Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Yes, the problem was the 2nd level scores. Someone posted a screenshot from Centerline scores or USDF I believe. She had qualifying 1st level scores, then the 2 high enough at 2nd were from the same judge, and the 2 at 3rd were this spring (May? June? Can’t remember). So it would be easy to mistakenly think she had gotten her bronze if one didn’t know about the 2 different judges & 2 different shows at each level requirement.


I understand your post. That said, repeatedly we asked if she was so scared why didn’t she leave the situation and no response was given other than “it’s complicated”. This woman has a pattern of behavior of provoking people to their breaking point for the sheer joy of reaction. I firmly believe Michael Barisone was driven to temporary insanity the afternoon of August 7, but his life will be ruined forever, as will his fiance. More than likely, Lauren Kanarek will heal and move on to another target because she accepts absolutely no accountability for anything in life. That may sound harsh, but that is the absolute truth in my opinion.


For us lay people, the difference between a narcissist, a sociopath, and a psychopath is immaterial. Best to just run and move on rather than trying to figure out which personality disorder they may have. I unfortunately learned this lesson first hand, which I guess is just part of life.


Thank you. I do appreciate that you can understand where I am coming from. I am in no way saying that LK hasn’t contributed to this (though I am also not saying she has - I don’t know. And, sorry, I don’t know who you are but from the outside it seems you may have an axe to grind)… but what I am saying is that to me, it does not matter. Temporary insanity is a defense oft bandied about by laypeople who don’t even know what that means. Myself included.

I guess where you and I differ, is that you are much more ready to accept that a “temporary insanity” defense is appropriate. The fact is, it is a rarely used and rarely won defense. Maybe it applies here… but in much the same way we can argue that LK should have left when signs pointed to her doing so, we can also say MB should have also done myriad other things to avoid this conflict. Perhaps they were both temporarily insane. Perhaps they are both permanently so.

As I have stated elsewhere on this thread, we don’t know much. It is bad form to continue to pretend we do.

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The only ax I have to grind is the knowledge of how LK works, bullies, provokes, lies, and stirs any pot she can to get her much needed attention. She has shown herself in NC for several years. Her being shot could have happened several times in the past with previous situations she has pushed to a dramatic head - she has even attacked total strangers. She has never taken any responsibility for her actions.

Shooting someone is never okay. Neither is the behavior of LK and RG for any reason. There is much that is not public about this, and as LK likes say, it will all come out (notice it is only LK who is chirping like a bird). Regardless of the outcome, she succeeded in ruining Michael Barisone and is STILL trying to inflict more harm to his fiance. I do not think that is appropriate.

BTW, diminished capacity is a perfectly valid defense in the State of NJ. It is good you’ve never been driven to the point of complete distraction, inability to think correctly or act rationally for some traumatic reason. If you ever had, you could imagine taking that mental “break” and carry it one step further after one more traumatic event piles on. It happens more often than you think but thankfully most people do not commit a crime while experiencing this phenomenon.


You are 100% correct. This man MB & MH called me out of pure desperation. He was practically crying on the phone with a total stranger (me)


So LK was a bully? If so, that sucks. But that doesn’t mean she should be shot. We are all adults. This isn’t high school.

You are using legal terms and I don’t know that you understand them. Temporary insanity is an affirmative defense. As in, “yes I did it but I cannot be held accountable.” If successful, it results in a not guilty outcome. The diminished capacity plea is “based in the belief that certain people, because of mental impairment or disease, are simply incapable of possessing the mental state required to commit a certain crime.outcome.” Diminished Capacity is different. It results in a lessor plea. Still guilty.


WOW. Okay. So now you are a lawyer. Yes, with diminished capacity MB would still be guilty. I don’t know anyone who is saying he is innocent of a crime. I never implied otherwise, but I’m pretty sure this will be a jury trial and none of us will be participating. He could be sentenced to 40 years or released the day of the not guilty verdict. I’m not in the crystal ball racket currently.

