Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

One of the news paper articles described the someone else as her fiance.

It can take a while to legally evict someone, especially if they donā€™t cooperate.

Notice must be given, and then if the person doesnā€™t comply and leave, then you have to involve the courts, etc - it can take months in some places.

If itā€™s true, (as I saw stated on a thread on FB, not on DH), that they were trying to get her off the property as long as a month ago, they may very well have been going through that legal process. (then again, Iā€™m pretty sure most of the horse world is crazy on some level, soā€¦)


From multitudinous and repetitious and apparently not read postings of SafeSport standards, unless she has proof and was reporting a minor being abused or bullied by the trainer then her complaint to SafeSport would go nowhere. It would be one of the 50% reported and not investigated because of not falling under SafeSport purview. Prayers for everyone involved. Horribly tragic.


I went to college in New Jersey and I sat in on court proceedings where a landlord was trying to evict a lady. Said lady hadnā€™t paid her rent in over a year. So laws in New Jersey are EXTREMELY favorable to the tenant.

Also, who was living where? Was Lauren renting on the property? She says ā€œnever become a woman with unlimited assetsā€ or something to that effect, so I assume she would live in a nice McMansion, as North Jersey is littered with those.


There is history; https://public.courtrecords.org/people/lauren+kanarek+nc/


yes Kathy Serio made sure to point out she knew how to use the the Google :lol::rolleyes:


Nothing about this woman has ever made sense to me.

I have no personal experience with LK at all, but I have seen comments that she still owns a home in NC. I first looked her up a few years ago when she was showing in this area, since she was an unfamiliar name in a smallish dressage world. I was scribing at the NCDCTA final show and got bored at lunch, okay?

At the time she seemed to be a typical lower-level adult amateur with an average-nice mare.

Her name stuck at the time because sheā€™d won the Training Level championship and posted some really snarky and classless comments on social media about the rider who (narrowly) placed second, which I think she soon apologized for.

A year later she was importing horses left and right and moving to NJ to train with Barisone. I could not figure out if she won the lottery or inherited millions or what.


Since it appears that this is going to be a legal issue, rather than just buried under the shroud of SS, at least many of our questions should be answered over time.




yeah I was like so what, speeding, speeding, speedingā€¦


Oh crap!


What has she been doing since 2003/2004? No one gets caught speeding that much, gets a couple of assault and harassment charges, and then gets their act together. And miraculously starts driving safely.


Probably thatā€™s when she moved to Jersey? Those records only showed what she did in North Carolina.


I canā€™t find the sauce, but I was reading that she had only been in New Jersey for a year or two.

Darn, where did I find that?!

I really didnā€™t want to comment on any of the threads on the various horse world insanity right now but I feel the need to point out that a 16 year old charge, though juicy, should have no bearing on the current situation.

This is like saying that a woman with a prostitution charge could never be raped. That anything coming to her is only what she deserves from her history.

Look - the horse world, heck the world, is full of bad clients, bad tenants, bad trainers. Someone shooting someone else is rare that I donā€™t think anyone would consider this a normal course of action.

And for all of those screaming about GHM needing ā€œdue processā€ā€¦what kind of due process did this woman get when she was shot? Yet so many people without knowing anything about the situation are sentencing her to grievous injury and potentially death for her crimes.

If it was self defense, the legal process will take its course. But it sounds like it was an escalating situation over weeks at the least and we may all have something to learn about confrontation management.


I feel like our paths have crossedā€¦you scribing, me stewardingā€¦

That saidā€¦she has a history of using social media to attack others - and MOST definitely not just about political opinions. There is a local trainer she basically eviscerated daily on social media at one point. I felt so bad for those she attacked. She was kicked out of one barn and outright refused to leave, threatened to sue the owners every other minute, the horse drama, the trainer drama, the missing but not missing fianceā€¦it goes on and on. Those who have crossed paths with her and walked away 100% okay post biz deals might be very very few. SCARY SCARY SCARY


They most absolutely can. You mean to tell me youā€™ve never known someone with a less than stellar high school and or college experience that hasnā€™t become successful as they got older and matured? I know plenty. This is not to say everyone gets on the straight and narrow, nor to say that happened here, because yes of course there are individuals who are ā€œcareerā€ criminals and/or never grow up.

This is starting to feel a littleā€¦ Diva-y if you know what I mean.


That example makes no sense.
Prostitution and rape are two really different things.

A better example would be to say a prostitute has better chance to go back at it again.

Same for a rapist. It doesnā€™t mean a rapist will rape again, but chances areā€¦ it will happen.

Mixing the two is irrelevant.

LK has a history of being a bully and has attack someone in the past with a weapon.

It doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s at fault this time, but it doesnā€™t look so well.



heā€™s been charged with 2 counts of attempted murderā€¦


It made enough sense for law enforcement to use it for years to avoid investigating or prosecuting rapes.


Oh my, gosh. What the heck went down at that farm?