Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

this was the first messenger message this sivk stranger ever sent to me dated 01/03/2016
“So…I guess you know what I said…,Otherwise…How would you know it wasn’t nice? I dont have to be nice to you…You’re ugly and stupid and I think you should overdose like now…”


I can’t imagine anyone choosing to live in that hostile environment.


True sociopaths do not care about living in a hostile environment because their behavior causes the hostile environment. They love the drama, the control, the power of being very cunning and duping with a ton of “charm” until they don’t get their way or are found out – and of course, the attention. It’s very difficult for many to understand unless they’ve lived this sort of thing. I have. And in a farm barter for apt and horse training, not dissimilar from this. Let me tell you, it’s mind blowing.



In the 911 call, the first thing that MB states, is that he owns the farm.
Then on August 7, LK’s dad calls 911 and states that his daughter was in a landlord/tenant dispute.
During the court hearing that was posted online, MB’s lawyer also states that MB owns the property.
That makes me think that MB does own the farm.

Then on August 8, MH calls the police stating that LK’s father and fiance made verbal threats to them – according to LK, RG & her father had a “clear plan to retrieve barn stuff” and MH was “still playing games.”

Notes from the court hearing:

  • MB's lawyer stated that LK & RG have been asked to leave numerous times & the police were called
  • The agreement between MB & LK was that once the horses were finished being trained, LK was no longer allowed to stay on the property (but no written document was signed)
  • Moved to the property of summer 2018, then trained in winter 2018, & returned back to NJ in summer 2019
  • MB's lawyer states that LK threatened MB, MH, and their children
  • MB's lawyer states that LK was instructed by the fire marshall's to leave the house
If MB's lawyer is spinning the story then either 1) his lawyer is committing perjury and/or 2) there is more to this story that is being left out. From my understanding, committing perjury can result in a lawyer getting disbarred.

I don’t believe anyone should have been shot over this. But, I am wondering if other life-ending threats were made but aren’t being mentioned (either to MB, his family, his clients, or even to his employees) that caused MB to pick up a firearm.


So this is all because she’s pretty, a woman of considerable means, and her riding career was taking off?


Because LK’s father and boyfriend came onto the farm ranting at MH saying they were going to destroy her and all she had, would see her ruined and many other things. She called the police and then left the property.


Sorry, I should have worded my question better. It was actually directed to LK because I thought she posted something about the day her father and fiance had gone back to the farm. I can’t seem to easily locate it though.

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I still wonder how LK saw this playing out before she was shot, of course. And, actually, how she sees it playing out even now. Regardless what SS/USEF does, she’s basically toast in the dressage world I would think. Maybe Europe would be a good move.


She said they went back to apply standing wraps on her horses and to be sure they were fed and watered. So many of her posts seem to have disappeared from view.

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I was able to find the one I was looking for & revised my original post. The question I originally posted was in reference to the day after the shooting, not when they were at the barn at 9:15pm applying the standing wraps.


This girl is a rich (from Daddy’s money) SPOILED BRAT. She claimed for quite sometime how she had “death Threats” told to sleep with one eye open and being harassed by all his employees, living in unlivable conditions, etc. If you felt “So threatened” why would you remain squatting? Why would you continuously reek havoc for MB, MH, and the entire farm? Trust me when I say this girl is a pathological LIAR. I know this from four years of abuse with Lauren Kanarek.


Her response is always, “it’s complicated and I legally can’t discuss it”.


Yes, I don’t understand the end game of anyone involved. How did LK think this whole dispute was going to end? Was she expecting MB and MH to vacate the premises so she could have the place to herself? Surely the last week her horses were not getting training and she was not getting lessons. So, what was the desired end result?

Earlier this week, she had a public Facebook post asking MH and JH if they “had enough” and threatening to release video. (Which may or may not have been legally obtained.) Odd behavior indeed.

But, I also don’t understand what MB thought would be gained by shooting LK and RG. How in the hell would that help his situation? That was not going to solve anything. Unless he was willing to spend the rest of his life in jail so MH could live in peace?

None of this makes any sense whatsoever.


It is hard to think rationally regarding irrational behavior. I don’t for a second believe MB had intentions of killing anyone but he was pushed to the limit and mentally exhausted. LK’s intensity can be extreme as others have noted. She seems to feed off the anguish of others.



Real Horse Lives Of New Jersey.

OMG. There is NO normal here.


So she’s STILL threatening MH??? What will make this woman stop? Sounds like someone in her family might want to get involved and seek mental health help.

I am really, really struggling with this. She’s destroyed lives, relationships, attempted to destroy reputations and she’s STILL trying to do more? For what??? This woman is frigging sick. I really do wonder who the real victims are in this ordeal.
I’m sure MH’s friends have her well secured as well as her children. I can only imagine living in this kind of fear.

Perhaps it is time for MH and JH to get restraining orders against LK and RC immediately.


My take on this thing is that SO many here are trying to make some sense, or semblance of sanity, to someone who has shown themselves to be extremely “twisted” in thought, word and deed. Did that lead to this tragic situation? I believe so. Did she deserve to be shot? Of course not.

Until you’ve lived and dealt with a true sociopath (I’m no shrink but it’s pretty clear if you google the traits of a sociopath from the journals of psychiatric medicine – different from psychopath…though they’re close though.

Most people, like what we see here who are trying to understand this, roll it over and over again in one’s head can never really understand it until you’ve lived with it on a very personal level for quite awhile.

It’s very, very hard to recognize because of the charm, often good looks and cunning. Sociopaths are really smart, as are grifters and others.

From my perspective reading this thread, weeding out the conjecture, and experience with this, this is my take-away.

These folks “latch on”, do what sociopaths do to others to get what they want, get it their way at all costs — and they’re hard to get rid of and it’s hell. I’m just very sad that it went this far and led to this dreadful situation.


If you really want to help MB you will shut up until after the trial. I mean it!


Who is her father? I’m not buying the “Rich Daddy” pays all the bills. Her and her boyfriend appear to be unemployed. Purchasing international horses with what? Cash! Loaning money to MB, cash? I think LK is trying to get out ahead of the story. She knows what’s coming! I looked up her address in NC, 200,000 house. Something does not add up.


Hopefully, both the defense and prosecution teams will require a full unbiased psych eval on all three parties before trial. If the prosecution doesn’t agree, the defense should demand it.