Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Have you read any of the other accounts of her previous behavior, threats, FB posts, criminal record showing a pattern of behavior, witness her trashing someone in social media??

I have issues with someone who posts frequently about being afraid and threatened but refuses to leave the supposed danger. I don’t buy her innocent story and you can look back on the number of times I, and others, asked her what she contributed to the toxic situation and were met with crickets each time, or the favorite comment, “it’s complicated”.

I do not condone her being shot. I also don’t condone her entitled, bully behavior. I am glad she survived, sincerely relieved for all concerned.


Just stop. And walk away. Find peace. She may be a monster but your involvement with this will NEVER change the outcome in your favor.


Wow. Not at all what I said.


After all this time it is apparent peace will be hard to find for Girl Joey. I believe she IS processing her trauma in the best way she knows how…warning others.


Okay, so you don’t have skin in this game? Why are you one of the most frequent posters here if you don’t have personal reason to post? It seems really weird to me. Sorry. What’s your end game? The rest of us are observers… you seem to have a beef. If you aren’t the “Blue Sadle” - hahahaha - or someone who actually knows what is going on, then perhaps you should step aside.


Ok. Cry me a River. That’s what I saw. There is no defense for LK. I’m sorry she was shot. I’ve never shot anyone. I will say that this girl has a history of pushing People beyond the limit. You reap what you sow.

I dont advocate violence but I would do whatever it took to protect my family and loved ones from harm. No one knows what went down. This girl is NOT blameless whatever the scenario that is played out. I think she is everyone’s worst nightmare and a psycho.

Just finished watching the movie “ Fatal Attraction”. Pretty appropriate for this situation.


I have no intentions of “stepping aside” and I have as much a right to respectfully comment and contribute to the thread as anyone else. Scroll on by if I annoy you please.

Perhaps there are several here being sure the truth is told and wild speculation is kept to a minimum.


Sorry, asking again: why are you so invested in this? You have posted A LOT here. It is clear you have an agenda. What is it? As my mom used to say, don’t be a sh*t disturber.


Why do YOU care so much??? What is your agenda?? Are you defending LK??? Good luck with that!🤣🤣🤣🤣


I am not defending LK, just asking for people to be decent. Sorry if that is a big ask for you.


No one would have said anything one way or the other but YOU chose to attack. Some of us are old people on here. We are not the “ Pansy Flowers” of today. We see and tell it like it is. You don’t like it??? Well you know what you can do with that. Let’s see how this plays out in court.


Great! You still come across as someone with an axe to grind. Not sure that is how I would choose to present myself. But god speed.


I am surprised at your question. We do not ‘need’ to know anything. But here we are. Discussing, speculating and assuming any if, when, why, what and how ever since this tragedy occurred. Who would not ‘like’ to know? Maybe I am the only one. shrugs


You come across as someone with an axe to defend? Not sure why. God speed to you as well.


Honey, some of us are good people who don’t have to argue. Though dost protest too much.


Hmmmmm. Darlin… right back at you.


Hey ErinMeri… you just show up today on Sept 11th. Want to meet me for lunch? I’d love to discuss this further.

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GirlJoey: Consider the distinct possibility that SW is buddying up to you just to get the gossip, the messy details.


So, as an “observer” you think those of us posting should only post if we are privy to info or not post at all, right?

The only poster who insists they know the whole story is La-LaPopRider but she told only bits and pieces to prove her innocence in the weeks of turmoil.

Others, who know more are not posting anything of substance because they are not going to add to speculation or they know to keep information private.

Others are posting gut wrenching personal experiences with LK to shed light on what the environment may have been on that property.

Many here are trying to understand how this happened to a man who had everything going for him while being portrayed as a child abuser, bully, misogynist, jealous liar in financial difficulty.

BTW, this thread is now 140 pages long. I didn’t begin posting until approximately page 95.

