Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I was about to say that the claim this discussion would turn into a gun control debate is nonsense, because we are all adults here and we can all choose not to go down that route…sigh…

Hopefully the rest of us can still manage to restrain ourselves and continue to leave politics and laws out of it, while still freely speculating about every aspect of this case, from whether real men own pink guns to whether carrying a gun to a confrontation indicates premeditation.


I think more that she’s playing to whatever audience she’s interacting with and whatever she thinks will get her the most attention. So she alternately plays the poor traumatized victim/strong brave woman/badass out for revenge tropes depending on the context.

I realize that people respond to trauma differently, and many normal people may go through stages where their outlook changes somewhat after traumatic incident, but the over-the-top and extremely public nature of LK’s rants, sympathy pleas, accusations, threats and drama make me think it’s about attention and getting what she wants first and foremost.


Stress often magnifies ‘who you are’, as it appears is occurring in this case.

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I’m not going to judge her for what looks like an inside joke with a friend that probably predates the incident in question. Using humor to cope with traumatic stress is a pretty common and not necessarily unhealthy phenomenon.


Someone provided the names of the owners of the LLC (farm). They appear to be an elderly couple in Nj. So are they now having to deal with removing them from the property? Also, if she called the Fire Marshall on them and had the apartment/home condemned then I imagine they will be on the hook for 10’s of thousands of dollars in repairs. Look at many lives this woman has effected besides her own. The carnage is everywhere.


And, LK thrives on this chaos. It is interesting that she posts great disdain for Donald Trump and his narcissistic and cruel behavior, yet does not recognize the same behavior in herself. (Def not turning this political, just pointing out an observation.)


I noticed the same thing when she was posting here over the weekend. Particularly when she even pulled out the term fake news. Ick.


On COTH, she posted that the property owners had begged to have her back and that they want her there more than MB.


Thank you so much for your compassion I am going to take your advice. I might throw in a comment here and there but I will be very mindful as to what is said. I know for a fact that LK is a habitual LIAR. This girl makes up stories and throws in fake references for others to believe to try to keep herself in the spotlight she loves attention. She does not care for a second who’s life she destroys to try to make herself look good.


Isn’t this what the song Timothy is named after? Can’t remember who sings it.

You are welcome. Is there someone you can talk with to help you cope with your frustration? You are far richer in the ways that matter, and moreover, are loved and capable of love. You have what someone like LK will never achieve.


Is this fact?

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I’m not sure why you want to be so heavily involved with someone who allegedly stalked you and ruined your life. I would think you would want to be as far away from those people as possible at all times. yet you have inserted yourself into something that has nothing to do with you. Its a bit odd. Not sure what to make of it.


http://tax1.co.monmouth.nj.us/cgi-bin/m4.cgi?district=1438&l02=143800055____00010_________M Public Tax Records showing Ownership

Possibly owner-financed, where the seller carried the note.

To think that some people would like vengeance or justice of some kind, for the giver of pain to receive some variety of “come uppance”… is not odd. That’s human nature, and compassion/empathy is not always the answer to a problem. Some people need to be stopped.


But by bringing their true nature to light, not talking in hush hush behind closed doors, but by being very vocal until the person is seen for who they really are. This can be via the courts, or via word of mouth.

Being silent and walking away has merit, but it doesn’t protect the next victim.


I considered this and agree with you. But she made this conversation “public” on her FB wall and obviously is very much aware that not just her friend who she was responding to is reading this. Especially right now. I wonder if she posted that response with a very particular purpose to send a very clear message. Not that we will every know for sure but I have a gut feeling that she did.


Doesn’t MB have a FL facility? Who owns that?

He was private before and remains private now. No change in regards to his social media behavior.


Yes, same LLC.