Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Gotcha, sorry if I sounded bitchy! Things involving LK tend to make people a bit touchy.


It’s s crime scene. The apartment. Typically how long would it be held as such by LE ie no one allowed to enter? I’m guessing she was permitted to get clothing etc out under watch of police …, but who knows ? Logic does not seem
to be a component of events here lol.

I tried to care about your opinion but I just wasn’t up to the challenge.


I’ve noticed that across many different BBs, and here across many different threads. When someone doesn’t get the agreement, sympathy, validation, etc. they are looking for, they take their toys and go play in a different sandbox. Most of the time my thought is “don’t let the door hit you in the behind”.


I was told RG was living there while LK was in the hospital. He was there when MH left the property several days later.


Again. Uncalled for. sigh


… seriously? Inappropriate and uncalled for.

@ad_sarasota - you are right. Most of us just want to make sense of it all and discuss without the insults, sneering and OTT drama. This thread is getting sadder and more ridiculous - without LK contributing.

ETA: The fact that that comment has 3 likes so far is even sadder…


apparently LK went back to the property to " her" house. WHY… even if I had only a few dollars to my name, I would not go to a property that I was shot at, that everyone else left. like WHY?? your Fiance and your father have been to the property a day after, why do you need to be back?? I’m sure they could have secured your belongings, and as a person with unlimited means I’m sure you can rent or buy a house on short notice


Why? Makes her look like the “brave” heroine. Image crafting at its finest.


my Why was more tongue in cheek. no normal person would go back after such an incident.


No. LK claims he is not the sole owner of the property and part of the “complex” story about why she didn’t leave somehow seems to involve one of the other owners supposedly encouraging her to stay.


[edit] She even went into detail about all the “glass everywhere”. I can’t imagine “the owners” hadn’t cleaned the glass up, or if the glass was inside the apartment, why RG hadn’t cleaned it up.

She went back because the Walmart sweatpants weren’t designer enough for her and she had to get other clothes more suitable.

If you closely read her writing, it is always about her. Always. What she’s done, what she has, how good she is, and how bad others are toward her. The only exception is when she’s bashing someone she is obsessing about, apparently currently MH. Why the obsession with such an intelligent, accomplished, poised, talented, beautiful woman? Why the jealousy? (note of sarcasm)


I can’t imagine the other owner(s) didn’t clean up the “crime scene” after all this time. This rabbit hole just keeps getting deeper and deeper, doesn’t it?


Ding ding ding. She needed to make a FB post about it:

Returned to my apartment today. First time since the incident. Can’t describe how traumatic it was - I won’t even get into it. But, alas, I made it thru it & here I am. 🌺🌺💫💫

The comments are great.

  • LB: Wow! You go girl!!!! I can’t imagine how hard that was!!
  • LK: omg.... it looked SO different. And yet, the same. Spent 20 mins just crying & crying after seeing all the glass, the gun shots which went through the window- blood..... A nice slap in the face if one were not expecting it. Even if you were- like I was- slap in the face.
  • AD: it might be better for you and your recovery if you weren’t there. Can you guys go somewhere else?
  • LK: ph yeah! Also, we figured I should just man up and get it over with. I’m glad I did. It’ll take weeks to get some of those images outta my mind- but that’s weeks sooner than it woulda been had I kept putting it off.
    The situation was so fkd up - I should have started storing stuff elsewhere earlier. But, again, situation SO messed up. A certain girlfriend literally called EVERY barn in NC & also people who she knew were not my uh.... biggest fans, to start all this drama. Like, anyone I’d ever confided in her “I had a problem with this person a few years ago,” - she called to fuel the flames again. So sad & pathetic. Idk bout others- but like, I have my Netflix to watch! Ain’t nobody got time fo that! 🤣🤣
  • CH: Sigh...
  • LK: wish I never had to go there again. I actually WISH I’d been evicted so a cop would’ve been there to help my mind. No such luck. I’m glad I got this first (but def not the last) trip over with. It was prob the hardest. I hope it gets easier. 🌺
  • JD: You must be feeling strong to move into that apartment... glad your on the mend!!
  • LK: ugh, I wish.... I didn’t even want to go there - like at all. Been staying in an hotel this whole time, but, the owner of the farm keeps asking when we ll be back. Suppose since that apartment is prepaid & hotels (especially my kinds 🙄🙄) are absurdly priced, we may as well go back sooner than later. It just looks SO different to me now. It looks like what it is: a freaking crime scene. That’s a daunting thought. 🤦🏼”â™€ï¸ðŸŒ·

But she’s GOLD or TITANIUM! (Taken from her FB)

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She comes across as positively gleeful about being shot (2 or 3 times, depending on the day and audience) because it ultimately negatively impacted MH’s career and her relationship with MB, and got her off the farm.


Who is she referring to that “the owners want to know when she is going back”?
And saying she wishes she was evicted so she didnt have to go back there. Thats absolutely nuts.
And saying its prepaid. My understanding is they havent paid rent.

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But see, when we are dealing with someone who is creating an alternative reality online, we don’t even know if (a) she is really out of the hospital, or (b) she actually visited the apartment, and certainly not © if she is staying in an active crime scene with broken windows and blood on the floor. This whole account does not exactly ring true to me.


This crazy train just keeps on getting crazier by the day :eek:


I believe MB had moved to barn. Which is a distance from the house. The house is divided up so that many people can potentially live there.