Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Seriously? So what she posted a lot? Geez.


Yeah, Iā€™ve posted 1990 times in over 15 years! That is minuscule compared to others!!


OMG!! @Angela Freda has posted almost 20,000 times in 14 years!!! She posts too much. Thatā€™s a lot of axes to grind! :winkgrin:


Iā€™ve posted 240ish times since 2008. I only come on here when I see a travesty of justice.


This situation qualifiies as a travesty of justice. I hope people will not give up on seeking truth.


Thank you, thank you so much. I just want someone to really listen.


We are, I promise.


Thank you so much XOXO


Girl Joey. Donā€™t waste your breath here. You see for sure now the cards that you face. Save your words for court. You have more support than you can ever imagine.


To continue with the story, LK became upset about not getting to wear the Tiara. She saw MH wearing it all the time and that only made LK angrier at MB. She enlisted her fiance to go after MB again. This time the fiance tried to tempt MB with the questionable materials produced by LKā€™s father, but MB did not react.

The fiance then went into the basement of the house to pretend to fix things but he only made it worse because he had no idea what he was doing. Kind of like people on those housing reality shows where the buyers try to remodel fixer-uppers by themselves. Sometimes they end up doing really dumb @#$% and then have to csll in the professionals to fix the mistakes. There was one particular episode where this single guy decides to remodel his batchelor pad. He invited one of his buddies over and they decided to knock down a wall in order to open up the space. The two guys asked each other if this wall was load-bearing and one of them tapped on it and said no. Then they took a sledgehammer and knocked it down and the ceiling sank immediately. Oops.

That was how bad the job was that LKā€™s fiance did. It was so embarrassing that the fire department had to come over to condemn the house. LK was in the house baking cookies at the time and she burnt them to a crisp, thus creating a lot of smoke. Being the narcissist that she is, after putting the cookies in the oven, she went to another room to stare at herself in the mirror and take a lot of selfies to put on instagram and facebook.

When the smoke got really bad, it set off the fire alarm that automatically calls the fire department. They came out to put out the fire, but instead they end up condemning the house. They mostly did that so that people would think they showed up solely to condemn the house (which really did need it) but the reality was they had first come out because of the fire that LK started in the kitchen. They were afraid she would come after them if they dared to imply that the fire was because of her bad cooking. Narcissists canā€™t accept that they have any faults so she had tried to mesmerize the firemen and get them to do her bidding which was to get them to ignore the fire and only pay attention to the house. LK blamed it on her fiance. Even though she decided to get engaged to him she still treats him as a doormat and letā€™s him take the fall for a lot of bad behavior.

At this point, MB and MH had come back from their canoe trip and were back in the barn. They didnā€™t want to go back into the house because the smell of burnt cookies was still lingering.

installment three will air tomorrow.


I freaking love The Blue Saddle!!Ć°ÅøĀ¤Ā£Ć°ÅøĀ¤Ā£Ć°ÅøĀ¤Ā£Ć°ÅøĀ¤Ā£Ć¢ĀĀ¤ĆÆĀøĀĆ¢ĀĀ¤ĆÆĀøĀĆ¢ĀĀ¤ĆÆĀøĀ


@TheBlueSaddle what are you smoking? Must be some good stuff! :lol::lol:


Freaking hilarious!!


Yea Iā€™m pretty sure she will continue to post her experience of a truly devastating life event as long as she needs to. Why should that present a problem to those that have never and hopefully will never go thru that kind of hell?


Something just occurred to me, and please correct me if I am mistakenā€¦of all these many pages of speculation and description and character analysis, there has been only one poster saying anything negative about MB or MH (except when the Blue Saddle said Michael would not lend his tiara). I wonder why there has been so few negative comments about MB and MH? Is it because they are well respected in their profession and mind their own business or because they intimidate people from speaking out about them, or is it because theyā€™ve tried to live normal, hard working lives and raising beautiful, well mannered children?

On the other hand there have been umpteen negative postings about LK and RG. Are those negative posts because people are jealous and making up lies about them? Or have posters provided personal anecdotal evidence of what LK did to them, and it wasnā€™t pretty?!

I was accused of having an ax to grind tonight because Iā€™ve posted so much in the past 10 or so days. I will be honest that I have known some of the people involved in this situation for many yearsā€¦not saying which ā€œsideā€, but I am all about the absolute truth being told regardless how ugly that truth can be. I will call BS if anyone posts something blatantly false. If that is rude, then so be it.

I will also admit that posting here the past few days has relieved me from political/current events social media posts that can become really testy quickly! :rolleyes:


Itā€™s like visiting Absurdville.

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As opposed to Marguaritaville!!:winkgrin:


It does appear that there are 2 or 3 posters who are closer to this than they are pretendingā€¦ and yet feigning innocence about just wanting to discuss or speculate when that is obviously not the intent. Sneering at ā€œpansy flowersā€Ā does not help your case. What is the connection that a couple of you have where you appear to have inside info and contacts of some kind?

It seems that even asking that is not ā€œpermittedā€Āā€¦


I love Margaritaville.


I would think that when one of the parties being discussed shows up, and pretty much verifies everything thatā€™s been said about her and then some, thatā€™s pretty good proof. Weā€™ve all had direct experience with LK now. It was very enlightening.