Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

No one knows for sure, not even the people that were at the farm. She had been planning it for a while before the sh@t hit the fan, that much is obvious.


You’re obviously a big hit on this site
Very talented

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Oh, wow. Hadn’t thought about that. You are so right!


And don’t forget the rock with the word “strength” that the nurse had her pick out in an almost mystical way, that she now carries around, marvelling at it’s amazing, super special power.
. And that, in spite of the property owner trying to get rid of her for the last several months, she thinks she is wanted there, and moved back even though there is still blood in the grass in spite of many rain showers.


I miss Willem. sigh

And the stick horse art (or whatever it was called) threads.

./\ ./\


Cutter 99- I’m hoping someone with expertise in the mental health field will chime in to answer your question.
It is my understanding that those with personality disorders are the most difficult to treat, mainly because those affected don’t think anything is wrong with them.


That’s my opinion, too.

I think the real fight, or the object of LK’s obsession was MH and when she called CPS and they showed up—that was the last straw!

There some “complicated” finances involved, I fear.


This continuing saga is more engaging than the best Agatha Christy novel
but sadly this is reality. It appears that several people know one or the other (or all of the people involved) in one way or the other. It’s “our” horse world. So of course that makes it more engaging for all to want to get to the truth, as this is supremely disturbing.

No one will know how this actually plays out for both parties (or maybe 3 or 4
who knows with the cast of characters involved thus far) until this goes to trial.

In the meantime it’s fascinating. It’s human nature to find unresolved, yet fascinating events – while tragic – and "hitting close to home – a magnet for the human imagination.


My first bet would be the other trainer she worked with when she bought the horses from Rosanna Williams.

Finally all caught up on the thread. Is there a line to get an official Tiara, She-wee, and bowl of Shrimp Cocktail?


For a super “Rich, limitless on Daddy’s trust funds princess” she is sure posing as one of the biggest dirtbags I’ve ever seen. Princesses do not SQUAT, act vicious, malicious, vindictive, spiteful, are not severely narcissistic, mean, heartless, cruel, and disliked by many. appears her siblings got the memo. I would be quite embarrassed & ashamed If I were her parents. According to Dragonfly90 she looks incredible so no modesty needed.

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I’ve wondered the same thing. I’ve known a few people with BPD who do a full a full Jekyll and Hyde peronality switch depending on whether or not they’re on their meds. I had an old boss with BPD. When he was bad Jay, he could be brutally abusive and vindictive. In the course of a year I saw him bring three grown men to tears in the course of daily business. These weren’t wimpy guys. They were macho Wall Street trader types. We could tell the moment he walked into the office in the morning which Jay we were dealing with.


I don’t understand why you are lecturing me about Judge Judy, as I never brought her up.

I also dont get why you are lecturing me on NJ lower civil court as I was just saying “civil” as opposed to “criminal”.

Yeah, juries aren’t necessary but they are possible. Don’t get why the whole “necessary” distinction was crucial. It would also look bad at a bench trial of she is continuing to deliberately antagonize MB.

I didn’t bring up eviction paperwork either so I’m really not sure why you quoted my whole post and then made a numbered list of paragraph responses to things I didn’t bring up.


Anything LK posts about who owned the pink gun should be taken with a huge grain of salt.

We shall learn the truth during the trial.


Just the fact that LK continues to live on the property pretty much says all you need to know about what type of person she is.


Unless it does not go to trial for some reason. Then we will be debating the various possibilities here for all eternity.


according to many LK is crazy obsessed with MH. MH is beautiful, a way more skilled rider, kind demeanor, she is desired by the Olympic trainer LK so badly wanted extra attention from, she is not a squatter, no sign of narcissistic behavior, humble, etc. LK is green w/ envy and jealous of anyone showed attention she so feels self entitled too.


MH also has two beautiful children
something LK desperately wants, so I hear. MH had everything LK ever wanted but couldn’t buy. LK is an empty shell of a woman.


Dragonfly, LaLa poo or any other of the six personalities LK is under the disguise of. I answer to MH, MB, the defense team, detective on the case, and close friends to the real victims in this mess. I have every right to post, (LK) so frequently posts about (LK) under whatever fabricated disguise.

Try being tortured by a mentally unstable Monster for four years. Maybe you would change your tone. When given the OK I will quote some of the sick, mentally torturing cruel things this sociopath wrote to me, about me publicly etc. keep in mind the entire time she was torturing me I was trying to heal a 38 yro male who suffered a stroke .

I HAVE read your many posts sticking up for yourself. Remember “you can’t win a pissing fight w/ a d#&k” a quote from your deceased husband.Lk, Btw WTF was that? According to science I’m pretty sure that’s the only way to win. I’m surprised your dead horse did not show your deceased husband the light. This way he could be along side you posting how good you look. IMHO, you do look great, God Bless (remember that when whatever personality appears.)