Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Her father does bail her out of everything (attorney). RG does not work. He did work when he was in NC but that was over two years ago. I have no idea if it is a trust fund or unlimited cash or what but she generally gets what she wants and RG is along for the free ride.


I imagine the authorities will want to look into her financial arrangements.


Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll conduct Discovery and request arrest records, medical information, and other pertinent psychological information of both parties.


This in response to LALA comment regarding admissibility of video

In my time all video was on tape. These days with digital the recording would have to be validated. My son is a director of commercials, he did a commercial for Mercedes whereas the car was not available at the time the talent was available for the shoot, the car was dubbed in laterā€¦ seamless

without a chain of custody on the videos, those are going need to be gone over with a fine toothed coma

But I suspect the audio recordings are not going to be allowed since they most likely will be determined to be illegally obtained

all conjure on my part, but LaLa nevertheless has to live with the results herself

edit to clarify recordings as being audio


What has happened to his girlfriend and her children?

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They have left the state and are safe.


given the conflicting accounts I am beginning to think all three rounds were shot in her,with one clearing through her body striking the window on the porch where he was

I most all 9mm ammunition will penetrate at least 15 inches of flesh at a range of ten feet ā€¦ supposedly this was at ā€œpoint blankā€ ā€¦ so it would not surprise me that at least one that did not hit bone could clear in tack

but who knows, the crime scene investigation will divulge what is correct, if properly done



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She must know what is headed her way.

which might very well have been recorded by LaLa ā€¦ it was Nixonā€™s 18 minute gap of recording that basically tied the rope around his neck


As depressing and sad as this thread has become, can we think of any positives?

The only one I can think of is LK is alive and recovering.


What does the last bit ^^^ in symbols mean?


I am kind of thinking ā€œnotoriousā€ rather than just plain old famous, could be wrong and have been in the past


I will not hazard to guess her intent in this particular case.

Usually that combination means that emoji plus a gender sign to change it to the appropriate gender for the person who posted it. But it seems like the gender on the emoji was already correct here? I donā€™t really know the details, but I have noticed that is how it works when I post emojis from my phone.

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True sociopaths do not care about living in a hostile environment because their behavior causes the hostile environment. They love the drama, the control, the power of being very cunning and duping with a ton of ā€œcharmā€ until they donā€™t get their way or are found out ā€“ and of course, the attention. Itā€™s very difficult for many to understand unless theyā€™ve lived this sort of thing. I have. And in a farm barter for apt and horse training, not dissimilar from this. Let me tell you, itā€™s mind blowing.

Totally agree - I was married to a sociopath they are the smartest most cunning people on earth. I swear they are psychic they know how to push buttons and make you react they are truly evil beings with no soul.


That describes a whole lotta people in NJ and FL/Wellington.


So, are LK and RG still squatting at the Hawthorne Hill house?

Woman shrugging

I donā€™t know what the " * " stands for.

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