Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

What folks have said about narcissists is true. I urge everyone to read up on Malignant Narcissists. You are bound to run into one somewhere in your life. Or worse. YouTube has many excellent videos on the subject.


Perhaps we should all take a course in how to quickly recognize someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder before they become latched on. Wonder if there is such a course?!


Great minds!


Herein lies the irony
and I am not advocating shooting/killing people. If the person does not die from the wounds, he/she can sue (at least in some states), even if the gun is being used to defend home, family, etc., and even if the person is on the property for illicit reasons.

There are multiple cases here which will take years to sort out, and ruined lives.


The course is called life. The answer to the final exam is, “Run the hell away.”


It is often called Abnormal Psychology and many people benefit from learning something about it. Particularly about setting and keeping boundaries. Don’t be a gullible guppy - be a wary one and get away/stay away from predators.


and get what? the farm is not his it is said to be in the name of the LLC

if she was successful she would obtain a judgement 
 that judgement against OJ has been really hard him

SANTA MONICA, Calif. – O.J. Simpson dodged an effort Tuesday to force him to turn over cash he pockets from signing autographs to satisfy a $70 million-plus civil judgment for the 1994 killings of the former football star’s ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman.

The ruling in Los Angeles County Superior Court was the latest setback in the dogged efforts by Goldman’s father, Fred, to get Simpson to pay up for a wrongful death lawsuit verdict that has doubled with interest over two decades.

Judge Gerald Rosenberg told attorney David Cook that he needs to identify who paid Simpson in order to go after proceeds from autograph signings and celebrity appearances.



Start with this guy’s video series. They say he too is a narcissist but he’s clear on many aspects of narcissism.

You can Google Grey Rock for that method. No contact is the best final way. I don’t personally like Grey Rock because I am not one to lay down and play dead. Though for some narcs that’s best. In my own personal narc dealing story I fought back at a time and place of my choosing and then went no contact according to a plan. There was a specific video that was good with that strategy.



Just like those baby shoes from decades ago

I have a close family member who is a malignant narcissist. After a particularly tiresome evening of being harassed by her non-stop I simply blocked her from my phone and social media accounts. 3 years later, that is the thing she is still upset about, not whatever infraction I had supposedly committed to get her upset in the first place. Narcissists and bullies need a reaction, need drama to fuel them. When they don’t get that reaction they honestly don’t know how to cope.

Side note - I still have no contact with her and my life has never been more peaceful, while she is still causing turmoil to everyone else during vacations and family gatherings. They all put up with it, so they will continue to have to deal with it.


I agree. NPD is a bit of a soft “catch all”. While not all narcissists are sociopaths, all sociopaths are narcissistic. It’s very easy to get the two confused. One can look them up in the journal of psychiatric medicine that clearly shows the difference between the them. What I see here from my own experience, it is sociopath. Again
to differentiate, “psychopath” is yet a different mental illness. This is why psychiatrists are paid the big bucks and have a medical degree. Carry on.


I planned for about 2 years. I went into action when our mutual friends dumped her. I only stayed so I wouldn’t lose them. But once she was out of their life it was game on.

We are all still no contact and she continues to unravel the lives around her. But not our lives.

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The real object of LK’s hatred and wrath seems to be MH. MB just happened to be stuck directly in the path of the oncoming storm.


I left my ex after dealing with 48 straight hours of narcissistic rage and abuse for the 3rd time in as many months. This time it was because I asked him to stop interrupting someone I was having a conversation with. How dare I do that. I couldn’t gray rock my way out of that one because he probably would have hurt me and time was of the essence.

He called my parents and my brother when I broke it off - saying I was going crazy out of the blue and he was worried about me. He showed up where I lived and told my housemate that she needed to convince me I was wrong and I should go back to him. It’s amazing what they will do to try and maintain their supply and manipulate you back into their sphere and take control of the narrative - because after all, it’s about them, not you, and you’re the insane one if you try to live life without them.

The gray rock is best if you have to deal with one on a regular basis and you have no choice - shared custody, coworker, roommate who won’t leave, etc. if you can cut them out - do it.

No contact is paramount - otherwise you get hoovered. I stopped being hoovered back in once I realized that narcissists (like psychopaths and sociopaths) cannot change and I cannot change them. And yes, life is so much more peaceful without a narcissist in close proximity.

To the people here who have been abused by LK - if she comes back at you - DO. NOT. ENGAGE. Not here, not in your private messages, nowhere. Leave it. This is for your own sake.


Pretty sure the problem was second level, not third.


I thought a sociopath and a psychopath where the same thing. Got to go back and read up. In any case I do believe she is one or the other. I think She has a much stronger disease than Narcissism. Very sad. Unfortunately the prognoses of healing is not high. But can be helped - I hope she seeks help. Unlikely
 that’s part of the disease sad and destructive

Yup I even moved barns. To my knowledge she still doesn’t know where I went. No one she knew knew of the place. It was with folks I never mentioned to her. I just POOFED vanished. I blocked her on FB after going through her friends list and blocking them too. 2 got by and posted on my page. So I posted back to them their dirty little secrets she had betrayed them with and told me then after they had time to review it, blocked them too.

There was great satisfaction in being in control. In out maneuvering her. In calculated, strategic planning. I had already for those 2 years stopped telling her anything personal about me. Since she was a narc she never noticed. I would only take every 5th phone call. On holidays I kept my phone OFF so my holiday wouldn’t be ruined by that days tragedy and drama. As I didn’t spend holidays with her she’d have to call fir the drama dujour and it was daily.

Every day there was drama. As I ebbed further away very slowly she tried like hell to draw me back in.

When I finally ripped the band aid I added what I’d done and why. My cut was deep.

She had limits and that worked to my advantage. Many do not. And the more resources they have the further that limit can be pushed.

Remember the narcissist fears exposure the most. And they will do ANYTHING to keep from being exposed.

The more you learn, the more resources YOU have to protect yourself.

Best bet is to keep them far away. Don’t befriend them. Immediately cut them off at the knees - they’ll go after easier prey. Show them immediately you see them for what they are. Their fear of exposure will keep them away from you.


No matter what you call them, it is the impact on their “victims” that matters. Destruction is destruction irrespective of the source. I have worked with a number of destructive individuals and can smell them a mile away. Don’t care what you call them, just get the heck outta dodge.

Yes, and leave treatment to the shrinks, but I bet you won’t find them there
just the unfortunates that got involved with them or got in their way. There is after all “nothing wrong with them.”


God, some of you are really vicious. This thread has jumped the shark, and not because LK decided to join. Put yourself in her shoes for a second
 regardless of what her posts here or on social media might or might not suggest, the woman just survived death. That is in and of itself super heavy. The ultimate most heavy thing. For anyone. I think we can all agree on that. Right?

Then she finds this thread of largely anonymous people, many of whom are apparently frothing at the bit to find a reason she should have almost died? Wow. If you were her, would you not find that upsetting? Would you stay silent or would you try and explain things to the best of your ability? Regardless of her “innocence” or otherwise? Personally I think she could be a raving lunatic but unless she physically (not psychologically) threatened MB, it doesn’t really matter. Even if some of the claims here are true about her behavior, it still doesn’t justify the end.

Anyways, I don’t know what I would do, but I really pray I never wind up having to find out. I probably won’t, but if I do, I sure hope I don’t end up being dissected here. It’s really sad.

ETA: I would like to think I would listen to lawyers and wouldn’t post here. But I do think that surviving something like that wouldn’t make me think rationally.