Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Thanks for that interesting answer.

Now I am wondering if she always slept in the barn or was it only recent behavior? If it was recent, it would seem that either the horse had a health issue and she needed to stay close, or she perceived a threat to the horse. Did you see her sleeping there when you were in the barn at night?

Take care, you are still healing. Try not to stay up all night like the rest of us on here.


“There will always be much more behind what happens than is initially obvious.”


One of my favorite lines from Beetlejuice: “This place just keeps getting weirder and weirder.”


To be fair, I don’t think anyone has outright said “it’s ok for MB to open fire at close range and murder or attempt to murder a student” or anyone for that matter.

No insults to America or political matters are necessary.

I don’t know, if I had a home in NC and otherwise liked it there, I’d stay there. Especially if the person that invited me to NJ had a certain negative reputation or behaviors as you say. I don’t care if they beg. But, again, details that I’m simply not privy to.

I think that the whole situation just seems irrational, from all sides, to many of us, so the questions are not meant to be an attack or a justification for you being shot, but an attempt at understanding what exactly went on in this CF. Maybe we’ll know one day, maybe not.

I think people say it’s “telling” that you’d consult an attorney immediately upon notice of being evicted. It’s telling because most people would leave and wouldn’t stay where they are not wanted. Why contact an attorney? Now if he actually doesn’t own the property as you say, then that can change things. But I don’t know what written agreements, if any, were signed
Or how landlord/tenant/property owner laws operate in the state of NJ.

During such a crazy event, it is best to ignore and abstain from social media. It’s so hard to do that! but could be better for you legally and mentally in the long run. But, that’s your choice, of course.


Where did the 6th horse come from? 4 were at MB’s one at the QT facility, so when did horse #6 come into the picture?
Yes I agree, so much more to this story!!!


Legal question re: the recordings in this situation – what constitutes a “common area” on a private property? I have been to barns with cameras, but the cameras were installed by the owner, and there were notices posted. Could a boarder/tenant install cameras, say, in the indoor arena and aisles legally? If so, that is remarkable.


So the barn was condemned and you won’t have your horses in a fire hazard.

So when you were told to sleep with one eye open and multiple people offered to move your horses for you, why didn’t you leave?

We all saw your fb posts and the comments, so no need to pretend you had no offers to get your horses out immediately, and we all saw you turn those offers down. Practically the entire universe has the screenshots.


We literally saw MULTIPLE people offer to move your horses for you in the comments to your fb posts. You turned them down.


Problem is, SHE says he owes her 50k.
Who’s math is that, and how legit is that claim?

As someone pointed out, she and her companion lived there, she had 4-6 horses there in training
 but somehow MB owes her money?
In all my 40 years in horses, there aren’t any instances of that many horses in training on top of living on the farm that = the horse owner being owed any money. Not legitimately.


New Jersey is a “one-party consent” state, meaning that under the New Jersey Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance Act, it’s illegal to record a private, in-person or telephone conversation unless one party consents.


This means that if you are a party to the conversation yourself, you can record it without telling the other person or people involved. But without the consent of at least one of the people involved, it’s illegal to record it and to distribute or use the audio recording. Anyone who violates these parts of the Wiretapping Act is guilty of a third degree felony and may also find themselves sued for money damages and legal fees.

Our courts, though, have held that where the parties to the conversation did not have a “reasonable expectation of privacy,” it may be recorded without breaking the law. So one court decision found that a conversation between two police officers during a traffic stop alongside a highway could be recorded without their permission, because they were talking in a place “more akin to an open, accessible place than an enclosed, indoor room.” Another example is making an audio and video recording of a public meeting.

You should know that the Wiretapping Act does not apply to videos or photos. Generally, it’s legal to videotape or photograph people while they appear in public areas. But both New Jersey and federal law make it a crime to videotape or photograph a third party who is nude or engaging in sexual activity, without their consent, in a place in which he or she enjoys a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as a home, a bathroom stall, or a gym locker-room. A violation of this federal law, the Video Voyeurism Prevention Act of 2004, is punishable by fine and imprisonment. Under the New Jersey version of the law, a person whose privacy was invaded can sue for money damages.

The videotaping or photographing of a person can result in civil liability for a wanton photographer. For example, someone who believes that their privacy has been infringed because of another’s photograph or taping, may sue the photographer for “intrusion or public disclosure of private facts.” Both types of claims involve analysis of whether the person being recorded had a “reasonable expectation of privacy.” Intrusion happens when someone physically invades the privacy of another in a way that would be offensive to a reasonable person, such as using a telegraphic lens to photograph someone in their bedroom. Public disclosure of private facts happens when the “intruder” learns of facts that are both private and offensive and circulates them to the public.

