Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Simple answer, did post it under my original account because it is my original account. First time I have ever posted on any forum, against my better judgement. Interesting experience. Horses are calling, bye.


Iā€™m an atheist, but thereā€™s a line I like that goes something like ā€œlet go and let Godā€ - I think, GJ, this may apply here. Everybody who matters understands what you went through. Weā€™ve seen enough here to get a pretty good grasp on it all, thereā€™s not really anyone left who needs to be convinced about what you went through, or the kind of people involved. Itā€™s fine too if youā€™re not at a place where you feel like you can step away and let the universe take care of it - it can take time to get there. But, I worry that by being here and contributing you might be stalling you in that space, and isnā€™t going to help you find any peace.

On another note, someone on this thread (sorry, too lazy to go look now) mentioned that some of these harassment campaigns started with heated arguments on politics forums/comment spaces. Thatā€™s as ridiculous as anything else Iā€™ve read here, honestly. Iā€™ve been on political forums for nearly twenty years, some that were very conservative spaces where I was one of the few proud liberals on board. Iā€™ve been in many arguments, and donā€™t back down easily. Iā€™ve never been stalked, harassed, etc, or done that in turn to anybody else. I may occasionally get a private message or angry note - but itā€™s never escalated beyond that. If this is repeatedly happening to LK, it might be worth considering the common denominator there. One can ā€œfight backā€ in debate without being an aggressive a-hole to people. Itā€™s a good life skill.


@blue Saddle: LOVE the p![](nk part!!!


@ Blue Saddle. Thanks for chapter 3a. Love the p![](nk topic. And here you go: Yes he does wear it well.




@ Blue Saddle. Thanks for chapter 3a. Love the pink topic. And here you go: Yes he does wear it well.



The shoes look great too! Yum!


Thank you all so much for concerns of my well being. Believe me when I say I have not even scratched the surface on the abuse LK administered. It will come to light during the trial, I gave everyone the entire conversation from both sides. I apologized to the detective & Attorney for some of the cursewords and things I said In return comments. I was so sickened that this girl posted on my fb wall that I murdered my son LK made a disguise post about people showing the entire conversation from both sides. Believe me I have no reservation on doing just that. It is funny because the first seven messages were pleas begging you to just leave me be. You just kept going and going and going driving me INSANE, similar to the torture you caused MB and the entire farm.

Hi, that would be me. LK lists herself as a political activist and that was noted online, people have posted on the topic of the shooting that she hates Trump, that they go on political forums and how it get testy, another posted on this forum that she told everyone about LK and even notified Trump. It is not a big jump to think some of the back and forth became very nasty(on both sides)and politics could have been part of some of these online attacks. I canā€™t think my comment would even make the top 10 of ridiculous comments on this thread. Otherwise, I agree 100 % with you and your post and I am seriously glad you can navigate conservative political forums and and keep it civil. But people on this thread are not keeping it civil. My point is that if someone is being an ā€œaggressive a-holeā€Ā to you and you fight back in kind with just as nasty personal attacks and lies(which is your prerogative), then you canā€™t cry ā€œbullyā€Ā. And as always, nothing has been shown that justifies her being shot.


Totally off topic, but this thread could hit 3000 replies! Is that a record for COTH?

Girl Joey, if you continue to post you will end up hurting the defense and they will not even put you on the stand. So you will never have your day in court. Every one that has been reading this knows what she has done to you. Please if you want to help MB, stop.


Nah. Iā€™m sure there are bigger and crazier threads. LOL

(but Iā€™ve been here since the dark ages)


^^^^^^ THIS! ^^^^^^


Hereā€™s the thing - if oneā€™s participation in political discussions has led, more than once, to people being aggressive and singling you out (via private messages or emails or on FB or whatever), that suggests to me that there is a common denominator problem. Responding in kind and ā€œfighting backā€ is pointless, escalating behavior and not normal.

In over twenty years online I can count ā€œnastyā€ PMs or other such things that Iā€™ve received on one hand. If sheā€™s had it happen often enough that there are all these stories and experiences out there, that suggests to me that she enjoys that sort of drama and likely plays a role in instigating it.

Basically, I donā€™t think itā€™s really a ā€œdefenseā€ or explains away a history of that sort of behavior to say others started it (than again, after all my time on the interwebs, it does also hold true that drama finds dramaā€¦ somehow people who live in this sort of histrionic crazytown seem to find and amplify each other).


