Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Great post. Thank you!


You owe me a new keyboard.


1 Like

Are you kidding?

There’s one in H/J that started almost exactly eight years ago that has more than 20,500 replies. The most recent one was yesterday.

This thread might be a strong contender for an award for the highest ratio of wacky responses, which is really saying something around here.


Well, coincidentally your writing style is very similar to someone else’s that popped up in here soo… It just leads one to think.


Particularly when that first post ended with a comment about how wonderful LK looked in the picture. :rolleyes:


Oh, hello house guest. That’s the most fitting moniker I can conjure, and the most apropo for this topic.

Did you bring some crab dip? Submariner quac is disgusting.


House guest? Or squatter??


Does anyone remember the hysterical posts on the Dressage Forum by Willem and Corrine? Must have been 10 years ago or longer. What a great, great horse and owner!!!


There is not a doubt in my mind dragonfly90 is LK, I am all to familiar with her writing style, words used, etc. 70 yro please LK you tortured me for four years I know you well. Bye “my Mare is quite opinionated, love her 😁. I have seen 17 of the messages in my messenger from you with the same bye and happy face expression. Your unreal and quite pathetic


Simple answer, did (didn’t) post it under my original account because it is my original account. (What???) First time I have ever posted on any forum (under this screen name - there, I fixed it for you), against my better judgement (judgment). Interesting experience (how so?). Horses are calling, bye. .


I’m calling it right now. You win the internet for the day. 🏆


Man where do people find all of these funky emojis … is that a trophy??
I need it :lol:


Spongebob Squattersquirrel.

I mean, duh.


All 148 COTH pgs, numerous FB posts and publications said on this topic, I have come to one conclusion and that is I fear for Lauren Kanarek. I am not convinced that she has the ability to understand how incredibly fortunate she is, having been blessed with a 2nd chance at life. To have survived 2 to the chest and have the good fortune to tell about it, is truly a miracle. But rather than being humbled, it appears this experience has embolden her. Her reckless behavior will continue until she messes with the wrong person. I will not be surprised to hear one day that her life has ended prematurely. You cannot continue to cause pain without consequences. You cannot destroy without being destroyed…it’s a principle. So, take heed Lauren. Stop and get help…you’re going down a path of self destruction. It’s only a matter of time.

@girl Joey: Don’t let anyone on this board silence you. You have every right to be here! My heartfelt condolences for the loss of your son. I can’t even imagine.


This is the most intelligent and candid post on this thread.



@ Blue Saddle. Thanks for chapter 3a. Love the pink topic. And here you go: Yes he does wear it well.



Random lessons from this thread.

Eviction. Harder than you’d think.

Background checks. Worth every penny.

People will ask questions if you’re shot.

Steve McQueen looks good in pink and has big feet. What’s not to love?


All useful information, to be sure. I must admit that I am mostly oblivious to Steve McQueen. But he does look great there!


It is a trophy, and it is one of a huge selection of fun emojis available on my iPhone. And I did not have any idea that all those emojis worked on this BB until just recently. In fact, I think I found out about it earlier in this thread.

So add that to the list of useful information contained here!


This has gotten ugly pretty fast. Believe what you want, I think I know who I am and it is not LK. I expressed an opinion without attacking anyone. Continue your bashing of LK, have fun, I have no skin in this game. I don’t get into internet arguments. As my late husband always said, “you can’t win a pissing contest with a dick.”


Um, I think it’s pretty obvious that she just did mess with the wrong person.

You are right, she will not change. People seldom do.