Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Quoting for posterity.

if you really are Lauren Kanarek, you most certainly have a criminal record.
Definitely not “squeaky clean” by any means.

And to dispel a few other myths, I know plenty of people who are 22 and didn’t get “jumped at bars” if that is in fact a realistic explanation of why you got in the trouble you did.

Furthermore, the person you quoted doesn’t have to be “fault free” in life in order to comment on anything.


Omg. You people are just as bad as Wachowhich. Think about that.


There were charges on 12/12/02 of assault and simple trespass, both deferred disposition; a charge on 2/6/03 of assault with a deadly weapon with a voluntary dismissal; and, on 8/5/03 of communicating threats and harassing phone call, both voluntary dismissal.

For sure there was a pattern of behavior then that seems to have resurfaced. These are merely facts from your past people are pointing out. Nothing more or less.


Excuse me? I did get jumped at a bar. By 7 people. That charge was “assault w a deadly weapon.” That “weapon,” was the mini cranberry juice bottle I was holding Bc … I don’t drink. And no, I have zero convictions on my record. That makes it CLEAN. Or, do you not understand how dispositions work? Never mind. Got my answer in your reply.

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Was one of those two weapons you registered in NC the gun you were shot with?






Was she shot with one of the two guns that were registered in North Carolina?

  1. Forensics are necessary. To suggest otherwise is asinine
  2. There is no such thing as perfection. If people had to be perfect in order to make judgements, there would be no judges and no juries. People can comment on whatever they wish to.
  3. If you really are Lauren Kanarek, you certainly aren’t paying attention to your attorneys!

You do have a criminal record. Absolutely. It isn’t clean.


Because the Bear was temporarily Insane!!!


Maybe they’re just patterns of someone else’s behavior in calling the cops for ridiculous reasons or no reason at all. You read the DISMISSAL - did you not? Many times. No, every time. No idea what the 02 charges were but they must have been dumb Bc they were dismissed.
Onto 03’ - my best friends was cheating on her. I told her. He filed harassment charges. Included the phone call. She is now DEAD, Bc she killed herself when she caught him red handed while she was 2 weeks out from giving birth.

Interesting no no one mentioned the 900 speeding tickets. I didn’t get dismissals on those… oh. I see. Speeding isn’t as juicy as some erroneous charges which you can blatantly see - were dismissed. Just to point out, when a case is dismissed, you go back to being innocent. That’s how the court system works here. Luckily, too. Imagine if I wasted my time going through everyone of your records on this forum… bet I’d find REAL juice. No dismissals either.

Ah yes. The old “minding my own business, studying the Bible and drinking a wholesome glass of [cranberry juice] when I got jumped by these 7 people! No, I never saw them before.”

Tale as old as time.


Again, a record with arrests but all dismissals is considered clean. Also, it doesn’t help your accusations that the most recent charge was 13 yrs ago.
You don’t know me. You don’t know MB. You weren’t there, were you? Stir the pot elsewhere.


Perhaps it would be wise to shut this thread down at this point - as it is not helping either “side” in this sad, chaotic mess and may be edging into legal territory that most of us posting on COTH are not involved in.

@Moderator 1


As far as MH breaking up anyone’s marriage, I don’t think that is for anyone to judge or assume nor is it relevant to this situation. From all the posts I saw from her regarding you, she was always complimentary and remained above the fray even when threatened and called the police. Many of the posters on this forum have known MH for over 20 years and she has always been nothing but pleasant, courteous, accommodating, kind and an amazing mother.

If your attorneys prefer you say as little as possible (which I’m positive they’ve advised that), why are you posting? You don’t need to defend yourself in the eye of the public. Why do you care what anyone is saying or guessing or wondering about?


If you are Lauren Kanarek:

  1. your record is indicative of a pattern
  2. You appear to have in insatiable desire for attention based on your posts on the internet and social media
  3. If your attorney has told you to keep your mouth shut, you certainly aren’t following his/her advice
  4. You claim that you are innocent, didn’t do anything to provoke your troubles, but the evidence suggests otherwise.


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If you thought your life was in danger, why didnt you leave? You had offers to board the horses.
Can you post photos of your 2 guns? One was also a 9 mm Ruger, right? Are you lying about owning 2 guns and passing a background check?
Why did you harass someone you didnt know who’s child drowned? I’ve seen your posts about that. Why her?


How many people have been to a bar, many bars, and have never been attacked by 2 or 7 or 10 girls. Time to recognize the part you play in your “ bad” situations. I’m very sorry you were shot. You are lucky to be alive.


Don’t make assumptions. You don’t know whether I know you or not. Nor do you know whether or not I know Michael Barisone.

As for stirring the pot, we aren’t. You came on to COTH and spewed nonsense. Others are merely replying to put you in your place and offer a rebuttal.