Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I find this very concerning as well. Her reckless behavior, possibly due to a psychological or even neurological disorder, suggests self-destructiveness. I honestly fear for her survival, especially when she appears to find being a victim more rewarding than being a survivor.

The vitriol, and vengeful attitude toward MH make me fear for the safety of MH and her children. The stalking and harassment history, and the apparent complicity of RG and LK’s father are, IMO, a valid threat to their safety.


Maybe it’s just the Canadian in me but I don’t think it would occur to me to pick up a gun if someone called CPS on me. It may be the cultural difference. Here people don’t just carry guns “just because” and they aren’t often at arm’s reach where they can be easily accessed in the heat of the moment. For most Canadian firearm owners if you bring a gun with you somewhere it’s because you feel
pretty certain that you will need to use it. I have a hard time believing that at 2 in the afternoon on his own property, MB felt his life was going to imminently at risk to the point he needed a weapon to protect himself. And if he did think he was that much at risk, why go and confront the person who is the threat?


No it’s not the Canadian in you. It’s the normal in you, and I am a second amendment supporting American. There were so many other options.


I don’t think he felt his life was at risk, other than LK’s threats and innuendos. I think the CPS visit put him over the edge mentally after weeks of sleep deprivation, harassment, threats, etc. and he felt the need to get them off his property at that instant realizing there was no level LK wouldn’t sink to for whatever reason.

I still have questions about the gun, but that is just me being me.


Her reckless behavior is more likely to be due to never been held accountable for her behavior. She gets away with it, time and again.

Yes, I think MH and her children have good reasons to fear LK, RG and LK’s parent(s). She didn’t develop that sense of entitlement out of the thin air, apparently.


LK had said on her FB, prior to it being deleted, that she had guns and was not afraid to use them. I’m sure someone has them screenshot.

Normal adults handle things like adults. After following this thread it is clear both LK and MB do not handle things like normal adults. It’s a sad situation for all. Guns shouldn’t be used to solve disputes.


So frigging true, but that is America isn’t it?

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Speaking of her family. She was almost murdered, released from the hospital and is living in a hotel. Maybe her family is afraid of her. Didn’t someone say they lived in the area.


Ummm… and how many posters here in this thread are adhering to Grey Rock? No one. And yet one can still not be dismissively rude about the opinions of others. It is a forum and a discussion - not a campaign speech where only one opinion is ever presented and applauded. Not. So. Simple.

ETA: in RL, I have gone Grey Rock with a former friend who became an extreme narcissist, found conspiracies around every corner (she texted me that she KNEW I was on FB talking about her with at least 6 mutual friends - WTF?), posted nasty comments on FB if I had the nerve to do something fun and she was not included, lectured me about the quality of the groceries I got for her to help her out (apparently everything I provided was junk or garbage and she only ate artisan foods) and so on and so forth. It had become exhausting and frustrating. What kind of a “friend” is unhappy about their friend going to a football/baseball game or out to dinner? So Grey Rock it was. Silence from my end. No more trying to fix the pity party. No more feeling guilt for never being good enough. Done.

@Brown Derby - thank you for the decoder ring link!


just some observations- Boy, do I lead a boring life!

Sadly without some intervention I believe the victim will not learn anything from this episode. I can’t imagine the dysfunction
she grew up with in her family life. Did she fight constantly with her mother and no love lost there between the two? Sounds
like it the way she seems to target other women. She knew no nurturing and she picked daddy to protect her from mean mommy. She created a toxic triangle in the family. Her, daddy and mommy. Daddy excused her behavior and came out
in her corner too many times. Her siblings know not to trust her.
Was there some alcoholism or drug abuse within the family?

and on the other side. No doubt MB needs some counseling too, anger management and ways of making better decisions. Better coping mechanisms. What’s his background? Violence OK within his family growing up?
No respect for even sick women? Domineering personality, used to getting his own way?

It was a perfect storm. And 2 lives are forever changed. Just hope they both get some outside help and learn from it.


Do we know when this will be going to trial (if at all)? What is the sort of time-frame on a criminal case like this?

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Many more than two lives changed forever for sure.


No it’s not. If you think that and agree with my statement I find it appalling you’ve spent most of this thread explaining away why someone you don’t like was shot.


