Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I hope she (the victim) will be ok. Looks like from FB page that she was gathering evidence the last two weeks.

Really, really sad situation.


I reported both Dressage Hub and Susan Wachovich. I don’t care what happened, promoting violence with the recent mass shootings is reprehensible.


I got redirected here from the GM page.

This is very crazy. And sad. Plenty of people have had a bad falling out with trainers at the end of a business relationship. Just move your horses and pay 30 days. Quickly and quietly. And trainers should let disgruntled clients leave.

This sort of craziness and gunshots through the chest? It’s not worth it


Has there been any confirmation that Michael Barisone was the shooter?

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She is not a big time rider - FB page indicates that she got her Bronze medal earlier this year, and is no showing 4th level. At the time of completing the medal, there were thanks to Barisone Dressage. She does say something in a recent post like “never become a woman of unlimited resources” So yes, wealthy client with a bunch of horses in training.

What a bizarre story. Hope she pulls thru.


This is absolutely bananas. What did he think was going to happen?!

“This client is a problem, let me shoot her.” Then what? Is a safe sport investigation really worse that jail? Unbelievable.


I’ve heard from a reliable source that the victim made it through the night.


Agree with this
What is even more odd is that client on FB indicates that she was being bullied and was on a campaign to ruin him. Some decidedly strong posts. BUT she is an adult, and even a safesport smack for bullying in this case wouldn’t probably warrant a suspension. The whole story is not yet known, but if he shot her, almost certainly jail time.


A couple earlier posts here including someone local to the farm indicate that he was taken into custody. But not verified by police or other official source so far as I know.

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Confirms hes in custody



While I agree with this and it was my first thought, I just feel the need to point out (not excuse) mental illness as part of (perhaps) some of the recent issues that have cropped up regarding SS.

On the hunter thread about RG, SS was blamed for his suicide, not mental illness. Now it is being implied SS (not by you, q uoting this b/c I liked the post) or surrounding issues were in the mix. Let’s not forget personal culpability and/or mental illness.

Some of these things may have well transpired without SS. It is like the person who gets a restraining order out against someone and then gets shot by them anyway- they were afraid for some reason and something terrible happened. Chicken or the egg.

It is crazy and sad times we live in.


I just saw Susan’s FB she’s happy this girl was shot, and she wished Lauren was dead. Susan is a sick person for praising this shooting!!


Absolutely ****ing unreal :eek:

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Such a tragic mess. I suspect there is a lot more going on here - not that anything warrants this level of violence. I believe the woman and her fiance were living on the property - in addition to keeping the horses in training.


I mean, this is just so
disturbing. On the one hand, my initial reaction after perusing the victim’s FB was, “Wow, she should not have put any of that out there in public!” On the other hand, I do not want to shame a victim in any way, shape or form. Nothing anyone says warrants being physically assaulted, especially being shot.

I really, really hope she recovers :frowning:


I read about this early this morning and some of the comments on the DH thread noted posts by the victim about having 2 guns with hollow point bullets 2 days before the incident. Also that the trainer sustained injuries during the incident. The whole thing sounds crazy, but I would like more info before jumping to any conclusion that he just shot her because of a SS threat


The more recent posts on the victims fb aren’t about her having guns, she says she’s being threated with being shot days before she gets shot.


Which she also says she did not have in her possession, citing NJ laws, it appears.

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The Dressage Hub page isn’t exactly solid reporting


I saw that, too, but noticed she said the guns were back in NC.