Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I want to point something out that seems to be brushed over. Lauren K. is 38 years old. She is very much an adult. She is not a child and when referred to as “girl” leads to an impression of youth and naivete. Language matters. It is not important, but it bothers the technical writer in me.

I know many people are aware of her age, but there is something off when used for a woman who hasn’t been a minor for 20 years. She probably encourages its use though. The whole “mutton dressed as lamb” schtick.

GirlJoey is processing her trauma. She is also speaking out about what she endured from LK. When people do not share their bad experiences, good people will tend to trust too readily. I hope you find some solace in speaking about it GJ.

Particularly when an individual is deemed attractive. They are already regarded as smarter, more accomplished, competent and trustworthy than those who are not. Apparently Lauren used that to get away with horrible behavior for years.

Science holding up a mirror to our biases.

Anyway, getting shot sucks. So is tormenting people in order to destroy their livelihoods, relationships and with the goal of [edit].


I hear you. <3


No, but your suggestion that he isn’t [EDIT-] dangerous/a threat was.
ANYONE can be dangerous/a threat.


I have not seen many negative posts publicly about MB, presumably because most people who kniw him like and respect him, and don’t want to add to his burden at this time. However to be fair, I have heard privately from several people who know him that he may have been struggling with drinking and / or anger and depression issues for some time. Just because people aren’t lined up to publicly bash him doesn’t mean he lived a faultless life. While nobody is buying LK’s version of events, it generally takes two to tango and there may have been issues on both sides. I’m sure we’ll find out eventually, not that it changes the sad outcome/


The people that have told you privately, how well do they know MB? Riding with him a few times a year in clinics? Rode with him regularly years ago, or were they currently riding with him, going to the farm on a regular basis, or speaking to him on the phone regularly?
I will stand up and say that he was not having a drinking problem, and was not having anger/depression issues until all of this started with LK. Faultless life, no, I would not say that, but I would not say that about anyone.


Ironic that everyone is staunch in their “If “I” were XXXXXXX” .

Someone being a nut doesn’t mean you shoot them.
Someone being a big meany to someone doesn’t mean someone else can shoot them.

Currently- 1 person is in jail. Either his lawyer sucks or… he shouldn’t have shot her.

People we like, respect can be good people and still do some very bad things. One has to separate out bad acts from people we like and admire. And stop making excuses. This seems to be a very hard thing for the horse world to do: either in relation to someone shooting someone or grooming minors.


This has been gone over and over again…kind of like we’re beating a dead…(can’t say it…it’s a horse forum). You’ve missed her point and chosen to lecture, yet again.


And yet- people continue to pound away at the crazy. Or share stories - over and over.
So no apology. I clearly see the point. Perhaps some people need more of a moral compass.
Talk about beating a dead horse. :rolleyes:


I believe that being a trainer, teacher at the upper levels, living and working on the property with no escape can become very stressful. We have lost a few upper level trainers here in Ontario alone related to depression and alcohol abuse.

I can completely understand how he was pushed over the edge.

I only had a small boarding barn and low level students but one family really pushed my buttons.


Agreed. If we want to look at a population getting pushed over the edge by ‘normal life’ - look at the suicide rate among veterinarians. It’s a very real problem. The work demands, the crazy ‘pet parent’ demands, the insane horse clients who are non compliant and/or behind on their bills who then race to Facebook to tell the story of how horrible the vet is- when the Whole Story is something completely different. I lost my own incredible vet to the pressures, and the one who filled his shoes is now working at the state-level as a vet, because the truck-vet life is freaking AWFUL.


This is what I was trying to say (very inarticulately). It is astounding to me that people are trying so hard to tar and feather someone who narrowly escaped death. Being an a-hole doesn’t mean you deserve to be shot… no matter how many stories we hear about her bad behavior. If we discover that she came after him with a shovel, then that is a different story. Otherwise, there is one person responsible for this, and he is in jail.


I don’t think she “deserved” to get shot. But I own my farm and I have a house and a barn apartment. I can’t even imagine having to move out of my house and into my barn apartment because some crazy person is living in my house and harassing me. And then to have that person further harass me by coming to the barn late at night, etc. I literally don’t know what I would do if MY property and home was no longer mine to enjoy and live in peacefully. The stress of the situation would be overwhelming, I would think.


LK is now saying in comments on one of the articles on The Chronicle fb page, that they will be staying in the house until they leave for FL in late December or January. WHO DOES THAT!?!?! Oh and the bullet wound count is now 4! The new one “grazed her torso”!



which article? Cut and paste her comment?


Someone being a nut doesn’t mean you shoot them.
Someone being a big meany to someone doesn’t mean someone else can shoot them.

given there was a reported Black SUV in the middle of the night episode… authorities are still looking for Jimmy Hoffa’s body



This article, you will have to search the page and look through the comments. Too many comments to post here.


Why is she going to FL? Is her “new” trainer insisting she go with them? Obviously she is moving on to her next victim and hoping to find adulation on the winter circuit. Don’t forget to take the tiara!


Nobody here thinks he should have shot her, from what I can tell.

But to be fair, your reasoning above is not how the justice system works. If guilt for a given crime were determined by arrest or custody, nobody would ever have to serve jury duty … and a lot of innocent people, even some with good lawyers, would waste away behind bars.

What is known doesn’t look good for any of the parties involved, but we’re a long way from having guilt for an intentional violent crime established by the justice system. It’s not unreasonable for people to wait for the disclosure of further information or for a verdict or plea to be registered in court before they assume MB is guilty of something as heinous as attempted murder.

In the meantime, people are going to talk about the characters and actions of the people involved, as people have tended to do for ages when high profile cases stir the imagination. If morbid interest can keep the National Inquirer in print and Dateline NBC on the air, I’m sure it’ll keep this thread alive no matter how any individual protests the kinds of thoughts that others have on the case.


I thought the house was condemned - so why/how can she stay there? Doesn’t she have plenty of money? She was complaining about her accommodations being below her standards elsewhere.

Plus other thoughts.


Some of her comments and rebuttals are scattered throughout here. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10162366379585314&id=82392280313&anchor_composer=false

I screenshotted some for posterity.