Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Those are not his children—they are MH’s children.


Please read the thread before you make such abhorrent suggestions.


Oh do read the whole thread. It’s an hour out of your life you will never get back, sure. But it is full of twists and turns especially when LK herself turns up and proves herself to be um, a flaming whack job.

As far as the bare outlines, MB remains silent in jail awaiting trial (because NJ does not offer bail) and LK is out of hospital being vocal all over social media. And the kids and their mother (MB is not the dad) are apparently out of state somewhere safe and private.


What makes absolutely no sense to me why a women who claims to have limitless funds (via Daddy’s work) none of her own. Why is she squatting in “unlivable condemned conditions. Why would she want to daily relive her fabricated horror story by being at the property she was shot at what’s her claim now? 10x’s? She is a JOKE and is daily making herself look llike an even bigger tool bag . I was upset because the site wAs not working right today and it has become my daily in between work soap opera


Wondering if everyone has seen the selfies LK posted 2 hours ago on her FB page? All leathered up and looking like the picture of health. Good for her.

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The post reads, “When you dr![](ve 20 mins to Quick check and realize you and your beau forgot your wallets! #wantedTEA #leatheratleast #skelataurLegs #HUNGRY #Byeeeiiii


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Is that toilet paper, or a napkin?


By far the clearest nonsense on this thread comes from those who insist that they have every right to discuss events, but people (deemed to be) on a certain side of this issue should just shut up. That’s some hard core hypocrisy.


:lol::lol::winkgrin::winkgrin::D:D:lol::lol: On the FB posts people are asking if it is a receipt. Looking at her one would never know she was close to death a month ago. Kudos to her doctors, nurses, hair salon and make-up artist. Seriously.


Could it be possible that the people complaining that they have been attacked and bullied by LK were equally involved in the back and forth as keyboard warriors(notice they never post both sides of the conversations they had with LK), with some of the heated confrontations starting on political forums. I don’t see anyone being very shy about using nasty name calling and vicious speculation on a person some of them admit they have never met, only encountered online or heard stories about, and now they are legal and mental health experts. Looks like they were and are quite capable of giving as well as they got. If you are really bothered might I suggest get off public forums, set your settings to private, be civil and keep only friends online who are actually friends. Then put your phone down and spend time with your family, friends and animals.

But if you enjoy this kind of nasty back and forth then by all means continue, but don’t cry “I am being bullied” when people hit back. Now I will take my own advise, so long, may you all find peace.

Disclaimer: I do not know anyone involved in this sad situation. But wonderful that LK survived and is looking so good even with a difficult road ahead.


Amazing that someone created a brand new profile to simply post this one comment. Wonder why they couldn’t/wouldn’t post under their original account?


Linda Kohanov would approve.


Kudos for proper use of “bated”!


Ah, if only we could say that about “advise.”


The constant checking of her social media pages and reposting them here just to snipe at herfeels a bit creepy and stalkerish to me. What’s the point? Knowing what she’s wearing or what store she’s at doesn’t shed much light on what happened the day of the shooting, or contribute to the conversation. It kind of feels like the “mean girls” type of thing LK or SW would do. Let’s not sink to that level.


I have to say, she looks fabulous for getting out of the hospital, what, 10-14 days ago. Pretty amazing for a person that had to be pulled back from death by her deceased horse.

And, damn, it’s actually cold enough somewhere to wear a leather jacket?!?! Still in the mid to high 90’s with heat index near 100 every day here. ☹️🔥


I don’t “constantly” check her FB posts (quite the contrary) but I was directed to her page to see how good she looks. Notice I also said, “good for her”. The comment “leathered up” came directly from her FB post! I also posted twice more and offered kudos to her doctors and nurses. Sincerely, she looks great considering being shot so many times and recently released from the hospital. How on earth is that being “mean girls”? Posting photos of how wonderful she looks is also proof she is out and about and living life. Isn’t that what everyone has prayed for?

You know, sometimes we are damned if we do and damned if we don’t on COTH.


Setting aside the incident at the Barisone Farm it is a relief to see her looking well - to have sustained those wounds and look that good, with (I assume) no future surgeries or rehab. Good both for her, and for MB. The healthier she stays the better for him.


Same here!! This heat and humidity has got to break sometime!! :eek::eek::eek:

We’re ALL underwater at this point, sucked in by an undertow of wackadoodle. We’re paddling around looking for any interesting morsel. All of us on this thread. That means you too mama. Bail out or pass the shrimp cocktail.