Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

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One aspect that has puzzled me from the beginningā€¦first mentioned on LKā€™s FB page and then LaLa brought it up again here -
The assertion that MH was only with MB because he ā€œpromised her a spot on the Olympic teamā€. Does that not strike anyone else as at least a little bizarre? I mean, most adults know that the Olympics donā€™t work that way, and presumably MH has been in the dressage world long enough to know that no trainer can promise anyone an Olympic berth, no matter how many horses they have in training or how good they are in the sack.

Strange conjurings.


Funny how jealous she is/was of MH. Notice how often she bashes her. If anything LK assumed MB would get her on the teamā€¦jumping from 3rd to Grand Prix in six months! Uh-huh.

As I recall MH won an individual gold medal in the NAYRC years ago and thatā€™s nothing to sneeze at.


Lauren Kanarek could not tell the truth if it slapped her in the face. She is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR


Ask her why her ex-husbandā€˜s family had a restraining order on her


She says itā€™s all okay because everything was dismissed. She does not accept responsibility for anything.


No, none of it is justification but it all points to LKā€™s character and patterns of behavior. Iā€™m assuming thatā€™s why the defense team was happy to hear from Girl Joey and others. LK has portrayed herself to be an innocent victim who did absolutely nothing to provoke the situation.

Sheā€™s STILL provokingā€¦why is she still living in MBā€™s home?!! Does she now think she owns the place?!!


She also claimed MB begged her to get trained by him. Try reversing that, this spoiled rich girls dad paid for MB to train her after a couple weeks nobody could stand having her there. In once sentence she claims ā€œMB was a great trainerā€Ā in another sentence she claims what a horrible trainer he is, which is it? That is all dependent on if LK is getting her way. MB had a claim of her screaming at her father in his driveway, my Carmen claimed she has been doing that for as long as her knew her. She claimed MH was jealous of her, just as she advised me I was jealous of her, believe me sweetheart I feel sorry for how pathetic you are. I promise you this, there is not a jealous bone in my body. Why on earth would ANYBODY be jealous over you? You are so disgraceful


This thread is like watching a train crash into a UFO.



And whomever suggested LK come to Europe, no thank you! Please keep LK, SW, and NP on your side of the pond! :lol: Iā€™m fine with being entertained from afar.

ā€ā€¹ā€ā€¹ā€ā€¹ā€ā€¹ā€ā€¹ā€œNormalā€ good-doing, law abiding people that mind their own business do not get wrapped up in stuff like this. Accidents happen and crazies act, so yes, people can get caught in odd stuff, but thatā€™s not so common. So while no one deserves to be shot in this particular scenario (from what I/we know), I canā€™t say that any of this mess, from either side, would happen to a decent self minding person. Unfortunately, people do get shot unprovoked, which is not right at all! But I also wonder, what makes a reasonably successful man with no other record of violence (I think) suddenly resort to the drastic measure of shooting someone? Even if extremely frustrated, it is not a justification, but one still wonders and contemplates the complexities and emotions within this particular situation. It was stupid of him to shoot someone and rather short sighted. I donā€™t know if he was thinking straight, I mean, what would shooting LK really accomplish? Especially if he killed her? Ok sheā€™d be dead or severely injured but how does that truly benefit anyone? It doesnā€™t. Itā€™s not the way to solve the problem. There were seemingly other (legal) means.

It sucks because people that ā€œknow how to work the systemā€ often come out on top, even if theyā€™re despicable human beings. But itā€™s not oneā€™s right to shoot, maim, or kill them.

Also, I donā€™t necessarily care what kind of situation someone is in, but do your homework on who you let into your life. Itā€™s quite easy with social media these days, and itā€™s just not worth letting crap people into your life. Itā€™s also not worth sticking around in a crappy situation. Leave. Even if it sets you back a bit financially, riding wide, horse wise, whatever! Itā€™s worth it in the long run.

The positives are that no one died and hopefully people, even those just reading this thread, can learn what not to do or who not to be involved with from this CF of a situation.


I asked a question about the mattress in the barn because out of everything I read, I thought that sounded the most odd, and she answered it politely. I followed up with one more question on the same topic, but then decided I was not going to continue to be involved in the thread, and just wanted to wish her well since she has been through a very traumatic experience. However, I do think it would be in her own best interest legally and possibly health wise to stay off of social media. As interesting as it is for all of us to read, we have no skin in the game.


Truer words have never been spoken. Every day the crazy train goes further and further off the rails.


Yes. Itā€™s ridiculous.


I suggest you take your attorneys suggestions [edit]. But I think thatā€™s a little late now.


You never cyber bullied? Well I have about 500 messages to prove otherwise. Iā€™m quite sure your ex in-laws have a restraining order against you. I also have six different woman and 1 man who will testify and show proof of your insanity. Should I show some proof? You are insane in the membrane


If they are still living in MBā€™s house, is she checking his mail? How did she know he just received a large check? Mail tampering is a Federal offense, isnā€™t it?


Yo could ya stop with the shaming already? Who cares if someone strips for a living or for fun? Just Stop It.


I agree. LK has exhibited plenty of questionable behavior that imo is fair game for discussion, but whether sheā€™s a stripper or not is irrelevant.


[edit] She is lying about Mary Haskins, Michael Barisone and this whole situation. She always shifts blame, makes Disparaging and false allegations about everyone else, Iā€™m just pointing out facts. My modus operandi is to see if she can be truthful about anything


LK has no restraint in shaming others. She fabricates stories about people and runs with it. People need to know [her] for what she really is. She completely made up the story of MH and her destroying a marriage, she made up stories about SW trying to shame her, she made up stories about me. LK is no virgin to falsely shamming others. Iā€™m just running with FACTS