I want to point something out that seems to be brushed over. Lauren K. is 38 years old. She is very much an adult. She is not a child and when referred to as “girl” leads to an impression of youth and naivete. Language matters. It is not important, but it bothers the technical writer in me.
I know many people are aware of her age, but there is something off when used for a woman who hasn’t been a minor for 20 years. She probably encourages its use though. The whole “mutton dressed as lamb” schtick.
GirlJoey is processing her trauma. She is also speaking out about what she endured from LK. When people do not share their bad experiences, good people will tend to trust too readily. I hope you find some solace in speaking about it GJ.
Particularly when an individual is deemed attractive. They are already regarded as smarter, more accomplished, competent and trustworthy than those who are not. Apparently Lauren used that to get away with horrible behavior for years.
Science holding up a mirror to our biases.
Anyway, getting shot sucks. So is tormenting people in order to destroy their livelihoods, relationships and with the goal of [edit].