Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

In regards to LKs comment about being shot 2x and another grazed her torso as it was heading for RG head, if MB is 6’3" and LK about 5’3" the angles dont work for a shot to hit her torso if it was aimed at RG who is close to 6’ himself…it would work if MB was on the ground and aiming upward… or did I miss read??


SS has a lot of leeway to decide whether a complaint is even worth investigating.

I would hazard a guess that if a person is online on all kinds of forums saying she is going to destroy people by reporting them to SS, if there have already been complaints made to SS about her harassment of people, and if she then actually does follow through with making multiple complaints about all kinds of people: I think SS is going to be able to spot her pretty quickly as a nuisance complainer.

I wouldn’t even believe she is making real complaints. Threatening to complain is a common tactic, like the drunk or agrressive neighbor who is yelling “I’m gonna call the cops on you parking in front of my house/ dogs barking/ etc” but never does. Or the way people toss the term “law suit” or “sue” around without having the least idea what that involves or what it costs.

One thing about LK insisting on having a national platform, it means now the whole horse world is alerted.


Yeah, I can see that but she had been in his barn for over a year - correct? Living in the house for at least that long? Somewhere she wrote that her boyfriend had been working on the house for two years. Or at least that is what I recall reading. Why would she stick around if she and her boyfriend were the more-innocent party and with the resources to leave?

It doesn’t make sense to me.


OK, looked at the COTH FB comments. She is toning it down but the craycray still comes through.

Honestly I don’t think we can believe 100% what she says about current or future plans. She’s suffered a life altering injury, she is probably still on painkillers, she is definitely still not fully recovered physically, and much of what she says is going to be bluff. I mean, if a normal person got injured like this and said something like “I’m going to be back on my horse for the winter show circuit,” we’d probably nod and say, that’s the spirit, but secretly realize the rehab was going to take a lot longer than they guessed. In this particular case, the bluff is mixed up with threats, so we just have to really wait and see what happens.


I have to disagree with this. I think there are at least 2 people (3 if you count RG), and possibly more (we don’t know anything about the actions of the other peripheral people) responsible for this. Only 1 is criminally responsible though.


People are saying this thread is gone

Did something happen? I swear it said there were 144 pages but COTH wouldn’t load for me, then it finally loaded and said there are 143 pages.

I noticed the same thing. Maybe someone deleted a post they made. COTH is having trouble loading though.

I noticed the same thing. Maybe someone deleted a post they made. COTH is having trouble loading though.

It’s not just this thread or even this forum. COTH has been slow to load all day for me.


But that strategy doesn’t work long term, right? You might stiff this person or that person, but when payment for a barnful of horses is not made, over and over, word gets out. The horse community seems less forgiving than, say, the electric company. Which is why I pay the farrier first :-).


I can read up to page 143

What threads is she trying to get open?

I’m still on page 144? Did everyone else get lost?

This thread IS gone. It no longer exists.in fact, you’re not really reading this.


On the COTH article people are posting about (not on here). People hadn’t commented in a month, and today she was posting, and replying.


Her comment on the Chronicle post on Facebook that she’s alive only because her deceased horse directed her with a gesture to turn back from the light is… um… interesting.


Yeah! Those! After no one has posted for a month.

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I’m not anywhere near the end of this thread so forgive me if I’m restating something or this has been clarified. But I can’t help but think that if MB was willing to take a gun, drive to the house and shoot LK in the heart and the lung from close range, why would anyone question that he might be capable of being abusive to his children? Obviously he has anger management issues, and abusers never abuse in public or they get caught immediately. I’m not saying MB abused his children and I realise that LK has issues of her own. I’m just saying that before saying “He would NEVER!” I would hope that a full investigation into his behavior towards them takes place.


First thing, the house is on the same property as the barn, less than a 10th of a mile away, so it is not like he drove even 5 minutes. You were not there, so you don’t know if there were actions that caused him to pull the gun to protect himself. I will say with 100% confidence that he would NEVER hurt those kids, they are not his, but he loves them like they are.