Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Why not? Perhaps that just how that entire family rolls. :no:


RG and JK (LKā€™s father) went to the farm the day after the shooting to ā€œcheck on the horsesā€Ā. They were yelling threats at JH and MH, while trying to get into the clubroom where MH and JH were. Banging on the door and rattling the doorknob.


I wonder what they planned to do had they gotten in to them? Can you imagine that kind of fear? These people feel so entitled.


Are you serious?? How do you know? Insane. Is MH still there? I think someone said she left the state with her children (hope thatā€™s correct for her sake). What about JH? Who is taking care of the horses? Did I miss something? How many horses does MB own and what is going to happen to them? So many question. We need insiders here ā€¦


Insiders will not talk!!! MH and the kids are safe.


I understand how hurt and harassed you must feel given LKā€™s alleged conduct towards you, but I believe that you should do as you said you intended to do and step away.

The alleged dirty laundry has been aired, and a path has been set in motion - for better or worse - where this womanā€™s past, current and future transgressions have been and will continue to be aired. You donā€™t need to dig them up. That should give you a bit of peace.

But you donā€™t need to continue to investigate and dig yourself further into this. From the outside, it is seeming a bit obsessive. And I understand why that may beā€¦ But I donā€™t think it is healthy.

And I have alluded to it before, but be careful who amongst those 14 people you trust. SW, for one, certainly shouldnā€™t be on the list.

My best to you, and I hope you find a way forward from this whole mess.


Listen to the 911 callsā€¦one of them is MH calling about them being there threatening them!!


Out of curiosity, why do we need to know?


That is pretty subjective, IMO. Do we really think the lawyer father is a threat?





I wouldnā€™t want to take any chances, would you? Assuming all the tales of LKā€™s behavior over the years are true, someone has enabled her and bailed her out all these years havenā€™t they? Two men yelling and threatening and trying to get in doesnā€™t sound like they wanted to go on a picnic.


Yup, eyes in onesā€™ head are sufficient to discern the vast, vast difference.


To be fair, would you ā€œgo on a picnicā€Ā (literally or figuratively) if your daughter had been shot and was in the ICU? I have a hard time believing that dear old dad would step outside the lines of the lawā€¦ but I donā€™t doubt he had words. I think insinuating he was a threat is a stretch.

ETA If anybody shot a family member of mine, I would be full-blown mama bear. I am from CA and live in NYC, so my instinct isnā€™t to pack heatā€¦ but you had better believe I would have words for you or your associates.

Also - do you really believe that a lawyer (presumably a decent one) would be recklessly threatening people? He has a lot to lose here and understands the law, presumably. I think that is unlikely.


Your replies are incongruent. If you think he is a threat (again, why?) then thatā€™s not a laughing matter.


Interestingā€¦the person charged with the shooting was in the hospital under police guard, so why go after the fiance and other trainer?

Furthemore, if MY daughter was in ICU fighting for her life, the ONLY place I would be is outside that ICU unit, not off yelling at people who werenā€™t even there at the time of the shooting.

Supposedly RGā€™s wrist was so broken he required surgery but he was able to get to the farm the day after the shooting? The photo LK posted of her ā€œnurseā€ didnā€™t seem to have a scar, bandage, cast or anything.

What a shame these two individuals who had so many friends in the area and never caused any issues with anyone, actually had literally no one they could call during this emergency to check on and care for her horses if they thought MH would not take care of them.

BTW, many say insinuating LK is a threat is stretching it while those who know her have no doubt of how dangerous she is.


Girl Joey, I would stop posting. You are feeding LKā€™s fire. I have NO DOUBT that you are in the right. Let it play out my dear. We can all see the truth. This Girl is ruined she just doesnā€™t know it yet. Stay above her $hi$ and let the truth come rolling out.


I was referring to LKā€™s lawyer father, not LK herself. But okay. Taking the baitā€¦ I maintain that regardless of how ā€œdangerousā€Ā LK may be she did not deserve to be shot unless she was brandishing a weapon. Is she psychologically dangerous? Perhaps. But I donā€™t think any of you have proven she is truly physically dangerous. Is she?

What is ā€œinterestingā€Ā to me is that so many here are so eager to vilify a victim who nearly lost her life and to exonerate a perpetrator. I have dealt with plenty of crazy in my life. I have filed police reports against one of those crazies. But I would never find myself gleefully contributing to a character assassination in this manner against any of the crazies. It is just disgusting.

Also, forgive me if I missed itā€¦ what is your relationship to her? Itā€™s clear you have issues with her personally.



Supposedly RGā€™s wrist was so broken he required surgery but he was able to get to the farm the day after the shooting? The photo LK posted of her ā€œnurseā€ didnā€™t seem to have a scar, bandage, cast or anything.[/QUOT

There was NOTHING on his arm/wrist the day after the shooting! Just another lie they told.


Again thank you i really do appreciate your looking out I1 know from four years of mental abuse from this girl, she LIES so much and I see her modus operandi here. I just know from the conversation I had w/ MB & MH a week before they were actually shaking in tone, crying, and at wits end.

I am happy Lauren survived this, we had asked Father Paul to put her on a prayer list. My Carmen and I lit a candle adding LK, RG, MB, & MH God has really blessed her LIFE Why not show gratitude and BE HONEST it is physically hurting my heart listening to this redundant overload of bullshit. I am not the one investigating I am just a reliable witness to this girls torturous behavior trust me when I say you have no idea. Having never met LK, she actually made me spit up a sip of wine while at a friends daughters sweet 16 party on the sick UNTRUE comments she was posting about me in a public forum. True story. I really do appreciate your looking out. I know the truth and she is LYING thatā€™s just not ok by me.


Ok so now we are going to embrace a known stalker and harasser. If any of you out there has ever been on the reciprocal end of harrassment you will get exactly what Iā€™m saying.

If anyone is looking for sympathy for LK they need to move to another planet. You reap what you sow. I hope Micheal has the best attorney ever.

Again. If defense funds are needed Iā€™m ready to contribute to that Go Fund Me Defense Fund.