I have a very strong feeling that was Lauren who post because a LARGE portion of her messages to me included that same. ā€œByeā€Ā after her cruel comment.


I agree with you. I have never posted on a forum before, made my first comment here and have already been accused of creating a new identity to cover who I really was and I think also accused of being LK. Thatā€™s ok but nope. Just a 70 yr old lady still getting on a horse with an opinion.
Oops, should have said old lady with an opinion, not ā€œhorse with an opinion.ā€œ On second thought my mare is quite opinionated. Love her! Ć°ÅøĖœÅ 


Iā€™ve read COTH for years, but donā€™t post b/c I no longer ride. I follow along for nostalgia and to keep abreast of new developments in the various sports. I only created an account recently when the 2nd Japanese Olympic lottery ended and my Japanese friend got no tickets so I hoped to find some here. But, growing up in the NE, I was drawn to this story and just binge read this whole thread.

My main take away is: when you find yourself involved in a lot of drama, you must look at yourself. One thing happens? Okay, stuff happens. Two? Whoa - unlucky. More than that? If you have even average intelligence you have to step back and say: I am the common denominator. The shooting victim here seems not to grasp that idea.

She says she has a ā€œsqueaky cleanā€ record. Hon, no, you donā€™t. I have a squeaky clean record and you know what that is? Itā€™s the fact that you can search my name in every state Iā€™ve lived in (4) AND every foreign country Iā€™ve lived in (5) and you will find literally nothing. Not even a speeding ticket, but certainly nothing like trespassing, assault with a deadly weapon, stalking, etc. I mean no. thing. That is a squeaky clean record.

I drink socially and I have never, not once, been in an altercation in a bar. And this includes carrying a drunk friend out of a bar in a famous night life area in Asia with locals hazing us as we tried to get this girl into a cab. Still nothing. So, no, LaLa - you donā€™t have a squeaky clean record. For your own sake you need to realize that your life and your experiences are outside the normal range and not in a good way.Getting shot doesnā€™t make you a good person. Sometimes bad things happen to bad people. That could include MB, too.

Iā€™m also a lawyer licensed in the State of New York and I know that they have MB dead to rights: you donā€™t get to shoot people to resolve conflict. MB dug his own grave and he will lie in it, rightfully so. But LK has no look in here. As others have pointed out, she isnā€™t a party to his prosecution. It will be the State of NJ v. MB. A civil case may follow, but right now she has very little to do with it. GJ and others posting here donā€™t help or hurt the case. Their posts are meaningless to the case. They have relevant testimony or they donā€™t. Airing it here changes nothing, legally.

GJ, donā€™t let anyone brow beat you. Post what you want or stay silent. Neither choice will have any legal effect. If it helps you to get it all out there, then get it out. If it draws LKā€™s attention back to you, then stay quiet. Play it like you feel it.


Well, it wonā€™t be going to LK. The lawyers get it know! Someone should alert his attorney or investigator to the fact that she is aware of this information without having the privilege of knowing it. Going through his mail is a problem for her. She really is the gift that keeps on giving to the defense.


Originally posted by Girl Joey View Post
Another thing I am quite curious about. How a super rich limitless on funds girl qualifies for Obama Care? Itā€™s Mind boggling

Re: Obamacare.

ANYONE who does not have employer sponsored insurance can buy a policy on the marketplace, assuming thereā€™s an insurer who participates in their area.

Thereā€™s no ā€œqualifyingā€; thatā€™s the point of the marketplace.

Individuals who meet certain income standards may qualify for subsidized coverage on the marketplace; if you donā€™t qualify for the subsidy, you can still buy coverage, youā€™ll just pay the full cost.

For people who are self-employed, donā€™t work, or work for small businesses, buying a policy on the marketplace is a better/less expensive option than truly private health insurance because of pooled risk.

So, having ā€œACA coverageā€ (in quotes, because thatā€™s not actually a thing) is not a poverty signifier; not like Medicaid or ADC.


My favorite quote in the thread.

By far the clearest nonsense on this thread comes from those who insist that they have every right to discuss events, but people (deemed to be) on a certain side of this issue should just shut up. Thatā€™s some hard core hypocrisy.


Nope, I have never nor would ever post a cruel comment.