We have mass shootings weekly now. I am definitely not an advocate for guns or the NRA. I am for gun control so lunatics and those who want to do harm to others can’t get them. That said, using a gun was not the answer, obviously!!! Guns are entirely too easy to obtain by ANYONE in America.


Yes. They are. Where I live it’s absolutely nothing for someone to buy the parts and build their own gun if they want to. Out of all the people I know, at least half own guns. And I sadly haven’t been out of the US but from what I hear, people don’t go to guns nearly as fast in other countries.


Having dealt with a person similar to LK many years ago I get where those who interact with her can lose it. Luckily mine was before social media…but when I did join facebook she popped up with a message to me. When I saw her name I got a tightness in my chest and had trouble catching my breath. Now I hadn’t seen this woman in over 15 years but she obviously had not forgotten me. I contacted the company we both used to work for and let their security team know I was sending the message to them to keep on file. I then started locking my doors.

You can’t reason with them and sometimes those who have never had dealings with this kind of crazy don’t understand what you are going through. When I read Joey’s account it breaks my heart.


Yeah, this must all boil down to a Canadian vs. US cultural thing. Because carrying a gun “just because” and picking up a gun when something troubles you are absolutely normal to most people in the US. (/s)

You’ve got a point that Canadian laws make it less likely for guns to be stored in places/ways where they can be fired in “heat of the moment” conflicts. But I don’t think it’s unreasonable that in going to have a stressful conversation with someone with a history of volatility and public posts documenting their collection of deadly weapons one might fear that their personal safety or even life may be at risk (i.e. a low probability, high consequence risk). It’s possible that even a Canadian might have decided to bring whatever weapon they have available to them, including a firearm, if they thought a person in their home might be armed and had some potential to react to verbal contact with violence. Is this the best possible reaction to a low probability, high consequence risk? Probably not, but national culture probably has less to do with the folly than things more general (imperfect reasoning, emotion) and things more specific (MB and LK’s specific personalities and choices).

None of us here really know what MB’s motivations were or how exactly the gun came to be in his possession. I think we can all agree that a number of poor decisions were made by all parties, including those that put MB and LK face to face the day of the shooting and those that put a gun in the middle of it all. But I suspect that carrying a loaded weapon into that kind of situation would not occur to the average US American any more readily than it would occur to a Canadian. Which is why even those of us who were raised in the US, in homes where guns were present, are struggling to understand how such an extraordinary tragedy came to happen.


Ummm… and how many posters here in this thread are adhering to Grey Rock?

If she can’t identify anyone to contact or harass them, then all is well. No doubt she is pleased to be discussed at all, but I find the case interesting so I’m not going to refrain from commenting. Lauren Shay Kanarek (or is she still married?) has no influence or power over my life. The glories of anonymity.

Implemented in its true form, Grey Rock enables you to communicate with the Narcissist without being sucked into the Narcissistic Vortex. In cases of shared custody, it allows you to make rational decisions about whether or not the narcissist’s emails or voice mails truly need a response or if their communications are a trap.

If you are not married and trying to end a relationship with a Narcissist, then the best strategy is to have no contact with him or her. You end the relationship cold-turkey, as if giving up an addiction. No Contact means the narcissist can’t get in touch with you.

On the other hand, No Response means you allow them to call, text, or email, and you decide whether or not to respond. Those who implement No Response usually stay enmeshed in the hypnotic influence of the Narcissistic Vortex, remaining stuck in dysfunctional patterns with the Narcissist years after the so-called “end” of the relationship

She is an appalling human being. Pity Mr. Barisone wasn’t able to have her removed from his property. The law definitely favors tenants/squatters over legal owners.


Why? If the allegations were made and the evidence presented credible enough, shouldn’t they contact CPS?
I thought that is what people wanted SS to do, put the allegations in the hands of those who can legally do something about the situation.

I’m not clear on what the allegations made were, or how credible they were, but if the kids are still in the ‘orbit’ of the accused abuser, they DO need to be checked out. Preferably by those who know how to investigate these kinds of things and can DO something to keep the kids safe.

Maybe that is what LK relied on when she reported it, that it would be looked into pronto? That she was throwing something at the wall that would actually stick… and that is why it was the straw that broke the camels back, if it actually was?