Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Interesting - HONOR: adherence to what is right or to a conventional standard of conduct.


Yep! That’s correct! Mb isn’t the owner of that barn, anyway. I only mentioned that we were owed money. If I wanted “the world,” (aka Coth forum which a friend directed me to) to know about this deal, I’d have said it then. Mb knows what he did. He will have to live with that. Hope his gf & her lies were worth it.

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your point? I try to do what’s “right,” as best I can. I thought no we can agree, much of this forum lacks any “conventional standard of conduct.” I’ve come here- (like all of you) and spoken my piece. Again, no differently than anyone else. Except, I’m speaking the truth. The rest is just bananas.

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There are many reasons why she’d have five attorneys.


Says “acting barn manager” again no real facts maybe MB was hands on manager until um
 things went bad.


Is it “right” to stay when you’ve been asked and told to leave? Is it “right” to call Child Protective Services and file a false report?


@La-LaPopRider, one of your friends alerted you to this thread a few days ago and you decide to start posting on it? I don’t understand why. Why not let the courts take over from here and let the authorities do their job?


I’m so confused
which girl friend? RC or MH? What lies did either tell to cause all of this to happen to you?

Is it true that Lauren called DCF prior to being shot?

Or, maybe she covers as barn manager when he’s away at shows. Could be alot of reasons why she’s “acting barn manager”. However, I believe Ruth Cox is the RC that LK names. Without naming, of course.


Yes. They had just left when the incident occurred. Apparently she also called their father and told him the same story she told Child Protective Services.


Yes, now that’s interesting.Its like new ideas just keep coming off her keyboard. I thought the problems were Barisone being harrassed by LK, so he made the unfortunate mistake of shooting her. Now, its actually that he owes LK 50k (or more); that his girlfriend told lies about LK which contributed to the shooting (were"worth it"); They were or weren’t living in the same dwelling; she was arguing with Barisone outside the house she lived in but no, she was sitting on the front stoop minding her own business reading a book when he shot her; she’s bragging about (illegally) recording everyone in the barn; she was introduced to COTH by a friend to start posting on this thread, but actually had created a profile here in 2017, and written some posts some time ago, so actually has known about COTH all along.

Well, color me confused. Story changes every few pages, or less.


So why wouldn’t you leave when asked, and if you felt your life was in danger?


Maybe you’re unaware of Safe Sports purpose. I was. They’re pretty much only interested in minors. They asked me questions. I told the exact truth. Not that I owe anyone an explanation. As I told SafeSport, I don’t believe mb MEANT to behave in the way he was behaving. He just didn’t know better Bc he doesn’t have kids. SafeSport had a different view. I also told them about the body shaming. Just ask ANY female who has ever been in full training there. Mb is a perv. Also, I NEVER called the father. But
 it seems you think you have better info than I do. That’s interesting.

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Between that, and her admission to bugging the barn and recording everyone who went into it, admitting that she wished Barisone had actually started eviction proceedings (instead of shooting her) (which admits, in my mind he had reason to evict her, want her gone), and how she didn’t leave when he had asked her to leave, and apparently when the fire department had required her to leave, there’s more going on, on her side than her just sitting on the stoop innocently reading a book and caught unawares.


Out of pure curiosity how did you expect this to end prior to the events of August 7th? What were your and RG’s expectations to end this toxic relationship? Again, why didn’t you just leave when asked? As absolutely horrible as you’ve made MB out to be, why would anyone in their right mind stay with him and totally refuse to leave?? Immediately, as fast as bags can be packed?

So, instead of Child Protective Services, you called SS to lodge a complaint about how MB was treating the children and they called CPS?


. YES. Perfect. Aside from MB’s bullshit attorney spinning the story ALREADY- the reporting is ALMOST correct. Blatantly states, “MB said there was no threat.” Do you people not understand? HE was calling the cops as a HARASSMENT tactic against US. It’s even in one of the cops reports. MH and RC called the cops on RG and my FATHER the day after I was shot and had a clear plan to retrieve my barn stuff. So
 even AFTER I was gone from the property (Bc I was fighting to live) they were still playing games. The only thing which transcends MB’s arrogance is his sense of entitlement. But, his thugs know who he is and condone this.

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Bet she called both SafeSport and CPS


Yes, I can imagine your father and RG calmly and civilly walking into the barn or house or whereever they confronted MH and RC. Bet they asked to be served tea and biscuits too. What was the sudden hurry to get your stuff out that day and not any of the days before the shooting??

And, I am confused, yet again! Earlier you said MB had excellent attorneys, but here you say “bullshit attorney”.

Do you take responsibility for ANYTHING in this entire situation or are you totally blameless?


Why was he harrassing you? What did he want that you were not giving him?