Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

It is not that I think she doesn’t have a right to post – it’s that I don’t think it will help her get closure. She is clearly upset by LK (and rightly so), so I don’t see how frequenting a forum thread dedicated to LK will help in that regard.


I’ve been reading this thread but have kept out of it because it’s really pathetic and disgusting the way most are making up scenarios as fact, and then they and others continue for page after page being totally outraged at the myths that are made up right here on this thread:

LK: I went to the house and saw blood

LK (supposedly; I couldn’t verify): He recently received a check

But this post goes above and beyond the pale (not an easy feat by a long shot); the poster is relieved that the victim is looking good because that will (in her mind) help the perpetrator. I’m not sure how her appearance will help him, but there seems to be a lot of misconception on this thread about how our justice system works. One poster noted that the jury in MB’s trial will likely ask LK questions about her finances. Um, sure they will.


I believe it will take quite some time for @Girl Joey to get closure after all that LK did to her - a total and complete stranger. There was zero provocation on Girl Joey’s part and she had never met, spoken with or communicated in any way with LK. The ONLY connection there was was a previous boyfriend of LK’s from many years earlier, Carmen, who was also friends with RG as a youth.

Out of the blue LK saw something about how Girl Joey’s toddler son had drowned while she was upstairs with his younger sibling. LK began a relentless and hate-filled attack on her that lasted years. Nothing stopped LK’s vendetta against a woman who was dating a man LK had given up so many years earlier.

Maybe you can give Girl Joey a bit of a break and perhaps tolerate her posts for the sake of her healing. How about it?


I dislike LK with every fiber of my being. However, I have to say she actually looks great. By her shell she is not an unattractive looking girl. I think when fixed up she is pretty. However, LK just happens to hold one of the ugliest hearts I’ve ever seen in my life. She is just viciously evil in a sick, demented, heartless, selfish, narcissistic way. Which in turn makes her one of ugliest people I have ever seen.


This is LK’s, aka @La-LaPopRider post on 9/8:

“Those “many people,” will demand a refund when they hear what actually happened. Mb has a great lawyer. As he should. He may have shot me trying to murder me, but he’s entitled to the best defense possible. He is gonna need it. Save your money. Mb just got a big fat insurance check. Bc… well, that’s how conmen roll.” (bold is my emphasis)

This was the day she went by the apartment to gather some clothing. How did she know he received an insurance check? Others close to him did not know that at the time.


I’m just sitting here with my popcorn waiting for the next episode from the blue saddle.


Me too and I need to get some sleep!!!


Good for you. Well said my friend, I’m more in the mood for cheese and crackers to be passed around


Thank you so much, that was so kind and thoughtful of you to say. I am still in shock that this whole situation has turned out to be a complete lie. I know what happened, not the day of the shooting but how much she was torturing these people and everybody on the farm, the wicked evil things she was doing to constantly try to hurt these people who lived a “Good Life”. MB has a true Princess and for LK to make up lies of him wanting her. Nobody is jealous of the silver spoon you were blessed with and all the expensive items you purchase or own As you so frequently advised me I was. I may be poor but I am happy because I am not jealous of anyone, I am happy with everything I own, and I have physically seen God work miracles in my life. My prayer for you is that God has mercy on your soul. You think this situation is going to make you famous and rich, quite the contrary


#Girl Joey, you need to tone it down a little. Those kind of comments can get the thread closed. See Forum Rules at top of page. Thanks.


Another thing I am quite curious about. How a super rich limitless on funds girl qualifies for Obama Care? It’s Mind boggling


What makes you think she has ACA insurance over private health insurance? She will sue for recovery regardless.

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Umm…LK told me she had Obamacare…that her dad worked her taxes so she would qualify…unless that was ANOTHER untruth that she told me…


Well, I assume she actually has no income to report. Interesting.


Sorry everyone. I apologize for the delay. I almost fell asleep and then I saw that it was close to midnight, so that means I have about 34 minutes from when I opened this window in order to fulfill my commitment. And that is one of the other problems with LK is that she makes it sound like other people have made commitments that they have failed to do. So in order to not incur her wrath if she were to come back on here, I decided to make sure I get something in before midnight. Another commitment issue is with the fiance because even though he said he would put a ring on it and did, well nothing has happened beyond that. So then when LK sees MB with MH and then all the things she can assume were going on but that she didn’t know for sure (like Doris Day and Rock Hudson in that movie), then all that does is make her get more and more angry. So then she had this idea to insult the manhood of MB by buying a pink gun and thinking of a way to somehow get MB associated with it. She thought that men aren’t into pink unless they are part of the Fab 5, but that is actually not true. Although she claims to be rich and of unlimited means, she dresses like a teeny bopper. The only thing we haven’t seen are the rips in her jeans. Well anyway to get back to the story, LK isn’t into fashion so she doesn’t spend much time at places like Brooks Brothers where it is obvious there are plenty of pink whatever in the mens department like pink shirts and stuff like that. It gets even more obvious when you go to Gucci and they have $800-something pink satin pants for men.

Ferragamo has men’s pink tie for $180
Hermes was showing men in pink jackets in a runway show in June of 2019.

Pharrell Williams has a man card and he wears pink so obviously pink has nothing to do with a man having a man card or not.

Steve McQueen, who has one of the highest scoring man cards of all time, well unfortunately I couldn’t find any photos of him in pink clothing. However, using Photoshop to color his shirts with the paint can tool didn’t look too bad. So I think we can assume he would have been ok with it.

Sean Connery also has a very high man card and in Thunderball, the 4th James Bond movie, he was wearing a pinkish color shirt when he was walking around on the beach with Claudine Auger.

So LK was absolutely mistaken on that subject. So she bought this pink gun and registered it to herself and then put it away until she could figure out what to do next.

In the meantime, she tried to book a canoe trip for herself and her fiance because she wanted to copy everything that MB was doing because she was obsessed with him, but the travel company didn’t have any room. So instead since there was only space for 1, LK sent the fiance on a solo kayak trip. LK stayed at the farm and continued to contemplate how she could get the tiara.

The she thought maybe if she were able to find the tiara that she could wear it and make MB think she was MH instead of actually LK. She went into the barn office where the safe was and tried to get the tiara out, but it didn’t work. MB came in and LK hid under the table just like in Some Like it Hot where Tony Curtis and the other guy were under the table hiring from the mafia guys who had tommy guns inside a fake giant birthday cake.

MB was in the office for about an hour and since LK is kind of small, she could hide under the desk off to one side and not be found. MB was on the phone with some of his horse dealer friends and then that made LK even more angry because if he was about to buy a horse, then of course she needed to keep up with him and also buy another one. What is silly is how she talks about them like they are international quality horses, but I don’t think that they are, at least not right now with her riding them.

A few more minutes to go but I am about to flll asleep so this installment 3a and then tomorrow will be 3b


Lauren “Krackerjacks” looking all pretty and smirky. Titanium LOL!



I dub thee Queen of the delightful metaphor!


Lol. I used the “saddle up the drama llama and take it for a spin” with my daughter the other day. She thought I was so funny, then I had to admit it was from my old CoTH days.


Lol. I used the “saddle up the drama llama and take it for a spin” with my daughter the other day. She thought I was so funny, then I had to admit it was from my old CoTH days.

GJ, I think you would be well served to learn about grey rock method of dealing with a narcissist. LK has clearly tortured you in ways that are unimaginable to reasonable human beings. You know full well that she is following this thread. By continuing to engage, you are fueling the fire. Others here have attested to their own horrible experiences with LK, but yours is by far the most appalling. You know you are not alone. The only way snuff her fire is to stop feeding it.