Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Just because you own guns or discuss them does not mean you go around shooting people. I am a gun aficionados also and I would never shoot anyone unless it was in self defense.


I said ā€œcommentsā€ regarding her posts on FB surrounding the incident and just prior to. I donā€™t take anything read on the internet at face value. I simply said I would like to know more facts before condemning anyone. It is apparent that there is a lot more surrounding this situation than what is available in the article(s).




I havenā€™t been on here in such a long time I didnā€™t even remember I had an account hereā€¦but after an oā€™dark thirty text from a friend this morningā€¦Letā€™s just say that as is almost always the case, thereā€™s a lot of history not being reported that is not just specific to this incident.

Nothing justifies the gun violence or the shooting and the DH whack job needs to shut the hell upā€¦ainā€™t like sheā€™s squeaky clean in the good behavior departmentā€¦

So I will sayā€¦Once upon a time I accepted a friend request from someone ONLY because I was afraid that if I didnā€™t, there might be some unfortunate consequences if/when that person took to the Interwebz to tell the tale of my not accepting that friend requestā€¦then my business, etc. might be in the crosshairs.

Like I saidā€¦that this comes to gun violence is unacceptable and horribly unfortunateā€¦donā€™t wish this on anyone. BUT totally not surprised that this happened except for a little surprise that it didnā€™t happen before now.


I heard similar.

I donā€™t know MB; never met him. However if someone who lived on my property was posting on FB that they were buying guns and ammunition as a threat against me, I think I would make sure I had protection around. (Although admittedly, not being a gun person, protection would more likely be in the form of running and hiding).


This may sound like an odd thing to be concerned about under the circumstances, but I hope there were people around this morning to feed all the horses and take care of them. It sounds like there was a lot of craziness going on there.

I also hope everybody recovers and the whole mess gets sorted out.


Given some of the FB posts, this wouldnā€™t be a huge surprise - And somewhere it said that MB was injured. Sounds like this will be an evolving story, for sure.

I took a couple lessons w/ him YEARS ago, when he was in upstate NY and just a beginning pro. So cant say I know him, but cant remember hearing anything bad about him either.


The Facebook posts are truly disturbing.

Having been in training situations that have gone bad, it is truly unbelievable to me that someone would post such a commentary instead of just moving the horses to a new facility.

It is also shocking that if the situation was indeed so bad that either party was armed, it seems that legal action should have been taken much sooner.

The entire situation is truly, truly unbelievable.


Iā€™m in NCā€¦part of the local horse community where the victim rode. She scared me - Iā€™m even a bit hesitant to post this but I was not surprised by the news. I do feel bad for all those involved though. What a terrible situation.


Exactlyā€¦and she was kicked out of one of the farms where she boarded but REFUSED TO LEAVE. The barn owner basically did everything she could to not escalate the situation. Againā€¦the finality of fire arms as a solution seems extreme but NOTHING would surprise me about this incidentā€¦


There is a post on the COTH Facebook page now. I do not recommend reading the comments :no:

I think that no matter what the rumors are right now, or our prior personal interactions with the victim/perpetrator, we should hold off on sharing anything other than factual, substantiated information regarding this crime.

The tone that is becoming pervasive in our community via social media is very frightening, and misinformation is leading to all sorts of negative consequences. We are adding heartbreak to heartbreak.

Please, please letā€™s use this horrific event as an example of what can happen when people lose control of their emotions and sense of reason. Violence, whether physical, sexual or emotional has terrifying consequences for not just the victims and families, but the community at large. Misinformation can as well.

I hope that we can gain perspective through these horrific times and turn to our community for love and support. Each one of us has ultimate responsibility for what we put out into the world, and I pray that more of us (myself included) are more mindful of that going forward.

With all my heart, I wish you all safety and comfort during this very frightening and heartbreaking time.


Probably goes without saying, but should it turn out that Mr. Barisone is also a victim, I will feel just as bad for him. Bad situation all around.


Agreed - itā€™s such a shame for everyone involved.


And Nick Peronance(sp?) is weighing in down in the comments agreeing with her. This feels so bizarre.


This is an updated article. It doesnā€™t officially name the victim but it does give a name that matches the name of the person people have mentioned on this thread. It also says that Mr. Barisone is in custody as a suspect but has not been formally charged yet.


they both scare me


I didnā€™t expect that to be the full story, but I was so flabbergasted this morning when I was reading the preliminary reports. I had also fallen asleep catching up on the George Morris gossip so SafeSport was fresh on my mind.

This story is still bananas though.

IIRC SafeSport doesnā€™t handle bullying (I think what the victim has been describing over the past couple of weeks is ā€œemotional misconductā€ or at the very least not sexual misconduct, and would be handled by the USEF, as it is the sportā€™s national governing body https://safesport.org/files/details/144 ). It sounds like Lauren may not have fully grasped with whom she should be taking up her frustrations.

The backlash against SafeSport from the equestrian community has been really hard to watch. On the one hand, it highlights the prevalence of narcissism among our ā€œtopā€ trainers. And now on the other hand there is the possibility that the lady who was shot was leveraging a system designed to protect children from predators and abuse as a threat to try and destroy Michael Barisoneā€™s career. If this is what she was doing, it is at best imature, but leaning heavily towards evil.

And let me be clear, I am not familiar with the situation. I am a stranger on the internet speculating while I watch my sport sink to a new low every day. Iā€™ll be watching anxiously as more details emerge. I hope there is a somewhat reasonable explanation, but I donā€™t see how that could be possible.


I know nothing about the situation over than what I have read online, however, what appears to be the case is adults not behaving like adults. Social media is not the place to report SS violations. If the victim did threaten the trainer with violence (again, this is an if as I know nothing other than whatā€™s been rumored on social media) the trainer should have contacted the police, not taken matters into his own hands.


Law enforcement located one individual who had sustained what appeared to be multiple gunshot wounds. Two additional injured individuals were also located at the scene, including the suspect.ā€Ā
ā€œthe suspectā€ is Michael Barisone, so he was injured, as well as someone else and Lauren Kanarak.

Actually, Safesport does handle bullying, but only as it pertains to minors.