Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

The attention she so desperately craves.


Truth is easy to keep track of. The further something strays from truth the bumpier the storyline’s consistency is.


For those that think La-LaPopRider cannot possible be the real Lauren Kanarek and is most likely Susan Wachowich, you would be incorrect. The email address laurenkana****@gmail.com is the email address associated with the COTH username La-LaPopRider. When you do a Google or Facebook search for this same email address, it brings up old ads that Lauren Kanarek posted looking for a groom. So unless someone hacked her email and COTH account, La-LaPopRider is telling the truth. She really is Lauren Kanarek.If her gmail account did get hacked, hopefully she will see this thread and get the COTH account shut down.

Carry on!


You sleep in front of your horse’s stall when you want to keep an eye on him - in illness or from harm. If you’re just looking for a place to sleep, you pick the tack room which is free from flies or animals and climate controlled.


She did not say she bugged the barn. She said there were recordings. I have boarded at a barn with both video and audio security before, it is done. I still say people are watching way too many TV shows. Not real life. MB’s words on the 911 calls are threatening. Not defending anyone’s behavior, but am continually horrified how hard everyone is working to justify the shooting. And how much false info is being reported on here.


Yes. But I was assuming that the poster Lalapop
 is taking liberties with facts and being vague with details, so “sleeping in the barn” could be literally the barn aisle, or the tack room, an apt in the barn, or a myriad of options 
 so as to suit whatever tale works best in her favor.

ETA, who exactly said that RC had a mattress outside the stall
 going back to review. Send coffee


But not only are you sleeping on a mattress in front of your horse’s stall, but you feel compelled to be armed as well?

Let’s face it, Long Valley, NJ is not exactly a bastion of violent crime. My guess would be violent crime in that area is almost non-existent. I would believe there is white collar crime there, but violent crime, especially on a horse farm, not no much.

LaLa, Lauren, whoever this person is, is right about one thing. There is much, much more to this story. I am not so sure she should be eager for that information to come out.


But how do you know that information is false? You have no way of knowing what is conjecture and what is not- from either side- unless you were there!


Legal question re cameras and recording, I understand some barns have put up, or allow owners to put up, stall cams that allow owners to remotely watch their horses at any time. Do these record audio, and how would that factor in to privacy and legalities if that were the situation here? There may also be general security cameras located around the property. Does being on a camera-ed property imply consent to record personal conversations? It is so easy to forget that Big Brother is everywhere.


need to add
 the black SUV in the middle of the night
 which I can not find that claim any longer

it seems several posts by lala have been deleted out completely


If a barn or farm has security cameras, who’s able to see what they show?
Is it limited to a specific party
 or can various people view, i.e. you give password to owners, trainers, staff (in the case of nightwatch or foal watch)
 or can it be hacked into and then recorded remotely via that hack?

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video is handled differently by courts than audio

when I was a professional witness the video had to have a water mark and time date stamp on each frame to be admissible 
 the water marking is to prove the recording is continuous and untampered


Wasn’t there a post a while back that stated she had been asked to leave 8 times? I can’t remember if it was on FB or IG but I thought someone saw that statement from LK.

I could be completely wrong - there’s a lot in this thread!


I found myself reading this thread last night and was curious to see LK’s FB page. On it, someone alerted her to the fact that she was being impersonated by someone on COTH called LALAPOP RIDER. LK expressed surprise and said she would look into the matter immediately
did not know a thing about it. I did not see that post this morning when I just checked. Unless I missed it, it appears to have been deleted.


Oh. My. Goodness. Houseguests abound! :lol:


Interesting. As published by the New York Post on Aug 8, 2019:
"According to her social media posts, Kanarek both rented a home with her fiancé and quartered horses at Hawthorne Farm — an arrangement neighbors and sources said Barisone was seeking to end.

“There was a big red sign in front saying ‘eviction,’”‰” said neighbor Bob Jenkins, 66. “He was trying to get them out.”




As far as the notion that LK should “just stop posting and focus on healing,” that is just unfair/unrealistic/messed up. This person is being pilloried by people criticizing her past and insinuating she “should have expected to get the horns if she harasses the bull.” (To summarize the general flow of the conversation here.) You cannot insist that people (not directly involved) have ‘every right’ to speculate and SIMULTANEOUSLY insist that the person under discussion should not participate. I have a better idea. How about the critics on COTH stop and ALLOW her to heal. Otherwise, it is simply the height of hypocrisy to LITERALLY keep kicking a person who is recovering (but still down,) and INSIST that they just sit there and take it.


I’m glad there is no way for me to be called to sit on the jury. My primary question would still remain, why stay and why continue harassing MB with SS/CPS reports? No rational person would remain in such an intense situation.

Hindsight is always 20/20 but probably not have happened if LK and RG had simply moved on.

Wasn’t it RG who did the shoddy work on the house and barn? It’s odd that a BNT has time to do renovations themselves. With an experienced bathroom renovator on the property, it sure makes sense it was RG doing the work. (RG used to work for a bath/kitchen renovator in NC.) That also explains how the recording equipment got installed.