the one with the gun, he’s tried to remove the gun from her, he’s been injured and she received two bullet wounds. It is possible that both trigger actions were accidental, with a semi- or fully automatic weapon it is possible. Particularly if the first shot was resulting from both tussling over the weapon, and the trigger was actioned. I’ve seen people panic when their weapon fired, and squeeze off a second round straight up. My experience is limited, but I was a licensed weapons holder for work. I also work with both convicted and remand prisoners, and media reports are notoriously unreliable, almost to the point of fiction in some cases, when it comes to “what actually happened”.

Of course I am speculating here. I don’t know the two involved, the nature of this particular interaction, the ownership of the weapon or type of weapon (perhaps it was the kind that you almost couldn’t misfire twice), the capacity of either to use a weapon…

The fact that two other people were injured, including MB, makes me think that there is way more to the story than “he just shot her twice in the chest”. Also, the fact she survived both shots indicates to me that the ammo was lower caliber and that perhaps “chest” meant two glancing blows to her rib cage (as opposed to two centre of mass, on target bullets with expanding shells, etc.)

Someone getting hit twice in the chest with the ammo I was supplied at my job would be a corpse, twice over.


um he’s right up the road from me.

I know people who conceal carry.

I know people who open carry.

But in my life of horses I’ve never seen a rider walking around the barn strapped.

Maybe gun was in the car or a drawer and he had time to access…which to me undermines the all of a sudden they attacked him with knives story, but maybe.


I carry in my barn occasionally. A .22. There’s only one way in and out and I’m isolated. And, we’ve had rabid coons in our area.


Which is pretty different from a populated training barn in the middle of new jersey horse country with clients and grooms


Everything about this makes me sad. Barn drama. The fact that three people are hurt, and at least two lives forever changed. The amount of speculation - on the internet no less, where it will stay forever. Victim shaming (and we don’t even know who really is the “victim.” No one who was there is on this board and commenting. How about we just shut this down?


This entire situation makes me sick. No dispute on either side should end in violence. Their lives are forever changed and I can only hope the truths come out and the judicial system does its job.
I live 2 minutes down the road from the scene, we could hear the shots on our security camera system! That’s how close this was…
this entire situation has ROCKED a small and otherwise quiet town that NONE of these individuals were actually residents of. From how I see it none of them were actual residents of NJ. The posts on FB are disgraceful and this entire situation has disrupted the residence and quiet life if this town. A local summer camp down the road was put on lockdown, parents were unable to figure out what was happening. “Shooting or Active Shooting” is not something you hear associated with that town. Our police department is amazing and were quick to respond, but the force is small. As this situation was playing out another resident down the road house was fully engulfed in flames and lost everything. Maybe it was because our resources were stretched thin? Can’t help but wonder…
The location on which this happened is on a main road in that town with a very active hiking path, any one of those bullets could have hit an innocent person or child!
No matter what the situation turns out to be VIOLENCE is NOT the answer and NOT welcome in this town. Please keep your “Barn Drama” in check and leave the guns and/or knives at home!


Hasn’t Barisone been doing business in New Jersey for years? I thought that was where Colbert went for his dressage lesson with him, and that was in 2012, as I recall.

I’m sorry you have had such a disturbance in your neighborhood. And welcome to the BB, by the way.


As soon as I saw Wacko’s name, I said out loud “not this nutter again”.

The fact that she is involved via inserting herself in a high-publicity issue, is not shocking. Her history of unstable posts and behaviors should really speak to the condition of her brain (i.e. not quite fully functional).

And good LAWD! Nobody gets to shoot someone and it be acceptable except in serious cases of defense. Saying otherwise is seriously deranged.


Uh, the victim having a history including assault with a deadly weapon (and another charge of assault and one of harassment) does indeed count in this situation. Most of us manage to go through our entire lives resolving conflicts in ways that don’t involve assault or harassment. I don’t personally know any of the parties involved, but it does seem to me that the victim has a history of volatility. Does that mean she should be shot? Of course not! But it does speak to how she reacts in potentially volatile situations.



This article has more details about the shooting, including where it happened on the property and the way the events unfolded.