Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

WTF makes you think the House was condemned? 🤔 And wtf do you think called the Fire Marshal & Building Code Inspector ?? Sorry, but I won’t have my horses in a fire hazard. Mb was building illegal things and that’s all you need to know. Our apartment was NOT condemned. The barn was as was their side of the house.
Was just there yesterday! So odd. STILL no eviction notice and a thousand apologies from the owner.

K I’ve answered enough of your questions. One for you. Which “3 barns,” was I “kicked out of?” I don’t do fake news. So we’re gonna clear this up right now. Oops! Didn’t see that coming did you? Crickets.


This question won’t be directly answered for a variety of reasons.

I’m not sure what outcome LK expected out of staying in this situation.


I was following the thread and noted that the post count had really fallen off. Now it’s high again. Coincidence?


Never said I was “introduced to Coth,” the other day. Just directed to this specific forum.

Maybe the problem you you are having is reading comprehension. Do yourself a favor. Go with either EXACTLY what I have so far stated- OR rumors. Mixing the two will only cause you more confusion than you seem to be experiencing.


I just did a property record search for 411 W XXX Rd and it definitely IS owned by MB.


Exactly. So you already know there’s more to the story & im literally blocked by my attorneys from answering such questions.

That should provide enough context to draw your own conclusions for part 2 of your reply. Though, getting shot was not part of the “expected outcome.”

The question you SHOULD be asking yourself, is “Why was MB saying Lauren was harassing and threatening him when the 911 recordings state the EXACT opposite, & why did MB become in such a rush to get them off the property- after 2 yrs of living & training there?” THATS what doesn’t make sense. Except to those of us who were actually there. Those who had to endure berating by MB on the daily - OUT OF NOWHERE. He could have asked for a grace period on the money owed. We’d have given it. He could’ve told his dumbass gf to grow up- he didn’t. No. He got RC’s PINK Ruger - lured me off my porch to “work it all out,” then shot me twice in the chest. All I can provide. Sorry.


This cyberstalking charge.


Again, your response defies logic. If he is such a horrible person and MH is a “dumbass” why not leave? Yeah, I know…not going to answer because you legally can’t or because there is no explanation. I tend to believe the latter and will wait for the transcript from the trial.


I wasn’t speaking to you and am uninterested in your defense. Your words are clearly stated.

I would like to know more about 1/2 owner of the horse who was sleeping on a mattress outside the horse’s stall. Was she worried about the horse, or didn’t she have anywhere else to sleep? Was she the person who owned the pink gun?

I promise you, IF it were that simple, that’s what would’ve happened. You know I can’t say more. I REALLY wish I could. The long & short of it for now is just- it was not as simple as you’re implying.

5 horses in fT
1 horse in CEM QT

  • he was bad all along- but nothing we couldn’t handle (or so we thought.) Didn’t expect Ruth’s gun to come poppin at me. Don’t you see that makes MB the biggest coward & cheat of all time? Murder us & what? Say we attacked him? Nope! Guess he forgot we have nest cams in & out of the house. Authorities gathering evidence as we speak. A lesson (which I learned too) - - never, ever, EVER assume anything. To assume makes an Ass of U n Me. #factsonly

Why the “XXX Rd”? The address was in the link of post #1.

411 West Mill Road, Long Valley, NJ


see folks, another telling statement. “If we had been asked to leave we would have retained an attorney”.

Normally, when a tenant is asked to leave a tenant starts to look for a place to move to. Its abnormal to then seek an attorney. That is, if that statement is true.

To me, the situation is becoming clearer and clearer. Moving would have diminished the drama and it’s all about the drama apparently.


She was the gun owner.
I have NO clue why she put a mattress there. Although, the barn was full & she didn’t want to sleep in the basement of the house. I’m not her mind assistant. I’m sorry, I just don’t have these answers. Why would she ALLOW Michael to use her gun to attempt murder? All questions I will never be able to answer.

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I am sorry you were shot. I am thankful you survived. That said, your reputation for erratic behavior makes it very hard to have a lot of sympathy when you simply could have left, just as battered women do every single day, if indeed it was that horrible for you.

As you’ve mentioned the truth, or some semblance of the truth, will eventually be known.


Hahahahaha! I can’t remember page 102 much less page 1! :wink:


Didnt have a trailer. (Mostly thanks to MB convincing me I didn’t one).
Next, we were making plans to leave- boarding 6 horses in one spot with the type of training they &I needed was a tall, tall order.
Again- more to the story. So don’t throw stones from glass houses.


I guess it’s lucky I’m not asking for sympathy. I do find it hideous this victim shaming though. No matter what- I was shot twice. It was not in self defense. While plenty more story exists, wtf else matters??? Do you condone trainers shooting their students trying to kill them? Sure looks that way.


of course it’s telling!!! Obviously, had MB told us to leave the property sooner, I’d have retained my attorney sooner. That house isn’t MB’s.

Next- we were interviewing other trainers way before the last week there. We have a home in NC! We were ONLY in NJ bc mb begged me to come & provided housing.

How bout, stop players by detective or “lawyer,” and worry far more about WHY YOU FEEL ITS OK FOR MB TO OPEN FIRE AT CLOSE RANGE ATTEMPTING TO MURDER A STUDENT!!!” Do that. Anything else makes you all look horrible. Welcome to America. Land of the brave & puppets to the NRA. Fkng ridiculous.


I think I speak for most when I say man, this thread got weird!