Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

@Moderator 1 is calling someone crazy and other names, as well as diagnosing mental disorders without psychiatric licensing (and in person assessment) against the forum policies?


All bets are off when you aren’t a citizen. Deporting is easier than making charges stick in a case like this.


I suspect that has more to do with the ongoing political hay being made about immigrants. Including the ones who are here receiving medical treatment, or even participating in clinical research trials with the idea of helping others (which doesn’t apply to Abigail Hernandez - which is a very sad case to read about).


I am sure the answer to this question is in this thread somewhere so sorry for asking it - She is not married to the boyfriend. Where do the in-laws come in? Was she married before?


Yes, I have pressed charges, the 2017 cyberstalking case which she would not acknowledge is my case against her. Although, if LK is still reading this she will know exactly who I am and not some trainer she refused to train with in NC.

LK took to social media for her so called “damage control” so no one would believe anything I said…however, even under attack from her and RG, I never divulged all the personal information I knew/know about them.

I had contacted a lawyer to persue a slander and defamation lawsuit but unfortunately do not have the funds to retain one. Although, the lawyer stated the first step was getting the cyberstalking/cyberbullying charge prosecuted.

As of today’s date LK still has not been served papers bc she refuses to answer the door for a sheriff if she hasn’t called them. Even after RG was “missing” for that week, she wouldn’t answer the door for the sheriff’s to confirm face to face that he had returned.

And yes, I know why he was “missing”, where he was, and what he was doing . I even have ALL the texts from LK still saved and they have been sent to MB’s lawyer.


I think this post here says a lot. LK had posted on FB that some man was bullying her and she was going to report him to Safe Sport. Something to the effect of: “I think this is exactly the type of situation Safe Sport would be interested in”. So I conjecture that she called Safe Sport to report MB’s behavior towards her, and they told her they really weren’t interested in hearing about disputes between adult clients and trainers. Now if he was abusing kids, that would be a different story. So suddenly she remembers that “why yes, he is abusing kids after all”. And she makes her report to them. At that point it doesn’t matter whether she called CPS or Safe Sport called CPS; she put the wheels in motion so she is responsible for CPS visiting MB.

Now if that is the way things went down, it still doesn’t tell us if the report she made is valid or not. But the fact that she had been living there for some time, and she never felt the need to report MB for his behavior towards children until she and MB were in a major dispute, leads me to believe that she made the allegations up or greatly exaggerated them to get the response from Safe Sport that she wanted.


RG is her boyfriend. Yes, she was married many years ago and took her maiden name back after the divorce.


Usually those differred dispositions are called ACD cases - Adjournment Contemplating Dismissal. It puts the cases on hold, often for a year but could be longer, and if the defendant stays clean, after that period of time passed, the case is deemed dismissed. Should there be a subsequent incident or charge the case is “resurrected” and then dealt with or prosecuted.


Just googled this. Looks like she got labled a “terrorist” for apparently making s school shooting threat, was found to be an undocumented immigrant, and is therefore in the ICE pipeline, though it is not stated what her official nationality is, or how long she was in the US. Nothing at all comparable to a US citizen slanging off against acquaintances on social media.


I wonder what would happen if ICE finds a person living in the US that is undocumented, but who has no national status anywhere else? I wonder if it’s possible to have not just second generation but third generation undocumented born in the USA individuals living under the radar, and even to be estranged from their families and to have no verification of where their grandparents came from? What would happen to them?

Hopefully, you can get restitution. Maybe an attorney would be willing to take it on a contingency basis given all the publicity and bottomless financial resources she has. You may want to research her financial situation.


Agree 100%. But she’s not the one who tried to kill someone.



As of today’s date LK still has not been served papers bc she refuses to answer the door for a sheriff



Then so would be accusing someone of a crime who is not convicted without using the word “alleged” or “allegedly” as has been done in reference to MB.


Why not use a process server?


I wouldn’t leave my property, but nor would I drive up to the house where she was residing to engage in a conversation with her.


You would be correct.

It is a very sad case. Her IQ and the fact that she never actually lived in her native country, and her parents are citizens has also largely been ignored.
The people in that area who still insist her ‘threat’ was credible in light of it being made apparently on a phone to social media and unlikely she has the means or intellect to carry it out be damned.

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Florida’s “stand your ground’’ law basically says you can use deadly force – such as shooting someone – to defend yourself if you fear for their life, or are afraid of serious bodily injury. In Florida, there is no duty to retreat before using deadly force.

Had they been in Florida it would of been “fair game”.


allegations do not even need to be creditable nor does one need to identify themselves when reporting

In New Jersey, any person having reasonable cause to believe that a child has been subjected to abuse or acts of abuse should immediately report this information to the State

A concerned caller does not need proof to report an allegation of child abuse and can make the report anonymously



“Suppose since that apartment is prepaid & hotels (especially my kinds 🙄🙄) are absurdly priced, we may as well go back sooner than later. It just looks SO different to me now. It looks like what it is: a freaking crime scene. That’s a daunting thought. 🤦🏼*♀️🌷”

Another thing that irks me: anyone else catch that she specified that HER kinds of hotels are absurdly priced? eyeroll if YOUR kinds are so expensive that you HAVE to go back to the place that you got shot, how about not staying at such expensive hotels and stay in a regular one?


Personal service is not the only way to serve papers. There is also

  1. Nail and Mail. You affix the Summons and Complaint to the door after attempting to personally serve on 2 other attempts. Of those attempts one must be during business hours and one outside of business hours. You cannot serve on a Sunday. You cannot serve in a courthouse. However outside the courthouse as someone is walking in or out of court is ok.

Service cannot be done by you but by anyone else, not named in case, aged 18 or over.

  1. Leaving the papers with someone of suitable age and discretion who is at least 14 years of age. It does not need to be the named party. If someone went to the house, knocked on the door, and a stable worker answered then they can be given the papers and the defendant is considered served as long as additional papers are mailed to the defendant in 1 day.

Testimony as to the service is done via the filing of an Affidavit of Service which is then filed with the court. The Affidavit of Service states all the relevant information: who was being served, how they were served, address, times and dates of other attempted service, name and address of server, and a statement called a Non Military Affidavit which states that within 30 days the defendant was ascertained NOT to be in active military duty. There is a website to look folks up but you can also use testimony like asking if they’re in the military or a neighbor attesting to seeing the defendant but never in military clothing or by stating who the defendant currently works for.

The Affidavit of Service is signed and notarized. The best ones are done by process servers.

These are the laws for NY. I imagine NJ is similar.