Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I think the laughing emojis are saying it is sarcasm.

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I could never make up the crap that comes out of her mouth er fingers!!
in other words, yes she said that!

Eggbutt, the laughing emojis were for your great story!


Thanks for the heads up.

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Bravo!!! The best cliff notes ever! Thank you.


Adding that several other people have chimed in here with first hand horror stories of being relentlessly harassed by the victim. She has a history of refusing to leave barns when asked to do so. Oh, and she has some past criminal charges including trepassing, assault with a deadly weapon, cyber-stalking to name a few.



Does she actually understand what the phrase “shot execution style” actually means??? Had she been shot execution style, she would most likely be dead. Not out wandering around convenience stores with no wallet, but in the ground, buried, dead.



Boy, she certainly does not read the same books or see the same movies I have!


It’s a pretty good indicator of the situation that it’s hard to tell which statements are wildly over the top inventions rather than direct quotes.


I guess she felt like she was losing the interest of her audience so had to sensationalize things a little bit more!!


Good job! Well said. Sounds about right. Very right.


This is an excellent recap of events.

Something has bothered me throughout this entire thread. What caused this supposedly harmonious relationship to go into such drastic downward death spiral in such a short period of time? Was it actually that sudden? Was this months in the making?

And the next question I am going to ask is no reflection on those with certain conditions that are treated/ controlled/ helped by certain medications nor am I making light of these things, and this is asked in all seriousness, but was someone off her medication?

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Yup. That’s correct. Beware that SW said she (herself) is posting here, trying to bait

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Jeepers. Who raised these people?


Hello, my name is Eggbutt and I am addicted to COTH’s Woman Shot at Barison Farm Thread.

My addiction began in childhood watching “Columbo”, “McMillan & Wife” and “Dragnet”. I was able to wean myself from my addition once I began raising a family until suddenly, the OJ Simpson trial began and I felt the old urge to learn all the forbidden secrets of criminal drama.

Alas, I lost my family, my dogs, my home, my everything and became homeless and unshaven. My hair was in dirty mats until I was found and saved from my addiction once more. Until August 7, 2019 when that urge came gnawing back to find information on criminal activity and feel vibrant and alive again.

A fellow addict led me to rekindle my forum activity on COTH! At last I could feel the surge of adrenalin again! To hell with soap operas when COTH exists! Especially with a thread as alive with innuendo and intrigue as “Woman Shot at Barison Farm”!!! I have surrounded myself with enough sustenance to last for several weeks. I shall not leave my recliner as long as new posts appear. I am hopeful La-LaPopRider appears again
that’s what I long for. Hope.

(All kidding aside folks
this event is truly a tragedy for so many people and I am absolutely heartbroken for everyone, yes EVERYONE, involved. That said, after 152 pages of back and forth posts, several of us decided some levity was needed. Forgive me if I have offended ANYONE. Simply trying to bring a ray of laughter into a dark cloud.)


Color me confused, but what was the event(s) that caused this trainer/client relationship to go sour? Was it the bathroom remodeling?


I have been posting on this BB for a long time. A LONG time.

I’m not going to say this thread is the craziest one I’ve ever seen, but it’s not far from the top. Or the bottom, depending on which way you look at it. Especially factoring in that the subject matter is far more serious than most. It’s not a knockdown, drag out fight over who makes the best saddle pad, or what have you.


There is lots of speculation, none confirmed. LK says “it’s complicated”. Others say it was jealousy on LK’s part because MB was giving MH’s daughter too much attention with her riding, MH was getting more attention than LK, the remodeling/condemnation fiasco, someone not being paid, someone wanting someone else’s boyfriend and couldn’t have them so they decided to destroy them, someone not being as talented a rider as someone else, someone being told they had no future above 3rd level, etc. etc, etc.

As my military daddy would say, it’s FUBAR. Look it up if you don’t know what that means! :yes: