Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Is there a CliffsNotes version of this story?


I’ll take a crack at it.

Famous dressage trainer had a client living in his house at his farm in New Jersey with multiple horses in training. It was all going great, until suddenly it wasn’t. In the short space of a week or two, things went sour, client started making lots of inflammatory posts on social media, trainer wanted client and her horses off the property, client refused to leave. Trainer eventually moved out of his own house into his barn.

Trainer called the cops multiple times regarding client, client called child protective services regarding trainer’s girlfriend’s children. Client was shot later that day. Trainer was arrested, client went to the hospital, then recovered.

Followed by 3000+ posts of theories, discussion, allegations, topped off by the client posting here last weekend at great length.


Well done! :slight_smile:



I’m sure others will have a different opinion, based on the history of this thread. :lol:

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Nope. Read on. It is very good and very enlightening. [edit] Stay far far away from her. She has ruined enough lives




Beware that SW said she (herself) is posting here, trying to bait LK.



Yup. That’s correct. Beware that SW said she (herself) is posting here, trying to bait LK.


Yes, MHM, well done!

I will elaborate a bit.

The house is broken up into an apartment on each the first & second floors. The basement had 5 (? maybe) bedrooms and at least one bath. (Client ‘s fiancé remodeled the basement bath in a barter situation, possibly, but it was such a bad job that the FD came and condemned it).

Trainer and fiancÊ and her children lived in one apartment. Client and her fiancÊ lived in the other. The basement housed the barn workers (I think).

When everything went to hell, trainer, fiancÊ and the kids moved to the apartment (?) in the barn and tried to evict client and fiancÊ. Not happening.

Most parties called the cops on each other. (Someone said that they saw an eviction notice posted on the property).

Client allegedly called Safe Sports and CPS on trainer.

Trainer and client had “words” on the porch.

Someone had a pink gun and client was shot at least twice (or three, or four times depending on which of client’s personalities is posting somewhere on various social media sites).

Client has broken ribs and other injuries and is unbelievably lucky to be alive!

Trainer is in jail.

Trainer’s fiancé has left the farm with her children.

Client and fiancÊ are back on the farm.

I don’t think there are any horses there.


Except you didn’t tell the client’s side of the story…I paid for everything. I was a model client, student, friend, tenant, horse owner and I was simply sitting on MY porch one day reading my Bible, when along came this hulking trainer and shot me five or six times in the chest, ribs, lungs, and heart. My boyfriend, who was inside MY house painting the walls a lovely shade of blue to match my Blue Saddle, donned his cape and came rushing out to save me. He needs a big white steed for all he did that day to protect his damsel in distress.

Anyway, I was whisked away by a winged dove to the trauma center where I spent 9 weeks in the ICU and gained loads of new followers who hang on my every word. They all gave me symbolic rocks for inspiration when I was finally discharged. I plan on making a walking path from MY house to MY barn with those inspirational rocks within the next few weeks. I am so grateful to one of my long-departed wonderful horses who told me to, “Go back, Go back, we don’t want you here!” after one of my 24 flat-line episodes. I forgot to mention I had been given 3 gallons of “special powers” blood during my winged dove transport. I am one lucky girl today.

I am so humbled and lucky to be alive after this deranged hulk tried to murder me for absolutely no reason whatsoever. He must have been out of his mind with grief after I told him I “might” be leaving his, oops…MY, property for another trainer. He relied on my income entirely.

As for the two children…they both call me auntie La-La and we had picnics every other day after we played in the meadow. They told me they wanted to live with me forever and ever. And the hulking monster’s gorgeous girlfriend and I are besties…we braid each other’s hair every night before bed.

I moved all my fabulous FEI trained horses to another facility where they are being looked after by the 2020 Olympic Team and being used for lesson ponies for beginner riders. I’m sure they are being kept tuned and fit for my return to the saddle in just a few days.

I have tried everything I can think of to get the hulking monster released because I just know he didn’t mean to hurt me because I am an angel with wings, just like a Dragonfly. I wouldn’t hurt a flea.

(For those not versed in this thread, this is pure sarcasm since I feel some will think it is truth.)


Omg, how could I have forgotten about the inspirational rocks!! :eek:

(And yes, for those who have not read the whole thread, the inspirational rocks are an actual thing, according to the client.)

For those who might be interested in reading the client’s version(s) of events, I think she started posting around page 92 or 93, although I have not looked back at those pages to see if there have been massive redactions. Several people were pretty quick to quote her for posterity (QFP), so most of her posts should be visible in one form or another.


Gosh, thanks! LOL

Oh and another helpful thing—

LK is the client. RG is her fiancÊ.

MB is the trainer. MH is his fiancÊ.

And then there is another person whose initials I forget who slept outside her (?) horse’s stall because she was afraid he would be harmed. (Maybe it was her pink gun).


Was it RC who slept outside the stall? And I believe LK was the only one who said it was RC’s gun. I don’t think the police have ever verified anything about the gun origin or ownership. But I’m sure someone will correct me if I am wrong! :lol:


That would be RC, who co owned a horse with MB and had a mattress next to the stall and lived there. Yes, she owned the gun per LK.


Oh the newest twist…she was shot “execution style”!!!


You are correct, but LK said RC was “next to be arrested”.


Yes, well… we have not seen any news of that yet.


No, really! Did you just make that up? Or has she actually said that elsewhere? (I’m not on Facebook or anywhere else for that matter).