And let me correct your first sentence…LK STILL IS A BULLY.


You are right. I am not a lawyer, never claimed to be. What I have been pointing out is that most here don’t know anything (myself included - unless you count the gossip I heard at the deli after my ride yesterday. I don’t.) If you know more, then talk to the DA and don’t yammer here. What I am asking for is a semblance of decency and empathy and and a cursory understanding of the law. That’s all.

I don’t know you, I don’t know Lauren, I don’t know Michael, I don’t know his girlfriend or Ruth or anyone who may or may not be associated with the LLC. I don’t know who you know. I am just pointing out some facts. No need to get angry.


How does LK know that the gun was RC’s? Is it only after the fact (eg, by her lawyers postsurgery) that she learned this or was there a previous altercation where it was either discussed (eg, used as a threat) or shown (eg, actually threatened)? There’s no way this came up during the actual incident.


I also feel like this thread has taken an off-ramp (into dressage scores, which is almost comic relief). I personally have posted, and here is what I just can’t get past: A successful professional, with a family, no record, living on his own property, felt such helplessness and threat level that he made that 911 call, BEGGING for help. This property is his HOME. He was living in the BARN. Think stalking on steroids, b/c the stalker is ALWAYS there, and I suspect, in your face. They can leave but won’t. You can’t leave. I can imagine that at a visceral level.

I’m sick that anyone got shot and so badly hurt, I’m not excusing or justifying the outcome – but it was foreseeable.


well I would have been taking my psychiatric medicines and would have not been there to be shot, but her being a pretty (or was it states as beautiful?) woman my feet would never fit in her shoes

I have been in what could be called a gunfight it was in Vietnam when an NVA regiment attempted to over run the firebase I was on. Personally I do not believe she will ever forget what occurred, at least I have not

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Particularly when Lauren Shay Kanarek was charged with assault with a deadly weapon in the past and is known to be a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

Who says they are “terrified” but continues to move horses onto the property? Who refuses to move them when people offer to pick them up and even places for them to go? Who calls child protective services in order to harass people?


Count me in as one of those who don’t buy “temporary insanity” as a defense here. No matter how BSC the victim may have been, there is NO defense for shooting her. By all accounts he brought the gun with him, which shows intent. Which is likely why the charges are attempted murder and not manslaughter or assault with a deadly weapon. I really don’t think “she was mean to me and my girlfriend” is going to hold much weight with a judge as an excuse for shooting someone.


Same with twitter
Lk makes up numerous accounts on most apps. I know from Facebook she attacked me from multiple accounts.


And I will warn them, they would have to be out of their mind to let a sociopathic narcissist w/ a violent background come anywhere near their barn.


Yep. Nothing makes my mother more crazy than no reaction.

She’s a minimum of seven hours away and I do not engage with her in any way, and she still spends a significant amount of her time complaining about me to family members, telling whatever lies, and getting them to call me and tell me how sad she is that we can’t have a better relationship.


IMO LK got the best possible outcome for her. She got shot, she lived, and now she’s at the center of a the biggest story/scandal that there has ever been and she gets to orchestrate it. We are all just feeding her… me included with this post.


I’ve pointed it out before in this thread, but I think a lot of people don’t understand how “insanity” works in legal cases.

People can actually be insane, with diagnosed disorders and major problems, and STILL not be found legally insane. In criminal cases like this, “insane” basically means that people don’t understand that their actions are wrong or what the legal results may be. Someone has to be so deep in the throes of their delusions or insanity that they think what they’re doing is good or right (think Andrea Yates, drowning her children because she really thought it was the right thing to do to send them to God). But being so angry you lash out violently is not the same thing, and I can’t imagine that MB wasn’t able to understand that shooting her was going to have legal consequences.

In this case I think the “best” scenario for MB and his legal team would be to use the provocation and “heat of the moment” issues as a way to leverage a guilty plea to a slightly lesser offense, or perhaps avoiding the maximum possible sentence.