Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Or maybe a follow-up with Nancy Grace! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


Thank you for welcoming me back! I appreciate very much the warm reception.

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Youā€™re welcomeā€¦weā€™re all about theatrics on this thread.


you just sit back and run that mouth, the best is yet to come.

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Soā€¦ who wants to hear about malignant narcissist ploys again?

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Iā€™m going to message you on this forum to discuss what we spoke of earlier.

Informational video about narcissists as drama queens



Not that it really matters, but as somebody with an extensive employment history in the bar industry, yes it has happened to myself or my co workers on several occasions. Many of these incidents were entirely sober and without provocation.


I know you probably arenā€™t a horse person but I would probably stop repeating this argument about SW if I were you. Letā€™s just say it wonā€™t get you far.


It started with the tiara. LK wanted one just like that guy from the comedy channel whatā€™s-his-name. Stephen Colbert. Yes, thatā€™s it. She was jealous that he got to ride one of the GP horses. I believe her name was Conchita. Ok, so she saw that Stephen got to wear it even though he didnā€™t do much other than ride around for only a lap or two and do a couple steps of Piaffe.

That was many years ago so she started stalking Michael Barisone on the internet to learn all the details of his private life to assess his vulnerabilities. She recalled that Colbert asked Michael had certain issues after riding to which Michael almost laughed and said no he didnā€™t, that everything worked.

So then she decided maybe she had a chance to maybe move in on his territory. It took many years before Michael and his wife broke up and by that time LK was already beginning to move in on his territory by moving up from NC and spending more and more time at the farm. Being a narcsissist she figured she could get a lot of attention from him and evertybody else but then when MH showed up she started to get very angry inside. Similar to Luke Skywalker in Star Wars Episode V where he was training on that swampy planet trying to levitate his plane out of the swamp. the only problem is LK didnā€™t have a mentor like Yoda to explain that fear and anger lead to hate and eventually to the dark side.

So the more jealous and angry she got at MH and then MB the more fuel got dumped on the fire. In the beginning from my vantage point in the tackroom, it was easy to see her trying to get attention. when you have that many horses on full training board you are in and out of the barn all the time. But since she was only half bronzed, and barely squeeking by at that, the tiara was still not hers.

Michael Barisone kept it under lock and key. It used to be in the safe and his office, but sheā€™s not a deeply technical grifter so she wasnt able to pick the lock and steal the tiara She also wasnā€™t able to distract Michael enough to get him to open the safe. His attachment to MH was too great. So this only made LK more and more angry.

LKā€™s boyfriend tried to break into the safe, but from what I overheard while I was on the saddle rack in the tackroom, Michael told him to stop bothering him, that he wouldnā€™t be able to wear the Tiara unless he dressed up in the same outfit as Colbert did and also get on a horse and do piaffe with it. The fiance tried on a menā€™s shadbelly, but his beer belly made it look silly. He tried on a pair of white menā€™s breeches also and then saw that the Pikeur were nearly $300 and started complaining. LK wouldnā€™t give her fiance money for the Pikeurā€™s because she thought only she should wear pants that are so expensive. Her fiance tried to explain that Gucci started doing equestrian and maybe she could buy that which would make the pikeur look cheap but LK told him no. so then the boyfriend decided to steal Michaelā€™s Shadbelly and white breeches but since michael is very tall, the fiance had to fold the bottom of the pants over. This irritated the fiance and so he just took a pair of scissors and cut the ends off. Michael found out about this and then told the fiance that he was going to get evicted if he ever pulled a stunt like that again.

After the fiance left the barn after ruining the Pikeurā€™s, Michael went back to his office and took the tiara out for MH. She got to wear it around the barn. I saw her go in and out of the tack room several times showing it off for everybody. LK saw this and got mad and then started trashing Michael on FB.

That is what the argument started off as before that she was sweet talking his program on the internet and then all of a sudden things went sour and that was because of the Tiara and MH got to wear it and not her.

Tomorrow I will do the next installment.


Ugh! Thatā€™s it! If she only had a tiara and a Yoda. Maybe COTH could make her a sparkly tiara? I have glitterā€¦


Youā€™ve got to be frigginā€™ kidding me :lol::lol::lol:


LOL, The Blue Saddle. But after days following this thread, your explanation does not sound implausible. :wink:

I just watched the 2012 Colbert/Barisone clips on YouTube. They are much funnier than I remember, and there are some good shots inside the barn. Not sure if this is the same barn?

Also, will someone please ship Conchita to me?


Pornā€¦her fatherā€™s money comes from porn

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Ok. Doesnā€™t really matter though.


ummmmā€¦that is actually awesome that SW had someone as bad as herself make HER think she was a victim. :winkgrin:


Who cares where her fatherā€™s money comes from?

Good to see SW back under yet another alter though. Someoneā€™s bored.


A few pages back someone brought up what would the US govā€™t do with someone who was stateless or couldnā€™t prove their citizenship. We have an increasing number of citizens who do exactly that, deliberately, to their children. Alicia Pennington (sp) was in legal limbo for years due to her parents. I think that is abuse but I donā€™t know that it is a situation being addressed at the state level. Is anyone aware of legislation proposed?

I think you are taking this way too personally. This is NOT about gun control. It is not political. It is not about codificationā€¦how very silly.

It is about point of view.

There is a cultural lens through which humans view things. Canadians do not have a gun culture. Ergo, our point of view is different.

This conversation is about sharing points of view, no?

Carry onā€¦


The Kanarekā€™s seem like nice sort of people. /s

On Aug. 8, Mary Haskins Gray, Barisoneā€™s partner, called 911 to say that she had been verbally threatened by Goodwin and Jonathan Kanarek, Laurenā€™s father.

NJ 101.5