Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

We are getting ready to go on six weeks.

Any idea when the trial may happen? I thought I read early on that a case like this would go to trial in about five weeks. Maybe the lawyers are getting extensions?

Do you think LK could sit quietly in the gallery?


The defense is no where near ready…still investigating and interviewing people.


I thought cases like can take a year or two?


In one of LK’s comments on the COTH facebook article, she said it’s set for next Aug or Sep I think…I got a SS, I’ll see if it loads. [ATTACH=JSON]{“data-align”:“none”,“data-size”:“large”,“data-attachmentid”:10477559}[/ATTACH]


Can’t read it - what article on COTH?

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Did some googling…N.J. prosecutors have 90 days to indict someone, and then the case must go to trial or be resolved within 180 days of indictment. This could go on into next year. Everybody buckle up and buy some popcorn.


The one they were talking about earlier that she was commenting on. It’s on the COTH Facebook page.

The top bit was in response to someone’s comment. The relevant bit: “MB on the other hand, still in jail. He will remain there until NEXT August or September when his trial begins. If he tries to plea out, I will fight it tooth and nail. He deserves the 80 years total for 2 attempted murder charges &2 illegal weapons charges. He still has use of BOTH lungs. The end.”

So not sure how reliable that is but if LK is telling the truth, trial isn’t for a year.


A She-wee, duh!



Thank you sweetie

I suspect the DA told her it COULD be that far away. For sure, I know his defense attorney has months of work to do with all the information he is receiving from many sources in the area. Verifying information, culling what is relevant/admissible, case law, etc. No one wants to rush a trial like this one. Time may prove to be in MB’s favor since I personally doubt LK can behave that long and more behavioral pattern examples will surface.

It is obvious from her post that she can’t wait to get on that stand and put on an Academy Award performance. I suspect Mr. Bilinkas will be prepared.


We need a tiara emoji for this thread.


This is the assortment on my iPhone. Sometimes the emoji appears the same way it shows up on my phone’s keyboard, and sometimes it shows up with the change of gender sign, as it did on the last one here. I don’t claim to understand how that works.

👸👑💎…Sooo…she lives in his house for another year!!!

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Not if she’s going to FL from Nov/Dec - April!!


Funny thing, the whole reason she “couldn’t leave” was because she HAD to be close to her horses. That does not seem to be such an issue now!


And here I thought a pissing match was a sub-genre of dick waving contest (measuring competitions being the other popular category)…

With all due respect to your departed partner, I can’t read this pearl of wisdom without imagining it as an intentionally nonsensical line in a Borat sketch.


So many Laurens… So little time.


So for those with knowledge of how this works, does that mean she can be “evicted” from the farm in NJ while she’s in FL?


Is there any reason the eviction process can’t be started now? MB is in jail but he has attorneys. His being locked up shouldn’t preclude having her evicted.


Installment 3b is here!

I apologize profusely for the delay. I got together with the empty trailer (or was it the open trailer?) and we made a short trip south from NJ for the Outlaw Music Festival. We should have brought Conchita with us on the trailer because the grass here is very green!!!

Willie Nelson is 1$#^$& awesome. The !bleep! is so old and won’t die.

He even sung about LK!!! Can you believe it??? I think she got to Willie too!!! How does she do it!!!

"Oh Lord it’s hard to be humble
When you’re perfect in every way
I can’t wait to look in the mirror
Cause I get better looking each day
To know me is to love me
I must be a hell of a woman
Oh Lord It’s hard to be humble,
But I’m doing the best that I can…

I used to have a boyfriend
But I guess he just couldn’t compete,
With all of these love-starved men,
Who keep cowering at my feet
Oh I probably could find me another,
But I guess they’re all in awe of me
Who cares?
I never get lonesome
Cause I treasure my own company…

Some folks say that I’m egotistical
!bleep! I don’t even know what that means
I guess it has something to do
With the way that I fill out my skin tight with jeans"

But after thinking for a while, I thought maybe another thing that could have happened is MB went to WN and asked him to write a song about LK for the purpose of annoying her and getting her to leave. Oh, did you know that one time when WN got arrested, the judge said they would let him off without any jail time if he agreed to sing for the court.