Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

That sounds exactly like my mother. Wow. I had never thought of that way before. But that is totally my mother.
(Which I realize is 100% off topic.)


I can not even think/envision about being ā€œin her shoes for a secondā€ as it appears this whole event is from another universe.

Why am I following this thread? I just want to learn the danger signs to keep my butt out of such messes. I thought I knew how to read people but this is really something I suspect most all who have posted on this thread have never encounter.

She is very fortunate to have had great EMS tech service and be taken to hospital that had a level 1 trauma emergency room without having to be flown to some distance trauma unit



If he actually did bring the gun with him then I agree with you, however I think far more than ā€œshe was mean to my girlfriendā€ was going on. However, Iā€™m not convinced he did bring that gun with him, or if so why? IIRC LK did post on her facebook page that she had weapons and wasnā€™t afraid to use them. Frankly the story weā€™re getting from LK is so disjointed and inconsistent that itā€™s not even close to being believable and weā€™ve heard nothing from the defense.


As it should be.

I just hope LK, for her own health and well being, does her best to stop posting about it, here and on FB/insta. Itā€™s just best for all parties for these things to be kept to the legal proceedings and not made into a deranged internet reality show, as much as we all enjoy watching the train wreck.



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Add in that he may or may not have been in financial straits [whether temporary of longterm]ā€¦ the stress level must have been very high if all of most of these ā€˜pointsā€™ were occurring.

Itā€™s not a license to shoot someone, but it certainly explains the powder keg that perhaps all involved created or stoked.

Re those who can see how stressful having someone like it seems LK may be/have been in their lives:
I believe maybe the ability to understand how very distressing and mind bending having someone like this poking at you all the time can be is something those of us who have dealt with manipulative, gaslighting, narcissistic ā€¦. PIAā€™es are more able to do. Maybe not to the point of shooting that person [I doubt there are any here who have done that] but just how much it messes with your mind and can lead you to distraction and mistakes.


This is something I have wondered as well.
How RCā€™s gun [if it is RCā€™s] came to be in MBs hand.

There are a myriad of ways that could have come aboutā€¦ did RC tell him 'Oh, hey, my gun is still in my room in the house.", and MB went to remove it so it could not be used by LK/RG against him?
Did RC give it to MB to wear to protect himself as he went about his business on the farm?
I can think of many scenarios that lead to it being on his person while he has that conversation with LK [per her accounting of the events- so another grain of salt there ] that both donā€™t and do involve his having the intention of using it as self defense and as an offense.

Thatā€™s not me making excuses for MB, I only know of the guy rather than actually know himā€¦ and I donā€™t know LK/RG any better at this pointā€¦ thatā€™s me understanding that things often arenā€™t as they appear and if you turn them on their heads, there is a whole trove of possibilities.


OMG!!! This is the exact reason a former fellow boarder has such an issue with me. She needs to be the center of attention at all times, and I refuse to allow that. I just want to ride my horse!! I have been nothing but friendly and polite, but refuse to allow her drama and machinations to ruin my barn time. After a while she actually left, and the barn is now haven again. I think thatā€™s the best way to deal with these kinds of people, do not engage, use a plethora of platitudes in response to their BS stories without asking questions, and just adopt an air of un-approachability. Donā€™t be fertile ground for their drama seeds.


OMG my sister does this too. She has tried numerous times to get my other sisters and my mother to convince me she wants to ā€œrepair the relationship.ā€Ā In fact the only person I never hear it from directly is her.

I fell for it the first couple of times, and did try reaching out last year to see if my daughters could see my neice for her 16th birthdayā€¦the list of conditions attached mostly involved me apologizing for and taking responsibility for pretty much everything thatā€™s gone wrong in my sisterā€™s life. It quickly became clear she didnā€™t want a relationship, she just wanted to be right.


What the past 30 pages of this thread point out is reasonable doubt regarding intention.




The defense is smart. LK is not. I believe he brought the gun to the confrontation because he feared her her having a weapon. I donā€™t think he brought it planning to use it unless he had to in self defense. Based on her posts and her threats and her history I would believe thatā€™s the case. I also think she had a bigger issue with his girlfriend. I think it was a jealousy evidence by her past history and behaviors.


NJ Legal Peeps ā€“ What does NJ law have to say about mitigating circumstances in these sorts of situations?

Reasonable doubt regarding his intentions when he went to his own home. There is absolutely no way I believe he went with the intention of killing either RG or LK.

I will tell you this, if someone ever caused Child Protective Services to come to my home with false allegations of abuse toward any child in my home, I would go completely ballistic. Considering it was SafeSport (reportedly) who notified CPS based on LKā€™s allegations, it certainly paints a very reasonable emotional reaction on his part.


The thing that concerns me is, if this is in fact just a result of her behavior and this has been a repeating patternā€¦then she really needs to learn from it. Because if she doesnā€™t learn a really good lesson from this, she might try to push someone again, and the next time she might not survive it.


LKā€™s FB bio, ā€œMad, bad & dangerous to knowā€Ā kind of says it all.


Exactly. And since she is STILL bashing MH on her social media pages (threatening the release of some videos???) and all her hateful hashtags toward MH, she has learned nothing. Thereā€™s no reason she should. Her narcissism is being fed and she is the center of attention with people who donā€™t know her, fawning all over every lie she spews. She is the innocent victim and playing the part to the nth degree.


If that is the case, then it is yet another reason why I distrust SafeSport and the people who are in charge of implementing the policies.

Particularly in light of LSKā€™s past legal charges and things she has written through the years.


Apparently, SS is to protect minors only.


lots could go against the victim, excluding the defendant has a duty to retreat.