Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

C orrect me if I’m wrong, but i think what she is referring to as “her apartment” id MB’s house. That he was trying to get her out of.
How warped is that?!


Yes it appears LK may have done so. But CPS and SS have no way of knowing that.


I agree. But I do not think she moved back in there.
As I understand it she was so desperate for clothes, other than the sweat pants she bought at Walmart [because you know there is NO WHERE else to shop in NJ] that she went there to get clothes and other personal items she just had NO way of replacing. [/s]


She posted on FB that she went in to get better sweats because the Walmart sweats weren’t up to her standards; had a meltdown at all the blood and broken glass (that no one had cleaned up in almost a month, yet RG was living there while she was in the hospital), cried for 20 minutes, gathered up some things and left with the promise she would be back soon and it would become easier after the first visit. She stated, “after all, it’s paid for”.

“ugh, I wish… I didn’t even want to go there - like at all. Been staying in an hotel this whole time, but, the owner of the farm keeps asking when we ll be back. Suppose since that apartment is prepaid & hotels (especially my kinds 🙄🙄) are absurdly priced, we may as well go back sooner than later. It just looks SO different to me now. It looks like what it is: a freaking crime scene. That’s a daunting thought. 🤦🏼”â™€ï¸ðŸŒ·”


What you did was fine. In my particular situation I was able to handle it differently. I’m not going to say you’re wrong. It’s just not what I choose to do.

And my comment about slapping them down from the get go is how I handle incoming narcs.

As for the sarcasm, it was cute.


I looked up her publicly available cases on court records.org. She failed to address the SECOND DEGREE TRESPASS, SIMPLE ASSAULT, HARRASING PHONE CALL AND COMMUNICATING THREATS CHARGES. Why wouldn’t the people on the forum that have accused her of the same PRESS CHARGES?


Well we may be splitting bleached blonde hairs here, but I gotta go ‘slightly crazy’ in that this sort of entitlement is not remotely within ‘normal’ behavior. Entitled is cutting in line at the grocery store or not tipping or the like. It’s not calling CPS on your landlord followed by comments about don’t drop the soap.


She supposedly just went back to get some of her things. Not to live there, although according to her the “owners” are eagerly awaiting her return as a tenant.

If you buy what she is selling.


Sounds like it. So she is squatting if there is no money changing hands and no agreement for her to be there. Right?

Her father is a licensed attorney in NY. Passed the state bar in 1978.

Amazing that she could still see blood on the grass a month later. After several rainfalls. Who needs luminol when you have that ability? /s


Somebody has to know who the owner is. Is it his former wife? Former sponsor?

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Eh…maybe? Or is it more a case of toe-MAY-toe, toe-MAH-toe?

Entitlement is an enduring personality trait, characterized by the belief that one deserves preferences and resources that others do not.”

“Narcissistic entitlement occurs when people’s high self-appraisals are unrealistic and they don’t really deserve the victories and attention they crave.”

“Whether deserved or not, highly entitled people are less concerned about what is socially acceptable or beneficial. …correlated high scores on entitlement measurements with difficulty complying with the “rules” of the experimental task.”


Owned by the LLC (Michael Barisone).


The farm?
I believe it’s owned by an LLC of which Barisone is at least one ‘owner’.


It’s a tomato thing, for sure :wink:


If she does it online it is next to impossible to prove that it is a credible threat. You have to prove that SHE wrote the post, for example. Not someone messing around on her open page, or someone cloning her page.

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I believe that will protect the farm in the event of a lawsuit. Sounds like he may of needed a rocket launcher to get her off. Just kidding.


I posted the disposition of all those charges many pages back. All were dismissed either voluntarily or differed disposition. LK responded by saying she was found not guilty of all of them and then went on a tirade about no one being perfect. That’s where the 7-girl- jumpin-her-in-a-bar-and-she-defended-herself-with-a-cranberry-juice-bottle came from.

Her in-laws have a restraining order against her.


No doubt someone does.

Just none of us here know anything more than what is posted.

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Which is interesting as a developmentally delayed young lady in Rochester NY is being detained and is at risk of deportation due to a threat she supposedly made [but people who know her say she wasn’t mentally capable of making] on social media.


Fresh off the vine with mozzarella and GREEK olive oil, please!