Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Are you serious? Are you implying that an expert witness /psych would diagnose based off an anonymous posting on a probably little read other than horse person specific chat forum?


Yes. I’m serious.


“the forums suggests Ruth Cox the barn manager but it was removed so I don’t really know.”

so DH ie crazy desperately trying to be relevant/lost all her fan base wanna be FB famous loser poster is apparently 24/7 watching and lifting comments off this thread now.


What can we do to get SW to return to this thread to defend her honor in a smackdown match against Lala?


What makes you think she’s not already here?


Truth. And probably the only thing in this thread that is. LOL!


Well she has a distinctive style. The only person on hear who really sounds like SW is our lulu lala whatever. And I almost wondered but lulu really did have a previous post about how wonderful MB was and how he brought her from training level to Grand Prix in a year.

Besides, I didn’t mean here under an alter or lurking.

I meant here out in the open for a smackdown with LK.

I think that would make this the ultimate train wreck ever.


K. So you obviously don’t know who RC is. You’ll have to research that yourself. I have 3 separate cases going on right now. I won’t name names. Sorry.

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LK is in the house. Expect a post soon

None of the quote you’re responding to is true. We all lived in the house together. Separate apartments. Also, I showed “entitlement,” how exactly?

SW is angry Bc I defended some fellow competitors in fla when they couldn’t defend themselves. Yes- I visited EVERY legal avenue and even the show grounds managers at certain facilities which I won’t name. I don’t bully people. I do all I can to stop bullies. I stopped SW. Shes pissed. She will have to get over it. My girls can compete now w out having to worry DH is recording them trying to make them look bad.


That’s funny. SW only responds when SHE can control the narrative. But, truly, good luck. Besides, (call me narcissistic) I’m on a different level than Susan Wachowhich. I don’t wish death on people. Or, mostly anything else that dreaded woman would opt to do.


I wasn’t speaking to you and am uninterested in your defense. Your words are clearly stated.


I agree.
But, RC was never, ever ever the barn manager. She paid for half of one of MB’s gfs horses. Bc shes his gf, she’s been promised a spot on 2020 team repeatedly- and WEg 2022 if that fails. RC is merely a partial owner who slept on a mattress outside this horse’s stall. They argued constantly about the care, feed, training etc of this horse. Thanks to them, I’ll never go halfsies on a horse purchase.

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So What I don’t get are a couple things. Why are people speculating on what type of murder charge MB will get when he didn’t kill anyone? I mean, no one’s dead. There would be other charges, but qualifying for any murder charge is wierd. Second, why would LK have any attorneys? Barisone is the defendent, and the prosecution is the STate of New Jersey. LK isn’t a party in this criminal trial. Even if someone thought she’d be a great benefit on the stand, she doesn’t get a lawyer in this case. So why is everyone so concerned about her lawyers “letting” her speak? She clearly has had no one advising her, has no attorneys, and for the reasons I mentioned, that makes sense.


That’s horribly sad. No expert psych witness would ever diagnose a shooting victim as a “sociopath,” for merely replying to some comments which hold zero truth.

Besides, there isn’t all much to say. As I said, at least one article got it mostly right. But, accusations of “love triangles,” and “squatting,” - are just too ridiculous to ignore. I’ll listen to my attorneys though. Not you, if that’s alright by you.

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Dang, exactly how many girl friends did MB have on that property?


SW has no honor. People who pat an attempted murderer on the back have no honor. Luckily, I do.

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The charge is ATTEMPTED murder. And apparently that’s not been reduced to date.


Ruth Cox, the barn manager. It was mentioned in the news article, here https://patch.com/new-jersey/longvalley/war-cops-called-5x-olympians-farm-shooting