Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

No, it sure appears he was fearful and definitely in danger in his 911 calls. I’m not “desperate for MB to be a person he is NOT” but his behavior is out of character, your’s, however, was definitely in character to what others have reportedly seen from you.

Why did you call Child Protective Services? Why call MH’s husband? Why didn’t you just leave?


Hopefully mentally changed for the better after you seek and obtain help for what are obvious mental issues.


I have no idea who “RC” is. LK’s boyfriend is “RGG”. Could have been a typo or deliberate mistake. Still a WOW revelation.


Wait. Just read a sentence I missed. “That’s why you got in the trouble you did?” I got in NO TROUBLE. That is what “dismissal” means. I feel like I’m repeating myself here…

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I realize I’m nobody on this forum, rarely post. I agree, there’s nothing to learn now and seems to be kind of senseless taunting.

“Lala” I encourage you to attend to your physical and emotional healing. Your horses need you. Your bf and family need you. Let karma deal with the rest.


Please DON’T shut this thread down. It appears for the first time more information is coming out that may be beneficial to both sides!


Those “many people,” will demand a refund when they hear what actually happened. Mb has a great lawyer. As he should. He may have shot me trying to murder me, but he’s entitled to the best defense possible. He is gonna need it. Save your money. Mb just got a big fat insurance check. Bc… well, that’s how conmen roll.

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by your own admission, a group of people jumped you at a bar.
As others have stated, plenty of people go to bars and don;t get into trouble.

Your record isn’t “squeaky clean” either. That has been demonstrated multiple times.

Go through your personal history and yes, it’s obvious you’ve got yourself into a lot of trouble. Look at the trouble you are in now!

part of the delusional narcississtic tendencies…


Wow. Such bitterness (rightfully earned in many respects) but you still won’t/can’t explain why you didn’t leave this “conman” but stayed to harass him at all hours of the night. It sounds a bit obsessive.

There was a line in the dialog of the last episode of “Yellowstone” (great series if you need something to watch) where one of the characters says, “but no one ever fought back”. Perhaps that applies in this situation.



Great story. You’ll have to make some serious edits when SafeSport delivers their verdict and the judge and jury hear the mountainous evidence against MB. Otherwise, your fable is fabulous. One question. Which animal refuses to a pay a long overdue bill? Wolf or bear? AFAF

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How on earth would you know that unless you are checking his mail??? He’s in jail and MH has safely left the area, so are you caretaking the property now?


As for SafeSport, there are many who are reporting your past actions to SafeSport now.

Again, IF he owed you money, why not take legal action rather than constant harassment and calling Child Protective Services and issuing a false report?


Let Karma deal with ALL of them. :wink:


Taunting and provoking from both sides does no one any good. Plus some of you are hiding behind screen names while seeming to know a great deal more about the situation - and thus lack any kind of realistic credibility. This is now an actual legal matter - and not just a thread where posters are speculating, venting, discussing and sharing thoughts/concerns.


I don’t know why it’s such a struggle for people to grasp this. America’s gun loving culture or just willful blindness?


“Are you Lauren Kanarek?”

Does anyone see her name in her profile?


This thread is for sure entertaining me while I wait for an appointment, but yikes. It’s going too far. LK should only be telling this stuff to her legal representation and not a bunch of strangers on the internet. The back and forth going on now is just pointless.


Once one of the “sides” appeared and began posting, questions were asked and answered. That is speculating, venting, discussing and sharing thoughts/concerns IMO. No one has been ugly, calling names, blaming anyone other than asking legitimate questions just as they did for 92 previous pages. As far as I can see, no one has crossed any legal boundaries.


“unless she endangered his safety at the moment and he was defending himself, no other explanation is necessary. IMO” (Marla 100).

Right there is the reason why people have a hard time believing the “I’m innocent and did nothing to provoke anyone” story. I’m no gun lover and am not willfully blind. At this point, NO ONE KNOWS WHAT REALLY HAPPENED and clearly the person it happened to isn’t telling the whole truth and nothing but - especially as that story keeps changing. Credibility has flown out the window.