Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

WORD, IMHO I think she survived her 10 gun shots because she had such a cold heart. I think it went in overdrive and froze until her dead horse showed her the light


Plus the only medication that I know is sometimes prescribed for a personality disorder (specifically BPD [Borderline Personality Disorder, not to be confused with Bipolar Disorder]) is lamotrigine.


she really said that? where did you see that?

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The only medication I know prescribed for any personality disorder (BPD) is lamotrigine.

Especially because of non-compliance on the part of the person being treated. I have been told that many go off medications for reasons such as they feel so good they assume they have been “cured”, or they don’t like the side effects of the medication, or the way it makes them feel.

It makes patients very, very difficult to treat. This is coming from a family member who is a psychiatric RN.




How about just the tiara and the bowl of shrimp cocktail? I’ll pass on the she-wee.


You neglected to mention the derail that had us all screaming (in print) for the Mods. :eek:

Thankfully Mod 1 came, saw, deleted, and banned.


MH while probably blameless in this psycho driven drama, on the surface, doesn’t have an admirable image. Dumped the property developer hub to get with MB took her 2 kids from a stable home to this crazy mess. She posted something a while back alluding to leaving comfort for adventure. How’s that feeling now MH not so fun? Also don’t know how she was viewed in the US scene but even gold medal young riders often don’t end up on National teams never mind Olympic ones.

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This is very true patients take meds for a couple weeks, start feeling grandiose, stop taking then have worse psychiatric symptoms . I think that’s the case because you can see in whatever personality appears.

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How many times was she shot? 14?


Barisone did not compete in Beijing correct ? He was a reserve. So the references to him as an Olympic rider are erroneous. One of my friends here went to London as a reserve but she doesn’t call herself an Olympic rider. Because she did not actually ride.


One thing is completely false, I was not LK’s saddle!!! No @#$#$% way!!!

I am very unusual and that made LK want me almost as much as she wanted MB, but I refused to let her even come close. Fortunately for me, I have watched Star Wars Episode IV, V, and VI many, many times (at least 30) and I have perfected the Jedi mind trick. So whenever LK went into the tack room and tried to pick me up, I used it on her and got her to go pick another saddle to put her grubby @$$ into.

Speaking of Star Wars, there are some mistakes in episode IV. When Luke and Han dress up a Stormtroopers and go into that control room, Luke used incorrect grammar when speaking with Han about whether or not Obi-Wan knew Leia was in the Death Star. Han was angry and complaining about Obi-Wan and then Luke said “but he didn’t knew she was here”. He should have said “KNOW” instead of “KNEW”.

LK is obsessed with anything that she thinks is unusual that other people want. So when you think about it, me as the Blue Saddle is not too different from the Tiara. Even though the Tiara with the diamonds in it is more valuable and beautiful than me, it is all about perception and what she thinks other people want. As for the diamonds in the
Tiara, they are round brilliants mostly because that helps to maximize the fire and brilliance of the gemstone. The dimensions of the one in the MB Tiara are not necessarily cut to idea proportions because if the diamond cutter makes the table slightly larger than the diamond will appear larger without sacrificing too much brilliance. Now if they were to go too far and have a very large table then the depth measurement would be off and the diamond would not have as much sparkle as it should. So it is a delicate balancing act. Sometimes too, with diamonds being priced by the carat, there is an advantage in looking for a 0.99 carat vs a 1.0 carat because the price is done by the carat. Also, MB was very smart in what he did because he also chose diamonds that were E through G color which have a warmer tone and cost less, but still have a good sparkle to them. Color that is considered better (i.e. D) sometimes appears cooler. The thing is, to the untrained eye it can be very difficult to tell the difference between D, E, F, and G color. of Course if you have access to a spectrophotometer the test won’t like (unlike LK). So one might as well get G color and save some money. It isn’t good t for for H, I, J, or down to M because the color would be easy to see. The color we’re talking about is yellowish which generally isn’t desireable.

A solid fancy color (rather than a simple tint) can be quite rare and expensive. For example, a 0.5 carat blue diamond can be easily be $50k or more depending on the clarity.

So that is another reason why LK was so obsessed with the tiara and tried all means to try to get it from MB and got mad when she saw MH wearing it. Not only is it a symbol of riding ability, but it is filled with beautiful and expensive gems. Since LK is a grifter (someone who likes to lie, cheat, and steal) she of course wanted to go for any valuable items she could find, like the tiara (with diamonds) and the farm itself.


I can’t believe I forgot about that. How about making that prize a morning cup of coffee followed at lunchtime by a tiara emoji and a bowl of shrimp cocktail?

@TheBlueSaddle, Thank you for that tutorial—man, the things I’m learning on this thread.

Personally, I’d rather have the farm.

What’s the saying? Something like “Land! It’s not like they are making more of it”!

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Who got banned? I missed that.

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^ ^ ^ Here was Moderator 1’s response to our deluge of post flagging and PMs.

A new poster with serious issues.

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That was Will Rogers.

“Buy land. They ain’t making any more of the stuff.”

He also said something that fits this thread, "Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.”


That’s how crazy the thread is- I had forgotten all about it in the midst of everything else!

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