Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I know that. It was totally unfair.

But it’s irrelevant as a comparison to this situation.

Anyway, seems like MB was charged with attempted murder. (FIXED)

We’ll see what happened.


Maybe she was practicing her getaway.

Although a deadly weapon is usually something obvious like a gun or knife, it can be stretched to other objects depending on how they are used. A person could be innocently chopping carrots and then flip a switch because someone dragged a few footprints of sawdust into a perfectly swept barn aisle. Or maybe chased someone down with a dressage whip. Who knows.

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He’s been charged with attempted murder. He’s not been convicted.

Since this happened at 2 in the afternoon, I’m assuming the barn help/grooms/ working student(s) were around, so there will probably be witnesses when this thing goes to trial. It’ll be interesting to hear exactly what was going on before and what led to her being shot in the barn.


This whole situation is devastating for everyone on both sides. I just want to turn off the internet and go hug my pony


I hope this doesn’t sound selfish, but I said to myself today, thank God I’ve been having some good rides lately, to remind myself there is good in this world, and why I do this.

The details are still emerging about the situation, but regardless, I hope justice is done.


This is horrible.

I think I’ll go to the USEF Network website and watch the kids jumping tiny fences on their ponies.


I would like to point out that after I have read the entire thred here, looked at this woman’s facebook page and looked at the court records link, it appears to this former p.o. that there was some serious issues on this woman’s behalf that were creating problems for others around her. Having only been in the horse world for 7 or so years now, (I spent 20 in the mil) I am amazed at the level of crazy that some people with/near horses are. I had some close ties to the people who rode hunters in SoPines back in the day, and the stories they would tell…
I have been around multiple barns (three I boarded at) and I have seen more crazy there than working as a police officer. It wasn’t until just recently I finally found a trainer and barn that aren’t full of crazy people. Please understand, by crazy I mean that to be overly anxious/wild/and or/ really nuts. So please don’t take it the wrong way.
The woman that was shot would have been on my radar as a police officer a long time ago with that type of drama she was spouting on Facebook and her prior police record. I know a lot of people that do that sort of thing for attention and there are plenty of stories like hers that end up with a funeral.
That being said, I do hope she recovers, but I also hope she gets some counseling when all is said and done.


I am so thankful for my quiet barn.


The charge indicates that self defense is not on the table.


My god some of you are incredible.

Victim shaming-she’s fighting for her life after being shot twice in the chest by a man known to have some outrageous behavior and you seek to smear her by linking something from many years ago.

Nothing surprises me about humans anymore, though.

It is devastating for Lauren and her family. As for his decisions, I sure hope his life is spent behind bars.


Not necessarily. It could be that the facts are in dispute and if he’s going to have to prove self defense.
To not charge at all would likely have to be slam dunk home invasion armed robbery type of situation.


Self-defense firearms training teaches shooting at center mass to stop an approaching threat, which matches the reports of the victim’s injuries, though that’s not conclusive, obviously. I don’t know any of the people involved, so all of my comments are pure speculation. NJ also has some interesting gun laws, so the arrest isn’t surprising. I would not be surprised if Barisone argues self-defense, and based on her history, not beyond comprehension. I hate violence, but if (big IF) she and her SO were trying to kill Barisone, then I’d be glad the gun saved his life. And he may have reported her to police, but laws aren’t great at preventing attacks. If they were attacking Barisone, then the gun was smart to have, knowing a threat existed. It also doesn’t make sense for him to attempt murder like that - more likely he’d plan it, dispose of evidence, hire hitman, etc. just weird and reserving judgment until investigation concludes.


Her behavior has been brought to light as being rather outragous as well. Certainly there were two parties involved in bad behavior here. For all we know she attacked him with a pitchfork.


I believe we should wait for the investigation to be done instead of speculating about what might have happened.

It is really, really sad.


I’m so thankful for mine too. And for the fact that I’m relatively poor, fat, middle-aged, and exceptionally untalented, so that I’ll never have to worry about playing in the big leagues. It doesn’t seem like a place I would enjoy.


Well… the charges aren’t so much “juicy” as they are indicating a willingness to go what outside the law when angry. “Assault with a deadly weapon”? I plan to go my whole life and never be charged with that. I don’t think those charges show someone who was constrained.


Why don’t we also get her high school transcript?

If we are going to hold a trial here of her by a jury of 1000 of her peers, let’s also bring his background up.

He shot her in the chest, twice.


From my Canadian perspective, it just seems that having a gun at hand simply increases the likelihood that somebody will get shot. Both Lauren and Michael’s lives are ruined and for what? A dispute that surely could have had another, less tragic outcome. I’m sure there will be lots to unpack and tales from both sides but in the meantime, a young woman is in hospital and a man is in jail. Neither will come out of this situation whole again.


Did you really just say that?

It didn’t “make sense” that a sex worker could not get raped. Rather, it expressed law enforcement’s refusal to treat all citizens equally. Jesus. I can’t believe I had to explain that to anyone in 2019. I also can’t believe that anyone was trotting out that bias as an example of rationality.