You should only use your cellphone or other device when the person you’re recording is in a public place and have no expectation of privacy. Likewise, when recording the audio of a conversation, you should make sure that at least one party to the conversation consents. Moving forward, people should be aware of a bill currently before the New Jersey Assembly Judiciary Committee that, if passed, would change the Wiretapping Act to require all parties in a conversation to consent to its recording, effectively changing New Jersey from a “one-party consent state” to an “all-party consent state.”


With the collaboration of Connor Turpan, Rutgers School of Law Newark candidate for a JD degree in May 2016 and Associate Editor on the Rutgers Computer and Technology Law Journal


Need is an interesting word to use.
No one needs those things, and if things are so horrible, you felt you were in danger such that you should have cameras all over the place (those would take time to install, after all suggesting they were in place well before the last few weeks when things supposedly fell apart) and you are so well off
 well, you can board horses at 6 different locations if need be. It’s not like you waitress 3 shifts a day to pay for it, so find places for them to go and schlepp your butt to each place each day for your lessons if you’re still pursuing learning to ride.

That is a ridiculous answer that negates the claim you make about the danger you suggest MB posed.


the video is one thing but voice is another, this poster’s claims to have recorded the conversations without being a party of the conversations
that falls into wire tapping without consent of at least one party.

I have come to the conclusion that I should never ever had bought a horse if the events at the physio farm are anywhere never half way as stated

What is this farm’s name Down the Rabbit Hole Stables?



LK, when do you expect to be medically cleared to ride again?

Are your horses in work now?


This is post 1970, page 99.


I am waiting for the next Full Moon on the 14th as it will be a Full Harvest Moon

Then this thread should take some more leaps into the unknown


but my attorneys prefer I say little as possible.

evidently they forgot to mention typing


three cases ongoing concurrently?.. with just five attorneys? 
 I would have least three agencies with a pile more than five total attorneys representing my interests if I was wrapped into three different legal confrontations

I would never found time to ride while I just kept up with the legation

edited to add turns out I am in three ongoing law suits, they are all class actions suits
so I might have a whole bunch of attorneys working for my benefit that do not even know


interesting suggestion you make, that RC gave MB permission (you use “allow” in all caps) to use (but didn’t physically give him) the gun knowing his intent was to murder.

Did RC literally give, i.e. hand, him the gun, or was it in her digs in the basement**
 and MB retrieved it himself to

  • get it out of the house where LK and boyfriend had access to it
  • move it to a more secure location where no one would have access to it, incl RC
  • myriad of other scenarios

** my assumption is that RC had a “home” in the basement like it’s been suggested the other grooms did
 she left that “home” and took up sleeping in the barn because the basement living quarters were condemned per fire Marshall
 or she knew certain parties were being ridiculous being in the barn all hours and meant to keep her own horse safe from them or any fracas they might perpetuate
 or, again, a myriad if other scenarios.


As I understand the story, from LKs perspective:

  • She loaned MB at least $50k.
  • The barn and portion of the house are condemned.
  • She felt uncomfortable enough to install recording devices around the barn area (was it secretly? Or did barn owner know?). Not just video, but capturing audio too (audio important)
  • MB was mean, harrassing, and antagonized her until she felt unsafe.
  • She posted public FB posts about being scared for her life and allude to it being MB (tall guy).
  • MH was mean, harrassing, and wanted her gone.
  • MB called 911 to harrass her.
  • RC(?) also wanted her gone. RC supplied MB with the gun.
  • MH supplied MB with the gun.
  • She couldn't move the horses, because she didn't have a trailer.
  • Then after people offered to move the horses for her, she couldn't move the horses because an ideal location where she could train with a top trainer and board all 6 horses together didn't materialize.
  • She couldn't move herself, because she didn't move her horses.
  • she was minding her own business on her porch (reading) when MB lured her off and shot her.
  • She said MB couldn't pay her back when it was due, and that's why he shot her, but she didn't care if he needed longer to pay her back.
  • She said MB shot her because MH wanted the house to herself.
I'm having trouble finding a cohesive stream of facts from LK in this thread.

There was other talk, from someone else that MB needed money, LK loaned it to him, but he paid it off when the insurance check came in. The LK said he didn’t pay it. And then she said the insurance check came in, but it either came after he shot her or he has the money but refused to pay her. But then she said he couldn’t pay her, because he didn’t have the money.

I’m seriously confused

ETA: the reason she installed the recording devices is because she feared for her life. She had time, resources, and opportunity to install them. She also stated this whole fiasco blew up quickly and she didn’t have time to react (leave) before MB shot her.

It’s the audio/vidoe that confuses me the most. Why?


That’s went grifters do. Money grubbers. They live by scamming others. She says she videos and recorded everybody in that facility. People don’t do that unless they’re up to no good.