Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Hopefully not, but it’s generally a lengthy process- I’ve seen Judge Judy!


Are they seriously still there?

Earlier she was defending her staying despite being asked to leave by claiming she was never asked to leave, they may have gotten in occasional disagreements but they all ate take out around the dining room table in the evenings.

Now she has pretty clearly to the universe been asked to leave. Emphatically. We have all heard the calls.

So, if they’re still there, how does she justify essentially squatting in someone else’s property where she is CLEARLY unwelcome and there is OBVIOUSLY a breakdown in the relationship, nobody is going to be eating takeout together ever again, and refusing to leave unless the full legal process is utilized?

Obviously in civil court when she is suing for damages opposing council is going to point to the fact that she is STILL refusing to gtfo, and obviously it would play so much better in civil court for her if she weren’t STILL sitting in the house in a deliberately antagonistic manner. How much a jury made up of lay people will award you in damages is a different question (and a whole different trial!) from guilty or not guilty of attempted murder, and the jury will likely lop a 0 off the end if they feel she deliberately antagonized the sitation and is still continuing to do so.


Squatters gonna squat.

I mean, when you allegedly have money, why would you stay in a place where such trauma occurred? And where you’re not welcome…

I’m not buying her story or someone wanting her back there.


If she leaves the property to go to FL for the season, she’s vacated on her own power. If she was attempting to claim it through adverse possession, by leaving it, she’s no longer on the property in an “exclusive and continuous” manner and she would have to restart the clock, so to speak. I mean, if she wants to draw this out for 30 years, she’s welcome to try.


I’m with you on the trauma part and personally would not want any part of it.
Re the “not welcome” part, based on all we’ve heard there’s no one there. No one to tell you to leave, no one to give you the cold shoulder, no one to call the cops etc. Sweet Grass owner has to be pondering the state of his whole arrangement w/ Barisone Dressage, and may not know that she is or will be back at house. May have been schmoozed by her saying she would keep an eye on things. May have dangled an interest in buying to him. Who knows.


They know LK & RG are there and want them gone!!!


Judge Judy worked Family Court


As long as they can serve her, the eviction process can most certainly begin.


I was joking about Judge Judy, but I have seen where on the tv show, she’s pointed out the tenant has learned the ways to stall the eviction process.


Novice questions here…where does a Grand Jury fall in this situation? Will this case be presented to them to determine final charges before the actual trial? How much evidence would be allowed for a Grand Jury to make a decision? Could they reduce the current charges?

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It just boggles my mind to think that it can be such a struggle to get someone off property they don’t own.


The Grand Jury decides whether or not to indict. If he gets indicted, that’s when he goes to court and enters a plea. This link gives answers to your questions. Scroll down to the function of the Grand Jury in the state of NJ.


Did he sing this?

I’m crazy for feelin’ so lonely
I’m crazy
Crazy for feelin’ so blue
I knew you’d love me as long as you wanted
And then someday
You’d leave me for somebody new

Worry, why do I let myself worry?
Wonderin’ what in the world did I do?

True story: Willie originally titled the song “Stupid.”

Paul Valliere was a pretty good singer too.


. Many people have been trying to serve her with forms and they are deliberately not answering the door . They are definitely not welcome there and the owners can’t get them to leave.


Anyone know what BNT took LK’s horses in? Are they in training or simply getting visits from La-LaPoprider and eating carrots?


They used the “don’t answer the door trick” for a long time in NC. She’s done that for a LONG time. The length of time from charges filed to “served” on the old charges was months and on one of them a full year before being served.


[Edit] I know without a doubt in my mind she was dragonfly 90 how dare she have the audacity to bring up the death of my child. This girl had the nerve to write publicly that I murdered my son who died in my arms from drowning in my backyard pool. Her attacks started on me all because she is jealous I date A guy she dated 26 years earlier. She is completely jealous of everyone. I know what a liar she is because she made up lies about me that I for a fact know are not true. She made up lies about a girl Katherine . She is so unbelievably spoiled that when she does not get her way she will do whatever she can to hurt the person preventing that. Carmen told me that when she was in her early 20s she would scream at her parents and cursed when she did not get her way. I think the [edit] on top of being spoiled has created an absolute monster who is destroyed so many lives . The sad part about it is that she has no remorse for her actions.


I have a family member who didn’t answer the door or permit it to be opened to non-family for YEARS. Tried and succeeded in not being served by cc company for not paying the $25000 in charges. Upsets me greatly because that means everyone else paid for the purchases and got no use of them.

I don’t like thieves.

On the other hand, she must leave occasionally.


Personal service is not required.


I do feel like you should tone it down just a tad. I’m sure you are upset but you have repeated the same things multiple times, and are starting to sound like you are in slightly unhinged territory. It is making you seem less credible.