Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I dunno. I’ve been in plenty of bars around the world, and this just isn’t something I’ve experienced.
Anyone else out there have this happen to them ?




Too late !


No matter how crazy, I don’t think LK would be stupid enough to post here. I think La-LaPopRider is having a good laugh.


Nope, but I don’t drink much cranberry juice.


No, it was definitely LK.


[I]See post #1915:

Originally posted by Joanne View Post

Appears that you do.

Are you Lauren Kanarek?[/I]

Yes. And I’ve made that very clear. Further, on my profile it says my name. Additionally, if you’re attempting to pretend you had no idea 💡 I was/am ME, just stop. I may HAVE a screen name - but I certainly don’t hide behind it.
None of you know MB. Live there for two years then you comment with validity.

And, NO her name is not in her profile.


I see that. In reading I see one thing that leaps out at me: when LK says MBs girlfriend wanted them out so she could live in the house.

It’s clear that LK doesn’t realize that SHE DOESN’T OWN THE HOUSE, MB DOES AND HE HAS THE LEGAL RIGHT TO DO WITH THAT HOUSE AS HE PLEASES. LK did not have a right to stay there indefinitely yet is speaking as if she had the right to stay there. That the g/f wanting the house just wasn’t a good enough reason for LK to leave.

If she didn’t think that way, then a statement about the girlfriend wanting the house would never be said.

I was a tenant. The landlord asked me to move so his pregnant daughter could move in. Guess what? I moved. No drama needed. I didn’t say “oh I’m not leaving, I was only asked because the landlords daughter wants to move in”.

Seriously LK, stop posting here. You are making yourself look worse and worse with each statement. You are so deep down the rabbit hole you can’t even see how you look.

Focus on healing.


Manslaughter is defined as a death that was not purposefully caused. A death by accident or even possibly negligence.

But it was my understanding that the charge here was Attempted premeditated murder which carries the prosecutorial burden of proving MB attacked LK in a planned assault with the intent to kill. It has that extra burden of “intent to kill”.

Unless the charges changed which I’m unaware of.


MH, MB’s fiance, had no reason to want the house. She and her children lived in the main house.

The house LK and RG were living in is a rental house that had recently been condemned, reportedly due to shoddy bathroom work done by RG (that is rumor) but the Fire Department had told them both to leave the property when it was condemned. Again, they didn’t.


Call me confused. If MB was living in the “main house” why did they supposedly move to an apartment in the barn? So there are two houses on the property?


Yes. He moved to the barn for safety reasons and to be sure the horses were safe since they had been entering the barn at night causing disruption. I believe there are 3 or more houses on the property but I am not positive.


But the whole family was in the barn. Or am I mistaken?

So wait. The story posted earlier on the thread that they were all living in the same house was not correct? Didn’t someone many pages back say they were all staying in the same house together until MB moved into the barn?


IDK. I am not at all positive of the housing arrangements but I know they were upset at the work done on the house and subsequent condemnation of it. It was rumored that RG deliberately did poor work and called the inspectors out and it was condemned. This occurred during the midst of the turmoil as I understand it.


Doesn’t at least one of the 911 calls indicate MB is in his home and LK and RG were outside his window harassing them? I can’t imagine they all lived together in one house at any time!

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Maybe that’s where the $50,000 she claims he owed them comes from?


And on a lighter note… Do you know what a dressage riders preferred method of birth control is? Their personality!!!


Only 1 house on the property. MB and family were on 1 floor, LK & RG were on another floor. House was being set up like apartments.


That could very well be true but my observation was more focused on what LK said as her position which showed a sense of entitlement on her part.