Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Looks like MB has owned it since 2015. Did I misread the doc?

I rather doubt that a couple in their mid to late-70’s would be eager to have a 38 year old with a history of histrionics and no long-term success rate at generating income via training, boarding, etc., returning.


The story seems to be, from several sources, that RG was doing work on MB/MH’s bathroom and botched the job intentionally when things went south. He (?) called the inspectors to come out to inspect the job, knowing they would condemn the work. Once the home was condemned by the inspectors, the FD was notified because there were still occupants. It was the FD who evicted them and yet, they stayed.

As far as is known, the house is still condemned and LK/RG are planning on moving back in very soon, if not already. No “owners” are “begging” her to come back and stay!


I agree, unless she’s called them and given them one of her sob stories and they fell for it. They do not live in Livingston. They are a 77 and 84 year old couple who quite possibly are part of the LLC.

The fact remains by now LK is well versed in squatter’s rights and will move straight back in and take over the entire facility and do as she damn well pleases.


Well he is in prison without access to a computer, so there is that also. Not that he would be on social media anyway.


There is a John K Lundberg who is only 54. Perhaps the son.

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@endlessclimb warning others sure, but if you are actually a victim of stalking the last thing you want to is draw attention to yourself to the person who you live in fear of and has ruined your life. I would think anyways. Strange to me.


Maybe the old folks are holding the mortgage so it appears they are co owners. That’s my bet. The registration makes it seem so

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Re the NJ property. J Lundberg owned land starting in 1998. Late 1999 added Bonnie (wife?) for $10. Same time then transferred the property into the LLC. SAME mailing address as Lundberg, who would be the registered agent. Cost was $10. It was not a SALE. As above, the property was mortgaged with a bank as mortgage holder. Documents assigned all RENTS from the property back to the bank. So while not impossible that MB had ownership interest, seems more likely that Lundberg rented it to him.

http://mcclerksng.co.morris.nj.us/publicsearch - go here to see the deeds; enter Lundberg’s name.

The Florida property is directly in MB’s name. https://www.pbcgov.org/papa/Asps/Pro


That is John K Lundberg, Jr. The others are John K and Bonnie Lundberg, 84 & 77 years old. They do not live in Long Valley or Livingston.

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CFL Post flagged



Silly spammer
even Canadians don’t watch the CFL! :lol:


Maybe we can’t all agree about national identity, perspective, and culture, but I bet we can all agree that triggering Canadian Football League spam through repeated mentions of a certain country with a maple leaf flag is not what we want for this thread.

Now back to our regularly scheduled amateur sleuthing and speculation!


Ya’ll are such good sleuths!

Let’s get a couple things straight MH is a beautiful gold medalist she did NOT break up MB marriage. Michael and his Ex were already separated before they got together. LK was extremely jealous of MH because of her skill and level of riding. According to a reliable source LK was no where close to MH skill level. She was NEVER promised a spot on the Olympic team by MB. LK is infamous for making up stories to have you look at other people in a different light to try to somehow make herself look good. I have now officially spoken to 14 different people who have dealt with some of LK’s torturous personality. LK is a habitual LIAR please trust me on this. I told MB a week before the shooting to get video cameras to protect himself. I have cameras all over my house, I just found out that LK is still squatting on the property. For a “Rich Girl” with limitless funds she really is showing her true colors. Video surveillance is not that expensive I suggest everyone be protected. Also LK father paid for her to be trained not to live on the property.


no reliable source is needed concerning the skill level of LK and MH. LOL


Let’s correct a couple of things.
MB met MH when she was still married and he did clinics for her in NC.
MB was still married to VB. He however was a serial cheater.
Vera stuck by him the previous time and when his affair was over he praised Vera endlessly for this.
MH would come to NJ to “lesson with MB”. MB threw MH in Vera’s face back then, over 4 years ago.
MB and VB were not separated when MH’s husband found out about the affair.
MB has a very explosive temper, it has been witnessed many times by many people.
I am not LK or SW and do not know either of them.
I was in that barn and witnessed many disturbing things.
I have not been there for 4 years so I do not know anything that may have transpired during that time so don’t ask me any questions.

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I do wonder where her family is in all this. Why did she stay at a hotel? Would her dad not highly recommend to find another place to live?? What about her mother? It is all so weird.


And why would her father (allegedly) to to the farm with the fiance and create some type of disruption?