Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Silly, the Blue Saddle was being used on a horse at the time and therefore could not have witnessed the shooting. However sources tell me there may have been an Open Trailer nearby…perhaps it could tell us something :lol:


SW is responsible for some horrific bullying on her own. You really need to step back from this thread, if you expect any of your history to be useful.


There nothing personal about not wanting a thread on a dressage forum to turn into a gun control debate (which is a likely outcome of comparing perspectives when any relevant differences are exactly those that might be shaped by gun laws).

And there’s nothing personal about not giving a s***t about whether an unthinkable tragedy might be even more unthinkable in Canada, or from a “Canadian point of view”.

How very silly.




ummmm…that is actually awesome that SW had someone as bad as herself make HER think she was a victim

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PEOPLE! REMEMBER TODAY? WHAT HAPPENED 18 YEARS AGO! Out of respect for all of those that died on September 11, 2001 can we all just shut up and have a moment of silence? Or at least from 8:46 a.m. to 10:07 a.m.? Remember how nice we all were to each other after that we were all bonded together in unity because someone attacked our country. Can we please remember that, reflect on what happened and show a little respect by being silent and stopping the bickering.


Good luck with this, I don’t think you will be pleased with the results


I was advised in messenger to step back and I am going to do that. I just wanted everyone to know there is WAY more to this story. I just personally witnessed LK attacking SW in the same vicious way she attacked me.


SW literally did the same thing though…100 times over.


Nobody is steering this discussion towards gun laws or whether they had any bearing on this tragedy. Some of us do think, however, there are cultural differences in how someone might view the shooting or the reasons MB might have been armed, based on their own individual cultural views about the use of guns for personal protection. You are certainly free to disagree with us but you aren’t free to tell us not to discuss that angle. It is no more and no less relevant or contentious than any of the other speculation going on here


I know it’s awful but I laughed out loud at this. Colbert and his tiara!


I am only asking you to please stop with this angle because no matter how much you say it is not political, it ends up being political. Discussion like this will get the thread closed because you and others will not let them go.

The vast majority (not saying all so you do not have to go find the one poster who says otherwise) of the people in this thread agree that shooting this person was not appropriate…even the Americans, even those who own guns.

Please try to keep the thread open. When more facts appear we can learn about them, with out having to find a new thread.


Yup. And I can say this because it is horse related: I have several friends that take guns with them when they go trail riding, because you never know what can happen and they view it as better to have protection than not. They may or may not just leave it in the truck but it’s there. So it is not at all hard for me to imagine people believing that bringing a gun for protection to a discussion with a potentially violent person would be a good idea, especially if they had tried repeatedly to get help from LE but had no success. I also can see how people would think that bringing a gun would mean there was an intent to shoot. But from my experience, that is not typically the case.

And this has absolutely nothing to do with gun control or anything political so not sure why that is being brought up. This is literally a discussion on what is acceptable for someone to bring as protection to a bad situation, and how it is viewed differently in different places. The only ones making it about gun control laws and politics are the ones asking for people to stop talking about it.


Or those who have read lots of threads on this forum where the topic of guns come up…


And no matter how much you insist that it ISN’T going to get political, all evidence & experience on this whole forum shows otherwise. We lost the Current Events forum 2 years ago because people could not discuss heated topics without it becoming the worst version of Mean Girls.

If it were possible to discuss the cultural differences that fuel more private gun ownership in the US than in other countries without it immediately disintegrating in a VERY heated political debate, I’d be all for it, but we all know that’s just not going to happen.

It has been discussed to exhaustion that there is no excuse for MB shooting her unless some evidence comes to light that she brought the gun to the incident and it went off while they wrestled for control of said gun. Literally everyone is agreement that he should not have shot her.


And that overall, regardless of what different areas and cultures believe, he should not have brought a gun to the situation, if it was him that brought it.


Originally posted by BigMama1 View Post
Nobody is steering this discussion towards gun laws or whether they had any bearing on this tragedy. Some of us do think, however, there are cultural differences in how someone might view the shooting or the reasons MB might have been armed

every time I read such posts by a Canadian I remember the killing of Tim McLean which occurred on the evening of July 30, 2008.

McLean, a 22-year-old Canadian man, was stabbed, beheaded and cannibalized while riding a Greyhound Canada bus and the man who did this was found not criminally responsible for beheading and cannibalizing a fellow passenger has been granted his freedom.


really is comforting to know this guy is out on the streets with the hope he stays on his meds

so back to US guns


Has anyone else seen this? I can’t imagine why she would write something like this … given that she just (almost miraculously) survived an allegedly lethal attack and claims that she now believes in God and is so grateful for all the prayers on her behalf. Who would even joke like this? I just don’t get it. Her attorneys must be frantic.


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Yep. I have memories of certain episodes from Alberta… her need to always be seen as a victim - or to be in the spotlight, her delight in trying to ruin people’s dressage careers/interest, her enjoyment of the harassment she dishes out on a regular basis, her contempt for and bullying of anyone who does not fawn all over her witty brilliance and supreme dressagery (it is a word - I just created it) and her disdain for anything and anyone that may get in the way of that “fun”.

Not exactly someone to tie yourself to in the hope of salvation and support.

9/11 story… the morning of the attacks, I was volunteering at the therapeutic riding center and the director decided that lessons would go on - the riders did not understand or care about anything other than the joy they had in riding their horses that day. We went about our tasks hushed and anxious but putting on masks of smiles and cheeriness for the riders. I am from Canada and was in WA state on a legal work visa. One of the other volunteers turned to me and yelled at me to go home - get out of her country - and stop spying!!! Ummmm… yeah. So no, some people had no desire to come together in any way.

Fortunately she was the only small, dark smudge on that day - and the weeks that followed - when people did come together.

@clanter, we could all cite episodes wherein crazed nut jobs on or off their meds commit atrocities and then do not serve out appropriate punishment… from all over the world - including right here in the US. But yeah - by all means take that horrific episode and present it as an example of… ??? not much really. Other than a terrible event that could have happened on a bus driving across South Dakota… or Kansas… or anywhere. So much for not making things political.


I get the distinct impression she is absolutely elated that this incident made her the center of attention.


I wonder if this is what they call a bipolar high point as they go from crazy happy and animated to the blackest hole in hell?