Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I would count on it being her!!!


Seeing as the account was made a couple years ago and the other post the account made was a while ago, from a new dressage rider singing MB’s praises 
 it’s legit.


Supernatural, check your PMs.

How did he get a hold of your gun?


Yes. Do Tell.


La-LaPopRider, you lost me at “Hello.” No provocation, huh. Sure, I believe you. What a victim you are!


I have no legal training whatsoever, but I was always of the understanding that manslaughter was applied to accidental death situations, even if it was a crime of passion. However in this case the victim didn’t die, so wouldn’t it be assault with a deadly weapon?


Is it just me or does anyone else see that this poster is a friend or relative of LK? Or maybe just a girl crush?


I was thinking the same thing. I’ve read a lot about manslaughter, murder, etc but since no one was killed I wondered what the charges might be.

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No. I think that poster is 100% correct in her assessment that none of this provocation is reasonable grounds for pulling out a gun and shooting someone.


I do agree with this.

I just have doubts that the incident was truly ‘unprovoked’ like last night’s houseguest claimed, and I think that all the cryptic social media ranting and seemingly contradictory claims will do her no favors if this does go to trial.


The question still remains, and always will, if there was such danger coming from MB, why not move or get restraining orders rather than continuing to poke the bear by calling Child Protective Services with false allegations?? I wonder what LK actually thought the outcome would be from all her harassment and threats? It is a very sad and troubling situation.


I don’t know that you can expect rational actions and choices from someone who seems to have such a limited history with them.


I wonder about the circumstances of the actual shooting, which I guess will only come out if there is a trial. Who brought the gun to the scene, and who owned it? Even if he owned a pink gun, maybe it was stored in the house that she was inhabiting, and she brought it to the scene herself. It’s entirely possible that LK pulled the gun out in one of her seemingly well known “episodes”, and that there was a tussle. At this point, there are two witnesses who both had it in for MB, and who both seem to have difficulty functioning (i.e. earning a living, getting along with others, etc.) in society. Clearly her social media posts of late confirm that she is [edit].

I do think actual forensics will be important here. I’m hoping he has the funds to pay for experts to help him in his defence. Nobody deserves to be shot, but clearly this is a complicated situation with a lot of “he said, she said”. When people have guns in their houses, there will be situations like this. Unfortunately.


A Fable:

Once upon a time, there was a wolf and a bear. The bear lived with his ladybear and her cubs, and they lived on berries and whatever they could find, not intruding on others. They lived happily this way for many years.

Then one day, a wolf moved into his cave.

The wolf had a stick. She started poking the bear with the stick, while crying out “I’M SO AFRAID OF THIS BEAR!! THIS BEAR WANTS TO HURT ME!!!”

The bear didn’t like being poked with the stick, so he tried to move away from her. He went to live in another small cave nearby, but where he could still take care of his ladybear and her cubs.

Many times, the bear asked for help from other bears. “Please help me! This wolf keeps poking me with that stick! She won’t stop!!” Other bears said “We’ll go talk to her.” And they did.

But the wolf kept poking with the stick while crying out “I’M SO AFRAID OF THIS BEAR!! THIS BEAR WANTS TO HURT ME!!!”. She kept on poking, poking and poking while crying out, and out and out.

It continued this way for months. And the bear kept asking for help. Other bears still did not help, they just tried to reason with the wolf over and over and over. But she kept on, and on, and on, poking with a stick while crying out “I’M SO AFRAID OF THIS BEAR!! THIS BEAR WANTS TO HURT ME!!!”.

Some of the wolf’s friends told her, “You don’t have to be afraid. Come to live with us here! We will keep you safe!” But the wolf said “No, I’ll stay here.” And kept on poking the bear with a stick while crying out “I’M SO AFRAID OF THIS BEAR!! THIS BEAR WANTS TO HURT ME!!!”

Finally, the wolf started poking her stick at the bear cubs. She poked the cubs that the bear loved. He had told his ladybear that he would help her take care of the cubs and protect them, and here was this wolf, poking them with a stick.

And finally,

the bear thought,

“Yes. I DO want to hurt her.”


I think there are many prepared to help MB financially for his defense if necessary.




Count me in. I’ll donate to his defense.


A former po would have read the dispositions on the 2003 (16 yrs ago but whose counting) charges. Fail. It’s not that difficult. The acquittal records are public. Was jumped by 7 people at a bar Bc
 when you’re 22 that kinda stuff happens. Didn’t realize you were fault free in life. Anyway, my criminal record was clean enough to register two weapons in NC Bc it is SQEAKY CLEAN. As an “ex po” u should know, anyone can be arrested at any time for any reason. Courts decide guilt or innocence. Guess you’ll have to judge me on fb page now, since not one person bothered to read the actual outcomes of my 16-14 yr ago arrests.

My fb page is mine & I can be as silly or serious as I want 
 my actual friends know who I am. As do my horses. Thanks for your lovely opinion though.

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Forensics are unnecessary. We know who gave mb the gun. She’s next to be arrested. Or, that’s the plan.
This case is cut and dried. I was shot in the middle of the day for NO reason. MB’s gf didn’t want us there- too bad. We don’t conduct biz w her. She wanted that house for herself ever Since she broke up mb and vk marriage. More to the story of course, but my attorneys prefer I say little as possible. Please, judge people only when YOU become perfect.

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