Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Again, I’ve seen very little defending of MB or his alleged actions. Many of us here, such as myself, don’t “admire” him at all … he’s just someone I’ve heard of. Acknowledging that LK has a history of bad behavior and “inconsistencies” (was she shot 2?3?4? times?) in her account of events does not mean that anyone thinks MB is blameless or couldn’t have done anything wrong because he’s a BNT. And the fact that she is a shooting victim doesn’t mean that she isn’t also a terrible person. The only “defense” I’ve really seen of MB has been people expressing sympathy that he had to deal with her.

And again, a heat-of-the-moment violent crime and serial child predation are two totally different crimes with very different underlying dynamics. Both are bad, and both should have severe consequences for the perpetrator, but saying that any criticism of LK’s behavior is analogous to criticism of an underage rider who was raped by their trainer is not a reasonable comparison.


Quite different tone than her posts on her own page or here.

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On Facebook (comment on one of the COTH articles) she claims it is because of inadequate fire alarms in the house and in the barn.

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I am not comparing the crimes- I am comparing people finding excuses for why people act in certain ways and spinning the onus of the alleged crime from the alleged perpetrators to the alleged victims.

It is very similar to what is happening on other threads. Crimes don’t need to be apples to apples to see the comparison.


Or likely an inadequate supply of emergency tiaras.


I am shocked the owners, who are begging LK to return, haven’t had any deficiencies repaired by now and have completely redecorated the entire house for her and are planning a “welcome home” party for her. That is assuming, of course, the owners actually told her they are waiting with bated breath for her return! [/s]


If inadequate fire alarms are all it takes to keep her out of the house, why would anyone install them?

Fire alarms in the barn are a GREAT idea in general. Are they mandatory in all barns NJ? Or for commercial barns?

ETA: Never mind. I found the answer.


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Properties are not condemned and eviction ordered for “inadequate fire alarms”. A warning is given and a short period of time is provided to bring the property up to standards. Have you ever heard of a private residence condemned because of a fire alarm??? Nope. Many homes still don’t have a fire alarm. Most of us have smoke detectors, but not fire alarms. By the way, the barn was not condemned, only the house. Her explanation is another feeble lie.


That and the five air mattresses in the clubhouse. Seems to me that people were sleeping on air mattresses because they were trying to escape her presence. She seems to have missed that point.


And is she planning on taking up residence in MB’s Florida digs??? (Kinda sorta kidding but nothing she does would surprise me).


In the GM situation, there seems to be an actual disbelief by many individuals that he could have done it, or belief that his positive impacts on the horse industry somehow outweigh his crimes. A few nasty individuals have indicated that they think the victims should have kept their mouth shut.

I’m not seeing that here. The overwhelming majority seem to agree that MB, given the available information, most likely shot LK; that he shouldn’t have done it; and that he should spend some time in jail.


Her posts - the back and forth w/ neighbor Jacobs say she’s waiting for her barn to get done so she can move her mare from Holland there. :confused: The neighbor is the one leaving for Wellington later in the year.

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I wonder if the Lundberg’s know about this plan of hers.


Nope, the other way around.


Wow…just when you think enough is enough. She’s trying to open threads closed a month ago. :no:

What WOULD you do with someone like this? I mean, again, we all agree- don’t shoot them 2-4 times, but…she won’t leave and appears she wants to take down everyone around him and her. I can’t imagine she was pleasant to other boarders!!! If MB owed them money for “remodeling”- why would they have kept paying training board & board?


You are not reading it correctly. The neighbor is bringing their horse home. That is why LK says she will come over and meet the horse and bring treats, if it arrives before LK leaves for FL.


Clearly I need more coffee…or better glasses.:ambivalence:


So, does Barisone have a history of not paying people for the work they perform? If so, wouldn’t that have been well-known throughout the community? Surely LK and her boyfriend would have known better than to engage in bartering for services. Particularly since they could afford to live wherever they wished and train with whomever they desired, without having to hammer out a work schedule.

It doesn’t make sense to stick around for years if you are getting screwed over by someone AND you insist you have money AND people are offering to take you in, move your horses, etc.

I know I keep banging that drum but this woman has stated multiple times that she has RESOURCES. So she could very easily have left and filed some sort of lawsuit regarding non-payment for the services her boyfriend provided.


I find it interesting that some on here have called her an a-hole.

To me an a-hole is someone who drives too slow in the left lane, doesn’t use a turn signal or goes through the express check-out with 25 items, not someone who harasses people like she allegedly has done to many and ruined a few lives!

The word a-hole would be so far down my list of adjectives it would fall off the page!

I guess I have a fairly low bar when it comes to assigning that word.


I don’t know, but I do know of a couple trainers that didn’t pay for things and while it is known by some, it is not know by all. Thinking of one case a farrier told me about. Farrier was doing the whole barn and billing the trainer. Trainer was billing the clients. Clients were paying the trainer. Trainer was keeping the money and sticking it to the farrier. Happens with vets too. I think you all may be surprised at how many dead beat trainers are out there. Anything is possible.