Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

This is my first post on COTH. What are you talking about?

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I have no idea what kind of person she is; I don’t know her. I’m just commenting on her open discussion and commentary when this is all still in the legal process. No attorney wants his client to talk about an upcoming case, no matter the facts or evidence.


This might just be that case which “ temporary Insanity” defense could be used successfully. This one could surely make someone lose all semblance of reason.


Either she has been told to keep her mouth shut or she hasn’t

If she hasn’t been told to keep her mouth shut, then she has no common sense. Most people would realize that commenting about an upcoming case is a bad idea.

If she has been told to keep her mouth shut, she’s clearly ignoring that advice based on her FB posts. that would suggest she’s either completely delusional or thinks she is smarter than her attorneys.





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I can only imagine how those involved with the prosecution feel waking up to this.




Would they even know about it until Monday? If then?

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could go there or in New Jersey there is a charge of passion provocation manslaughter

In New Jersey, there are four types of manslaughter charges: [LIST=1]

  • Aggravated;
  • Aggravated by causing death while attempting to evade the police;
  • Reckless manslaughter; and
  • Heat of passion death as a result of reasonable provocation. [/LIST]

    If a person is charged under passion/provocation manslaughter laws, the defense lawyer has to prove that the following four elements were in play: [LIST=1]

  • The act that provoked the defendant would have enraged or incited a reasonable person to act in the heat of passion.
  • The defendant was provoked.
  • A reasonable person would have acted immediately and would have had no time to stop and think or calm down.
  • The defendant did not calm down before reacting. [/LIST] The prosecution, in turn, will need to prove that someone died and that the defendant caused that death. They will also need to prove that the defendant’s actions were a result of an emotional response in the heat of passion after being reasonably provoked.


    again I am not an attorney nor ever played one on stage or screen but dealt with contract law for decades and there are specific guidelines that have to be maintained

    just from what was reported in the news and what was disclosed in the hearing to me the charge would/should fall into this Heat of passion death as a result of reasonable provocation…at least to me it appears to check all four requirements without a question

    but we have to wait to see just what occurs


    They’re probably not monitoring her online activity so I doubt they’ll know about it unless someone tells them.


    Another post indicative of a delusional personality.

    “none of you know MB”. That’s the kind of statement a person makes when they think they are smarter than everyone else, they are a narcissist, or some other such thing.

    There are plenty of people on this forum who know Michael Barisone.


    they might have started worrying about the loss of the book and movie deal




    That gun and how the shooting went down is still murky water. There was plenty of information given by the late night house guest on recordings and video tapes ( legal???) but alas, no info given on that gun. 🤔🤔🤔


    There were a lot of words given, but remarkably few facts.


    It’s difficult to discern whether she has made enough enemies that someone made that account or if she’s dumb and delusional enough to do it herself. I could believe either. Halfway bronzed? Several posts with assertions of being shot twice? :confused: