Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Maybe by “prepaid” she means she’s deducting her future rent from the 50k she claims MB owes her.


Not the usual response of a shooting victim for sure.

It comes off almost happy. But it can’t possibly be happiness, can it? That’s absurd. It comes off as… oh what’s the word… not gallant but … (damn chemo brain.) Glib?

But how could that be? Surely no one EVER was glad they were shot. It’s a life altering ordeal. Traumatizing to the core. I don’t get it.

I may have to edit this. Am I misreading the optics of LKs response to this extreme drama?

Note: Oh, for those who didn’t like my previous statements I have no intention of amending them or apologizing. I don’t dance to sociopath music. If you think I’m nasty so be it. I call it being direct. I said what I said for a specific reason.


She is out of the hospital and has been to the house. The shooting happened outside, and honestly I cannot believe that there is still blood on the grass! It is not an active crime scene anymore.


I just want to add that it’s strange for LK to know so much about the financial dealings of MB. I’m friends with the owners of my barn and have been for years, but I have no idea how their property is listed as ownership etc. Never thought to look. Not my business.

She seems to say a lot about EVERYONE’S business. Knows a lot of personal details. Details she has no business knowing.

For me, that’s telling. The narcissist who was in my life, also a female, was the same way. But not as bad.

Just saying.


There wouldn’t still be blood on the grass. We’ve had several strong downpours and big storms.


The LLC was incorporated in 1999. I imagine long before LK was on the scene.


After extremely traumatic experiences, most normal people have a period of reflection…what could I have done differently and so forth. Not Lauren! No siree…it was how fast could she get to a keyboard to continue her bashing of others. It is almost as though she never skipped a beat as far as dramatics.

One thing is for sure: Lauren Kanarek will forever be known as The Woman Olympian Michael Barisone Shot in a Fit of Rage (while she sat demurely on her porch reading). She may never ride FEI or become her dream of eclipsing MH, but she’s got this one in the bag. No one will remember her name however.


(damn chemo brain.)

I’ve had chemotherapy too. Drinking an unbelievable amount of water helped me (6 - 8 liters/day). Maybe it will help you too. Best wishes.


you forgot BRONZE!!


Haha Nope- she didn’t qualify yet. Lol


according to LK, Halfway Bronzed ( what does that even mean?)


What??!! What about all the posts in late July, early August raving about getting her bronze medal? What about all the news reports about her being a “National Medalist”?


Oh jeez! There was a discussion somewhere in the last 120 pages that she had the same judge for the scores, so it didn’t qualify, so you’re going to make me research. Lol


Sounds like she fully intends to stay on the property indefinitely.


Sounds like someone should turn off the electricity and shut off the gas and water (if applicable).


Let’s please watch the language, etc. We’ve made a few edits/deletions in recent posts. This situation is obviously a major news event in the industry, so discussion is inevitable and users participate in the thread of their own volition at at their own risk. You can share your related experiences or opinions, but all please do so within the parameters of our posting policies.

Mod 1


Bronze was achieved on June 7 at Windy Hollow show.

Page 33 goes over squeaked out a bronze, then nope- same judge, not 2 separate judges- post 646 goes into it to around post 677


Thank you. I was going from information she posted elsewhere. I am a slow learner!

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