Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Ooo, good one.

I sure hope MB doesnā€™t plea out and goes to trial. Iā€™d let those chips fall where they may.


Yes. And Iā€™ve made that very clear. Further, on my profile it says my name. Additionally, if youā€™re attempting to pretend you had no idea Ć°Åøā€™Ā” I was/am ME, just stop. I may HAVE a screen name - but I certainly donā€™t hide behind it.
None of you know MB. Live there for two years then you comment with validity.

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A.) We we not ā€œsquatting.ā€Ā Nor were we EVER, at any point (and there are public records of this - or lack thereof at Washington twnshp pd) asked to leave. But cool story. We were just there today. Decided against staying only Bc of the trauma.
B.) I have zero convictions for cyber stalking OR assault. In 2003 (not that this explanation is owed to you- but everyone deserves a chance to save themselves from themselves) I was jumped by 7 girls at a bar. As I donā€™t drink, I was holding a mini cranberry juice bottle. I defended myself. The judge obviously agreed. C.) Never charged in my life for ā€œcyber stalking,ā€Ā ever. D.) You think MBā€™s record is clean? Think again. My charges (and all acquittals- since anyone can get anyone arrested- but it must be proven in a court of law) WERE DROPPED.

So, yes. Only one party here has a clean record. Itā€™s NOT MB. Get your facts straight.


You canā€™t be serious. Ok, Susan Wachowich. Heā€™s in jail. Iā€™m not. Common sense should tell you his story didnā€™t add up. Also, thatā€™s the WORST advice ever. He faces 2 counts of first degree attempted murder AND 2 illegal weapons charges. Heā€™s looking at about 35 years. Maybe 40. Butā€¦ you know best. I agree. Let the chips fall where they may. Ć°Åøā€˜Å’


I guess you missed the 2 paragraph post from 2 hrs ago, where I clearly state ā€œMB is a phenomenal trainer. One of the best. No one is sadder than me that he pulled this. But he did.ā€Ā (Paraphrased slightly.) But thanks for the recap of one my older posts. My fb page praises him up to July 2019. Whatā€™s your point? His training ability isnā€™t in question. His lifelong horrible temper - causing him to try and take my life IS.


Oh nooooo. See, itā€™s FOUR AM here. I fell asleep & itā€™s not my job to entertain any of you, However, Iā€™m unclear as to what you think youā€™re ā€œhearing crickets,ā€Ā over. Iā€™m Ć°ÅøĀ¤ā€ 98% sure Iā€™ve answered all questions- no matter how ridiculous. If I donā€™t respond, assume my lawyers advised me as such.


C.) Never charged in my life for ā€œcyber stalking,ā€Ā ever.

C. Never charged for cyberstalking/bullying ever??? Can you explain the pending charge from 2017 then???


may be but New Jersey there is a charge of passion provocation manslaughter, max time is ten years, mim time is five years


If you felt your life was in danger at any time, why couldnā€™t/wouldnā€™t you leave the farm? You were living in the house and he was sleeping in the barn. You sound like you have the financial resources to do so. Just pack in the middle of the night and go. Even if there wasnā€™t an eviction notice, surely you would have been justified for doing so.


Wow. Attorneyā€™s worst nightmare.


She was out to cause trouble. Probably saw MBā€™s vulnerability and decided to take advantage.

As one other person put it, she probably had a plan to try to take over the farm.


just wondering and of course an answer is not required but, Did you call Child Protection Services as reported in newspapers?

I know none of the parties but I am interested in what occurred so that I can see danger signals in future events but it escalates to this level

on his sprawling New Jersey farm had been accused of child abuse by the victim ā€” and was quizzed by state investigators just ā€œmomentsā€Ā before the alleged run-in,



I wonder this too. Just out of sheer curiousity. Iā€™m not owed an explanation by any means, but this is part of the story that doesnā€™t add up for people on the outside. If it was noted that this could spiral out of control/downward (the 911 calls sort of indicated this), why not attempt to remove yourself from the situation?

Iā€™m not sure about the living arrangement portion either, was there a lease? and why would he give up his house to live in the barn. I remember something about a condemned residence, but I cannot recall the exact details. Maybe the whole thing was a verbal agreement of sorts or a ā€œdeeperā€ arrangement that we just donā€™t know about.

Stillā€¦shouldnā€™t have ended the way it did. but there are a lot of unknowns. Each party will have their story, and somewhere in the middle will be the truth.


I checked and unless you were a party of the conversations your audio recording may not and most likely would not be admissible or even considered as evidence since New Jersey is one party consent state Your recording were illegally obtained.

New Jersey is a ā€œone-party consentā€ state, meaning that under the New Jersey Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance Act, itā€™s illegal to record a private, in-person or telephone conversation unless one party consents


I am not an attorney nor pretend to be one but as a complete side note on this, your admission of recordings may make this mess even messier subjecting you to criminal prosecution, violating the New Jersey wiretapping law can expose you to a civil lawsuit for damages by an injured party.

In all honestyā€¦ you had best put the computer away and focus on your recovery


Could not agree more.


Exactly! Lauren Kanarekā€™s rants on the internet reveal her personality - a sick and delusional individual, a nightmare for most attorneys.

Lauren Kanarek has a criminal record, including assault with a deadly weapon. Why she continues to rant all over the internet is a mystery given her history and what we gather will be an upcoming trial or trials.



You canā€™t make this crap up!!!Ć°ÅøĀ¤ā€Ć°ÅøĀ¤ā€Ć°ÅøĀ¤ā€ Note: there was no talk about the gun. Iā€™ll stand by taking this one to a trial just short of the DA offering a Misdemeanor. I believe a jury is going to have a hard time sending him to hard prison time. Way too much Wackadoodke going on with this one. I can see where this ā€œ oneā€Ā might make another person insane. I can see why someone may have ā€œ feared for his lifeā€Ā. A jury will see this too. I donā€™t believe one word of what she said here today. In my opinion, there is too much crazy going on to know if this person even can decipher truth. No lawyer in America is OK with his client posting on Social Media. At this point, itā€™s really hard to tell what happened. What a flipping nightmare. Who in the world would want THAT in their barn???


I was wondering when youā€™d pop up again. :lol:


Im not Michael Barisone or anyone associated with him