Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

do we really know SS notified CPS? Who said so? LK? Do we believe anything she says?


I don’t. I was simply going off of what I read in this thread.

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good points, but I do think news reports have mentioned the CPS visit.
And I think LK herself mentioned SS on her Facebook page.

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There is no other developed industrialized nation under the rule of law where citizens are allowed to carry handguns, openly or concealed, or just have them sitting around the house. None. Not anywhere in Western Europe, Britain, Canada, Australia, Japan, etc etc. The USA is so far off the norm this way that everyone else watching from outside just sits and shakes their head in disbelief.

There may be developing nations, war torn nations, nations with no effective policing, where guns are more common, especially among the criminal class, but often in those places people can’t afford guns.

Basically people aren’t allowed to have handguns in any other comparable nation to the US, and if they do have hunting rifles or target shooting guns, the restrictions and licensing and training are much stricter and the guns have to be locked up when not in use.

We do have a problem with drive by shootings between drug trade gangsters in my part of Canada but all those handguns are illegal and smuggled over the border from the US.


CPS (or whatever it is called in NJ) isn’t supposed to be used as a weapon or a means of harassment. It appears to me that Lauren did just that when they were called out earlier and she roped SS into her vendetta too.

Anyone here read “Snakes in Suits”? It’s dated, but it is till worth the time to read it.

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Nope. And you kind of just made my point. It is unreasonable to bring a loaded weapon to have a “stressful conversation” with someone you believe might be armed and volatile. The reasonable course of action would be to avoid that person at all costs. Bringing a loaded weapon with you anywhere, other than on a hunting trip, is a pretty unreasonable thing to do in most cultures, unless you are a law endorcement officer or on active military duty at the time.


“The alleged victim is not a victim. She’s a villain, and she is known as a grifter in the community,” Barisone attorney Jeffrey Simms told reporters shortly after his client was ordered held in custody. “They started a fraudulent DYFS investigation into them.”

DYFS, the Garden State’s Division of Youth and Family Services, is now known as the Division of Child Protection and Permanency, or DCP&P.

Simms said that the couple, who had been living on Barisone’s property through his attempts to evict them, retaliated by calling DCP&P to falsely claim that Barisone was abusive to his fiancée’s kids.

Asked what marked the breaking point in the long-running feud, Simms said, “If there was, this incident followed almost directly the investigator coming from DCP&P, from child services, to say, ‘You have been doing this, this and that to her children.’”

Barisone lived in the home alongside Kanarek and Goodwin until about 10 days before the shooting, when the business relationship between the two “soured very quickly,” Schellhorn said. According to Simms, Barisone moved out of the home and into an office at the barn about a half mile away on the property because he lived in “constant fear” of Kanarek.

Barisone and Kanarek both called police a number of times in the week preceding the shooting, and both had retained lawyers in an attempt to resolve the tenancy issues, Schellhorn said.

The morning of the shooting, officers from the Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCP&P) came to the farm on Aug. 7 on a call that Barisone was abusing his fiance’s two young children, a claim Simms vehemently denied.

Kanarek is a nasty piece of work. I wish she had been evicted and sued in civil court rather than shot - but I don’t view her with more than a soupçon of sympathy.


That applies to Lauren too. If she was that concerned about her own safety, or her animals, then why not take people up on their offers to remove the horses and provide her with a place to stay?


Can we please leave the gun control debate out of this thread so it does not go down the worm hole of name calling all current event topics do and get the thread locked.

We all agree that shooting this person, no matter how evil or not evil she is, was not the right reaction. No gun control debate needed.


Because she’s crazy. I know you know that, I don’t know how or why some people don’t know that/admit that.


Isn’t she also the one who made the claim about who owned the gun? And who brought it that day? Has there been any independent confirmation of those claims?




Got it. Agreed. On your own property with squatters living in your home refusing to leave. You’ve already moved to the barn, yet you suggest leaving horses worth hundreds of thousands of dollars? You’ve called the police multiple times, you’ve offered to move her and her horses, she continues the threats and provocation, including trying to ruin your standing with the mother organization you work with, your fiance is in danger as are her children, but YOU are supposed to just walk away? Somehow I doubt that is what you would do.

Again, I am NOT condoning LK being shot I am saying I would never leave my property with a lunatic running free rein on it.


I imagine that will come out at the trial.

She wanted to destroy him - for reasons of her own. I think because she enjoys doing it and never considers the long-term consequences she could face. Although as noted, she has never faced serious consequences. She succeeded in her goal, even if he wins his case.


I don’t think she is crazy. I think she is entitled, spoiled and wanted to drive the owner of the property away so she could squat on it and acquire it for far less than its market value.


I apologize for so many posts - I don’t know how to do multiple quotes when responding to multiple writers such that it doesn’t look like a mess. Carry on.


Actually, according to Facebook she moved back to her apartment on Friday “Returned to my apartment today. First time since the incident. Can’t describe how traumatic it was - I won’t even get into it. But, alas, I made it thru it & here I am. ðƾƒÂșðƾƒÂșðƞ’«ðƞ’«

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It is perfectly possible and indeed likely that LK called SS and CPS both, or called 911 with a tale that generated the CPS visit. I honestly don’t think that a call to SS would result in CPS descending on a parent in less than a week, because SS would want to do a bit of fact checking on any wild and crazy rumor that was sent to them, and honestly I doubt they work that fast.

Since the call to CPS was so obviously over the top and pure harassment and misuse of LE time, I can see why after the fact LK might be trying to say “I never called CPS, that must have been fallout from my complaint to SS.” It is part of a pattern of refusing to take responsibility for one’s actions.

It is also possible that LK didn’t call CPS directly but told 911 that there were children living on the property that had been condemned, had loose guns and loose cannons lying around on porches, etc etc. It’s also possible she called CPS anonymously. I would think that CPS would make at least an initial visit to check any allegations of children at risk, especially if there were multiple 911 calls coming in from multiple parties from the property.

Anyhow all this stuff is recorded and documented, so again time will tell.

I do think the NJ laws on self defense are interesting. I would hazard the opinion that there is more leeway for someone to get a reduced sentence for shooting someone than there would be in Canada. I haven’t however done a direct comparision.


Surely you don’t mean she moved back into MB’s house. That would take this insanity to a whole new level. Again, where is the rich family? Father an attorney??


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